Android/iOS/Browser games


Golden Squire
That makes no damned sense. I've still got 17 spots left.

Edit: I added you earlier, you accepted. If you're trying to add me again, then, well, I guess it makes sense that it would kick it back to you.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
And whoever is Tulo that added me from here let me ask you something. Do you even lift bro? lol
That was me. Holy moley do these sprites get all kinds of crazy looking. Still need to find myself like 100 more spikey pieces of armor!

Do you guys just use your gems as you get em or are there special events I should save em for?


Mr. Poopybutthole
The amount of loading that game does is obscene. And it also wants to connect to about every single account I could possibly have.

Is this game really worthwhile? Because so far it's just annoying the shit out of me.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I didn't find it that fun, but I didn't really like P&D either. So I didn't feel that it was worth it. On top of some of the annoying things, I was just bored, and I didn't feel it really hit that pick up and put down quickly type of game.

Catch 22 I suppose. Most quick pick up/put down games, are not that in depth, and I don't find them all that fun. A game with more depth, and possibly fun that I would like isn't so pick up/put down.


<WoW Guild Officer>
The amount of loading that game does is obscene. And it also wants to connect to about every single account I could possibly have.

Is this game really worthwhile? Because so far it's just annoying the shit out of me.
Holy shit. Facebook and Google accounts and it prompts me for my Google account every fucking time.


Use your Facebook account to sync it and just ignore the Google one. I am not sure how long it takes but it eventually stops asking you (IIRC it only asked me for my G+ account once when it was patched.


Golden Squire
Yeah, I haven't had to answer that in a while. And even then it was like 2 extra seconds to tell it "nope" and move on.

As far as gems go, for a while there I used them to do a pull as soon as I had 5 of them. It's actually pretty useful to hoard until a pull event (just like P&D) because otherwise you run the risk of pulling a 3* or 4* that you can actually get for free or as a 2* during an honor pull. Good times to do a pull are usually within 1-2 days a new set release or when advertised. Just recently they had an event where the new units getting a 6* evolution had a higher rate. My luck sucks hard core so I never benefit when these things happen. New set came out yesterday and I did a couple of pulls from hoarded gems and got a unit I already had (though he's a beast) and one from the last set. The other thing you'll want to do with gems is expand your unit count and item count. You start with 50 spots but it won't be enough once you get far enough along to do 4* and 5* evolutions. 100 item slots will also fill up once you're in the mid game.

There's not so much a learning curve in this game as I think P&D has but it would be a mistake to think that you can just brute your way through everything. The basic game is straight forward but there's a good amount of meta-game to dive into. And they're constantly adding stuff, about once a month.

My only worry is that they won't balance events out to allow new people a chance to catch up. They did good with the recent run on Elemental Heroes (dungeons where you had a chance to catch a free unit for a limited time) but paled in comparison to the first time the event came around and each dungeon was up for a week as opposed two days this time around. They did a run recently for units called Battle Maidens which are extremely solid units for being free but there's no indication that they'll be back any time soon. Their most recent other event was a 100-level tower that... the "boss" would show up randomly on each 10-room level, sometimes not at all, and from floor 71-100 unless you could down him in 2-3 turns (possible with a team focused on crits), at around 40% health he would basically one-shot your team. I finished the tower mostly by luck.

At any rate, I find this game to be a good time waster, not as brain intense as P&D but still challenging in its own right. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to catch a lightning pot from the tuesday dungeon.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I haven't spent a dime in PAD and if I was a better/more dedicated player I'd be able to handle everything in the game with my monsters. But I'm like a year in.

Speaking of PAD type games: Gameloft recently released Dungeon Gems. Different puzzle but same game mechanics with the machines and gems etc. And teams/leaders/friends. Seems decent. I like the puzzle mechanic, but it's not as deep/skill-based as PAD. Seems to have a lot of event dungeons running. Lots of loading screens and somewhat clunky interface sometimes. Hangs up a bit when scrolling etc(on my 1st gen Nexus 7)

Few other Android games I've tried in the "Holy Shit PAD made a billion dollars, we should get on that train!" genre...

Linezeta: Different puzzle and a couple unique mechanics, but it's a blatant rip. Instead of monsters etc you have mechs, but early on every single one has a very obvious counterpart in PAD. Color, skill, levels, everything is straight copied over from PAD. Same for the dungeons, exact copies just with their version of the monsters. It's not bad, but as with most of them the puzzle part isn't as deep/skill-based. Bit more twitchy.

Tower of Saviors: I think this was the first of the big budget clones for PAD. Same exact puzzle mechanic but monsters/skills/dungeons are different. Bunch of unique mechanics. This game got huge in China before PAD released there. Pretty good game in it's own right and it's well supported with lots of updates and events.

