Answer the question above you, no matter what it is

The Nozz_sl

Final Fantasy VIII or a game that connects the Megaman series to the Megaman X series.

If you could own any classic car, what would it be?


A 1967 L88 Corvette

What would be the most favorable way to die?
Having an orgasm from oral sex, while eating chocolate ice cream.

Save the President or save your Mother (Or Father, if your Mother is not available for this imaginary hostage situation)?


Goonsquad Officer
<Bronze Donator>
At a cocaine fuelled BDSM orgy with all the Victoria's Secret models.

If you were to attend said orgy, which of the Victoria's Secret models would you to be the one that caused your heart to fail?


Riddle me this...
Rime question: Save my mom, sorry Obama but fuck you.
aaron question:Miranda Kerr, chick looks awesome without a fuck ton of makeup

Whats a job you would like to do or career you wished you had started?


Prop- or set- builder or something in that area, I've always liked finding good solutions and carpentry has fascinated me for a long time. I'm starting to hate retail.

Manual labor around the house (lawn-mowing, snow-shoveling etc.), just a chore?

9th Otaku_sl

Prop- or set- builder or something in that area, I've always liked finding good solutions and carpentry has fascinated me for a long time. I'm starting to hate retail.

Manual labor around the house (lawn-mowing, snow-shoveling etc.), just a chore?
Not sure what your asking, so I'm going to say yes.

If you were forced into the military which of the following jobs would you want? Infantry, Tank Gunner/Driver, Fighter Pilot, Ground Crew at an base near enemy lines, or Espionage/Counter Intelligence Ops deep inside enemy territory
Infantry for sure out of those options. If I had a choice out of anything military, navy seal would be it. Those guys get whatever they want to play with and the best missions.

Biggie or 2-pac?



Who is your favorite music artist turned actor?
I'll go with Will Smith. I'm a fan of rap, never liked his, but he's had some pretty amazing movie moments. Crying his eyes out, choking out his dog in I Am Legend was some amazing acting, especially as it was done with almost no dialogue.

Totally serious change in topic. Multiple way question: In the CoD mission "No Russian" did you skip it, do it but not shoot anyone, or mow the place down? And if you were spraying, did some part of you secretly enjoy it and try to do a good job?


I'll go with Will Smith. I'm a fan of rap, never liked his, but he's had some pretty amazing movie moments. Crying his eyes out, choking out his dog in I Am Legend was some amazing acting, especially as it was done with almost no dialogue.

Totally serious change in topic. Multiple way question: In the CoD mission "No Russian" did you skip it, do it but not shoot anyone, or mow the place down? And if you were spraying, did some part of you secretly enjoy it and try to do a good job?
I did a fucking excellent job of mowing down those people. It's a game. I enjoyed the fuck out of it. 10/10 will play again.

What is the neatest, non-game app on your phone that you downloaded yourself, and what does it do?


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
download blazer. It downloads my pron for me. Second is torque, it connects via bluetooth to an OBDC connection I can plug into any car and see trouble codes and performance data dn shit like that. Actually considering paying to upgrade that one.

Have you ever made anything you're proud of?


download blazer. It downloads my pron for me. Second is torque, it connects via bluetooth to an OBDC connection I can plug into any car and see trouble codes and performance data dn shit like that. Actually considering paying to upgrade that one.

Have you ever made anything you're proud of?
Would "my kids" be an acceptable answer? If that's too cornball, then every tower I ever put together. I would always make a point to completely lay out every piece in a highly clean and structured order, grab the case, and begin. I'm a slob, but with these I was a neat freak.

On that subject, most amazing gaming desktop on Earth, or the most amazing gaming laptop? Keep in mind in terms of specs the desktop will be better, but with the laptop you get portability.

9th Otaku_sl

Would "my kids" be an acceptable answer? If that's too cornball, then every tower I ever put together. I would always make a point to completely lay out every piece in a highly clean and structured order, grab the case, and begin. I'm a slob, but with these I was a neat freak.

On that subject, most amazing gaming desktop on Earth, or the most amazing gaming laptop? Keep in mind in terms of specs the desktop will be better, but with the laptop you get portability.
Laptop, can't be bothered to stay in one place and I still LAN often enough with my peeps from high school.

Skydiving or Bungee Jumping?


Skydiving! I went a year ago and it was awesome. Flying towards the Earth at crazy speeds beats the eventual minutes of hanging upside down that bungee jumping offers.
What is the worst injury you can imagine that does not involve losing a body part or losing your life?

9th Otaku_sl

Skydiving! I went a year ago and it was awesome. Flying towards the Earth at crazy speeds beats the eventual minutes of hanging upside down that bungee jumping offers.
What is the worst injury you can imagine that does not involve losing a body part or losing your life?
3rd Degree burns over the majority of your body, specifically just enough that with medical help you won't die.

Have you ever had a near-death experience?


Goonsquad Officer
<Bronze Donator>
Unfortunately not, but I wouldn't mind having one (as long as I didn't die!)

Legalise one currently illegal substance and criminalise one currently legal substance. Which would you choose?


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
Legalize is easy, marijuanna. I can't think of anything I wanna outlaw though, so I'll cop out and outlaw career politicians.

Pretend you're talking to an alien. What's all this christmas stuff about?


Legalize is easy, marijuanna. I can't think of anything I wanna outlaw though, so I'll cop out and outlaw career politicians.

Pretend you're talking to an alien. What's all this christmas stuff about?
A collection of religious beliefs that has been co-opted and taken over by Christians. It started out as a religious holiday, to honor what they perceive as the birth of their spiritual savior. In recent decades, it has become more and more commercialized, until it is a major driving force for the winter economies of most countries where it is heavily celebrated.

What are the best and then the worst presents you have given someone?

9th Otaku_sl

Yay, I wasn't the one who broke the thread this time! I find it funny, out of all the questions asked, that the above question was what broke the thread. We freely admit if we would have sex with a tranny or not but giving a bad gift? No one wants to answer that shit.

I'm broke all the time, so I seldom give gifts, and I've never to my knowledge given a bad one. The best was a gyro operated screwdriver to my father who's a handyman in his old person development.

Since we're closing in on it, does anyone have any New Year's Resolutions? If you don't believe in making one, tell us why instead.