Answer the question above you, no matter what it is


Dental Dammer
Neither, I'm still steaming over the cowboys 2 point loss last weekend.

Who is the most fucked up member of your family?
My brother, been in Prison multiple times.

Why are American's always insisting that they are Irish, Italian, whatever, when they were are third+ generation Americans and have never been to these countries or can even point them out on a map? No one else in the world does this and its stupid!


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
My brother, been in Prison multiple times.

Why are American's always insisting that they are Irish, Italian, whatever, when they were are third+ generation Americans and have never been to these countries or can even point them out on a map? No one else in the world does this and its stupid!
This is a really interesting question and one that I've been asked several times, as I've spent time abroad. Without going into great detail, I think the biggest reason is that simply saying "American" is an extremely vague term. What does "American" mean, anyway? I'm a white, middle class guy and I'm "American", but so is Spanish-speaking Jose cooking your burgers at Ruby Tuesday, and Sanjay Guthrup who runs the corner Quick E Mart is also "American".

On the contrary, most other nationalities also include well-established (maybe even stereotypical, whether right or not) ethnic and cultural aspects in them. For example, if someone says "I'm Russian", you immediately assume he speaks Russian, is almost certainly white, and probably Orthodox-Christian. Saying "I'm American" doesn't provide you with any of that information, because I could be black, white, Asian, etc., any religion, and speak almost any language. Therefore, I think most Americans find it useful to be more specific as to whatkindof American we are. If I say "I'm Italian-American", then now you know I'm almost certainly white, Catholic, and have a large family.

Question: How much do you hate it when you open holiday envelopes/cards and sprinkles and other stupid shit fall out all over the place?


Blackwing Lair Raider
P.S. it also helps when being racist.

Answer: Fucking awful, I open some cards and it looks like I'm about to go on stage at Scores.

Question: If you could travel back in time, but you were black (assuming you aren't), what time would you go back to and why?


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
P.S. it also helps when being racist.

Answer: Fucking awful, I open some cards and it looks like I'm about to go on stage at Scores.

Question: If you could travel back in time, but you were black (assuming you aren't), what time would you go back to and why?
A:Like, yesterday. Fuck being black any further back. Unless I get to be some kind of king or some shit, and that wasn't specified. So If I have to be a normal dude except black I am not going very far back.

Q:Did you ever see your dad's penis when you were growing up?


<Prior Amod>
Yes, I went to the doctor once with him when he had to get a shot in his ass. I don't really remember it but I'm told I asked the nurse if she liked seeing my dads pp. I was an awesome kid.

What do you do when you get hungry but literally everything you think of to eat sounds awful.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
Yes, I went to the doctor once with him when he had to get a shot in his ass. I don't really remember it but I'm told I asked the nurse if she liked seeing my dads pp. I was an awesome kid.

What do you do when you get hungry but literally everything you think of to eat sounds awful.
Is that a thing? I can't say I've ever experienced that.

Q: Icee or Slurpee?


Goonsquad Officer
<Bronze Donator>
I don't drink alcohol, but if I did it would be Absinthe because I'd like to see the Absinthe fairy!

Who would you rather date, a woman with an average face and amazing tits, or a woman with average tits and an amazing face, all things else being equal?


Got something right about marriage
Amazing face and average tits. Tits are a novelty that wears off rather quickly and those amazing tits might be saggy messes in 10 years.

If you had to pick one drug that you could do legally and free for the rest of your life but you had to give up everything else what would it be?


Blackwing Lair Raider
Mainlining Morphine.

In the same vein as Aaron, who would you date, perfect ass saggy tits, or dumpy ass perfect tits?


Blackwing Lair Raider
I would kill a stranger.

Q: you are at the beach with your family and get stung on the back of the neck by a jellyfish. Which family memeber do you get to piss on it or do you suck it up and deal with the pain?


Avatar of War Slayer
Thin privilege is fitting into pedal cars at 20+ years old.

How many sluts would a woodchuck fuck if a woodchuck could fuck sluts?


Avatar of War Slayer
7th grade. Had to take HomeEc and I am glad I did. Teacher was in her late 20's. Women were becoming the most awesome creatures on earth. I think she was the reason I like big boobs. Always wore enough to keep it PG, but showed enough to make me look forward to the class every fucking day. It was horrible when HomeEc ended after the semester and I had to do woodshop. That fat bearded man was not a good replacement.

Would you name your first born an outrageous Ethnic name for $100,000k?


Golden Knight of the Realm
what's the worst side effect you've ever experienced from a drug (legal or not)?
The only drug I take is xanax when I fly, but I generally get real fucking wasted. Like blackout high.Frequently when this happens, time slows down (or disappears) for me, and I might find myself spending a few seconds contemplating an electrical outlet at an airport charging station when I've actually been staring blankly at it for almost an hour. The main side effect of these blackouts, I shit you not, is that I find and purchase chocolate chip cookies in the airport. Without fail. I don't end up eating them half the time, either. I'll just be unpacking at our destination and ask my wife, "Where'd these cookies come from?" and she'll say "Where do you think?" and I'll know that they're layover airport cookies.

Since it didn't get answered before due to competing questions: How many more blowjobs do you think you'll get before you die?