Puzzle Trooper: Same puzzle mechanic. But unlike PAD you mostly want to get the biggest chunk of orbs rather than more combos. Makes it play a bit different. Can probably tell by the name it's more military themed. Cartoony though. Not bad.

Dragon Coins: Sega game(no Sonic or anything though=P), the "puzzle" is a coin pusher so it's wildly different there. This one tries to push IAP harder than the rest and the actual "game" is way more random and barely involves any skill. It's shitpoop.

Slash of the Dragoon: Game part is way different. The game throws some shapes up from the bottom of the screen and you have a couple seconds to "slash" them length-wise before they fall back. Monsters attack based on the colors of the shapes. Very twitchy. Didn't really hold my interest, but I could see some folks liking it for the game mechanic. Monster evo/enhance/roll etc is like the rest.


Mr. Poopybutthole
There any kinds of newbie guides for Brave Frontier? I basically have no idea what units are worth a crap. Essentially I get one, google "brave frontier xxx any good" where xxx is the unit, and hope something comes up.


<Gold Donor>
Ive been playing around withHonor Bounda bit. Its pretty cool, turn based RPG lite where you level up your units, capture new ones go through dungeons, PvP...etc...


There any kinds of newbie guides for Brave Frontier? I basically have no idea what units are worth a crap. Essentially I get one, google "brave frontier xxx any good" where xxx is the unit, and hope something comes up.
Brave Frontier Wikifor general info.

A nice key thing to remember is when you are at your home screen (where it shows your current squad, Quest, etc) and press and hold the top part of your stats. When you do this, it tells you how much Exp you have until you level. When you are getting close to getting a new level, use your metal keys to level and the last time so that your energy refills and you can do it again. Each metal parade gives you 1k exp so if you have 45-59 energy use your key when you are between 2-3k left in your level to essentially double the times you can run each parade per key. I figured this out later from just playing and it helped A LOT.

Unit Tier List - Light : bravefrontier
Unit Tier List - Dark : bravefrontier
Unit Tier List - Earth : bravefrontier
Unit Tier List - Water : bravefrontier
Unit Tier List - Fire : bravefrontier
Unit Tier List - Lightning : bravefrontier

The tier lists were submitted 3 months ago but I do know that Sir Sancus Xenon was only added recently so it is fairly up to date. If anything, its a good place to get an idea on where to start.

From what I have heard Oracle(REC) type units are shit, Anima(HP), and Lord(Balanced) types are good in the beginning, Guardian(DEF) units are good for late game, and Breakers(ATK) are good all around.


Golden Squire
Oracle types recently got fixed so they're not complete shit but they are still subpar for just about everything. The link I posted above to the App Invasion forum has a lot of good information but there's some good info in the subreddit as well.


Lord Nagafen Raider
In Brave Frontier I'm Bob Hope, ID #61328998 I run a pure red team so a lvl 100 holy flame vargas is pretty much what I keep up right now for a leader.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I also play Brave Frontier and what started as a, "Meh, Ill try it while sitting on the shitter" has turned into a, "WTF energy! Hurry up and regen! (I spent $20 on gems to start to show my support for the devs but then I can only get the free ones now". For those who are looking for a fun time waster that mixes pokemon with Final Fantasy, it is deff the way to go. With that said, anyone know what the "Raid Battle" entails and what it means by "Coming Soon" AKA its been months.

Oh feel free to add me: 73787594
I think I'm on day 3 of playing this, and I feel like I'm getting to that point. The first day I was thinking the game sucked and it wasn't really drawing me in. But I'm getting hooked.

Rolled a Lira yesterday and so I've been using it as my leader now. My team is still kind of a hodge-podge of units at the moment though (Lira, Eze, Leore, Mimir, and Liza). I feel like fusing units is crazy expensive. I'm pretty much perma-broke.


Trakanon Raider
I've been playing Fargoal, it's a 3rd person dungeon crawler with fog of war... there is no gems or in app purchases. There is no hand holding and you will die.
there are traps, weapons, spells, hidden areas, and mobs to kill with no real instruction manual.
oh and if you play on normal.. you get just 1 life
don't die! (of course you can start over if you die, but that char that's dead.. he's gone lol)

There is "Sword of Fargoal" and "Sword of Fargoal Legends"
I've just been playing the regular "Sword of Fargoal" but i may break down and buy legends.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Late to the party... but are the Plants vs Zombies games pretty easy to pick up / set down in short 5 minute blasts? Obviously it's a hugely popular franchise, but I just never played any of them.


Trakanon Raider
Late to the party... but are the Plants vs Zombies games pretty easy to pick up / set down in short 5 minute blasts? Obviously it's a hugely popular franchise, but I just never played any of them.
I enjoy them, i liked the first more cause of less micro transactions. I've finished all of the 2nd one as well but i did not buy anything from the transactions... but they really seem to push it. Overall, good quick game to play, takes about 5 to 10 min per level so you can do one pretty quick.