Any hope for this painting?


Vyemm Raider
I've commissioned a few digital art pieces, and what I've found is that when the coloring starts, it's pretty impossible to tell how the piece is going to end up. Usually, my artist of choice will just send me the linework and then the finished product, because the linework looks like a "complete" drawing but things can still be changed.

I imagine commissioning paintings is a completely different ball game, as there is no linework to approve before the coloring starts. Genjiro Genjiro definitely seems to know what he's talking about so I think you should continue to defer to his expertise. While it's true that there are some artists out there that are capable of doing anything in any style, you can't expect that from an artist who doesn't have a portfolio in the style you're commissioning. That's why seeing a portfolio is so important.
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My main problem with the new painting at this point is the strange face Thor is doing in the source material. If I was the one commissioning the painting I would have said : "this, but without the dumb face."


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Since its Halloween and all and this thread is about art. Here's an acrylic painting I did for a Halloween art show where the theme was to submit works based around the silver age of horror movies. Did a lil mashup of something that would resemble one of those old horror movie posters. Had less than a week to finish it and its pretty big at 48x60 so I kept it pretty simple. Acrylic. Planning on giving it a little touch up and some varnish eventually. Should prolly sign it at some point too lol.

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Aychamo BanBan

Since its Halloween and all and this thread is about art. Here's an acrylic painting I did for a Halloween art show where the theme was to submit works based around the silver age of horror movies. Did a lil mashup of something that would resemble one of those old horror movie posters. Had less than a week to finish it and its pretty big at 48x60 so I kept it pretty simple. Acrylic. Planning on giving it a little touch up and some varnish eventually. Should prolly sign it at some point too lol.

View attachment 314096

I love it. Would hang that up all day long!!
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Silver Baron of the Realm
The update is looking good but I've got to ask, why cut off the hammer and his shoulder? It looks like a thumbnail crop brought to life.


> Than U
Has anyone ever sold art instead of buying it? What was the best way to do it?
The kind I have is framed numbered signed with certificates. Ranging from $100-$1500 on places like ebay.
I just got a damn ton of framed paintings dumped on me by family who said to do with as I please as they sold their house and going Rving for their final days.
My walls already look cluttered with paintings as it is.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Has anyone ever sold art instead of buying it? What was the best way to do it?
The kind I have is framed numbered signed with certificates. Ranging from $100-$1500 on places like ebay.
I just got a damn ton of framed paintings dumped on me by family who said to do with as I please as they sold their house and going Rving for their final days.
My walls already look cluttered with paintings as it is.

I have friends that travel to all the art shows in Florida, sometimes northern states as well. They make a decent living doing it, but you need a tent, displays, etc.


AssHat Taint
<Medals Crew>
Don't do it at outdoor, crafty type art shows. It's a rotten way to go. Huge amounts of work, very few sales. Find a small art gallery in the town you live in, and have them display and sell a few at a time. They'll take a small commission, but you don't have to deal with people, and you have a lot better chance of getting what the art is worth.
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Aychamo BanBan

In my city, the hipster restaurants and coffee shops will display local art that’s on sale. I’m sure they take a small %. (It’s also how I found some badass local art)


Potato del Grande
How much money per percentage of Mjolnir did you pay? I hope not much. Why is the handle curved?

Owait, is that Stormbreaker? Can't even tell haha. Handle still shouldn't be curved?