Aradune Returns to EQ aka the EQ Nostalgia thread


We had a rapper in our guild that created 2 guild songs, I created this video using both songs a long ass time ago. The video is really old and kinda bad. It is mainly our guild roster which nobody will care about, but imo the songs are still pretty badass
I'm surprised and impressed. Heard too many awful MMO songs over the years but those two were actually worth listening to.



Bronze Knight of the Realm

Since we're on the topic of EQ songs, here's one. My memory is a bit more hazy surrounding the events of it, I wasn't involved in higher end raiding during velious, so maybe Soy or Tima have better info on it, but I know it was a smash hit for Prexus lol


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>

Since we're on the topic of EQ songs, here's one. My memory is a bit more hazy surrounding the events of it, I wasn't involved in higher end raiding during velious, so maybe Soy or Tima have better info on it, but I know it was a smash hit for Prexus lol
Pulling Dain using the warp technique would sometimes despawn him if you fucked it up. DD despawned him a few times when they were trying to get into the rotation(which was heavily skewed toward keeping only the top guilds on the rotation). Thank god the server went FCFS shortly thereafter. Rotations made the end game so boring.

Also that is Penrod's beautiful voice on that Dain video.


Hello everyone,

Ajjantis here. I used to play a Druid on Solusek Ro, some might remember me. I started playing on Sol Ro in November 1999. I was part of Midnight, later Blood of Ro and Evolutia. Damn, these kinds of threads bring some nostalgic moments back. Ive read lots of familiar names and stories here. I made a facebook group which some old Sol ro members have joined. We also got quite some neat pictures and would be happy if any other ex-players could upload theirs too. Please come and join the group and share your pictures and stories with the rest of us:

Also nice to see that some people are still around. After ive quit EQ1 i started playing EQ2 full time on Nagafen. I stopped playing hardcore nowdays, i just log in to say hello and live in old memories. Hoping EQNext will bring back that feeling ive once had while playing EQ1.


Hello everyone,

Ajjantis here. I used to play a Druid on Solusek Ro, some might remember me. I started playing on Sol Ro in November 1999. I was part of Midnight, later Blood of Ro and Evolutia. Damn, these kinds of threads bring some nostalgic moments back. Ive read lots of familiar names and stories here. I made a facebook group which some old Sol ro members have joined. We also got quite some neat pictures and would be happy if any other ex-players could upload theirs too. Please come and join the group and share your pictures and stories with the rest of us:

Also nice to see that some people are still around. After ive quit EQ1 i started playing EQ2 full time on Nagafen. I stopped playing hardcore nowdays, i just log in to say hello and live in old memories. Hoping EQNext will bring back that feeling ive once had while playing EQ1.
my bro ajjantis


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Mortalis was on top from server launch till after I had quit, then Darkwind took over when Mortalis folded. I think DW may even still be going, not sure. DW and us had reasonably good relations though, we were usually one or two steps ahead in progression so conflicts were pretty rare. It heated up slightly when they got access to VT, but we could clear it so fast it didn't really make much difference to us.

And hah yes, Justice Divine, that was the one. They were fucking awful, I think it was them I watched trying to break Fear. Epic lols.
Late post... I only recently registered.

I was in Darkwind from late Velious through GoD. Mortalis vs DW was the only real drama. AoW spawn fights, DW waking Sleeper to cockblock Mortalis, etc. The ONLY time Mortalis was ahead of DW was during Luclin when you guys had some crazy number of school kids / unemployed killing Emp Ssra during the morning - afternoons before anyone else was home from work. This led to the DWaRF (Darkwind and Raging Fury) combined raids to beat your early numbers. There was a particular DW vs Mortalis event in VT where we raced each other in the zone through a differerent level (or wing whatever the fuck it was) and DW won. It was soon after that Mortalis left for VS server because they didnt want to compete any longer.

*edit* There was also the lasting impression Mortalis was a zerg force, and hell, there was a GU Comic of Mortalis killing AoW with the AoW drowning in bodies at one point.

Darkwind certainly had some huge accomplisments in their day. They had dozens of members with BoTB individual and group titles, had a couple worldwide firsts in Luclin and were worldwide #3 behind AL and TR to kill Rathe Council and enter PoTime.

Justice Divine were indeed the running joke of the server. I remember after an NToV raid, heading into the noobie wing to watch DJ wipe repeatedly on scrub mobs. Who was their member who used to leave corpses all over the god damn world?

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Hello everyone,

Ajjantis here. I used to play a Druid on Solusek Ro, some might remember me. I started playing on Sol Ro in November 1999. I was part of Midnight, later Blood of Ro and Evolutia. Damn, these kinds of threads bring some nostalgic moments back. Ive read lots of familiar names and stories here. I made a facebook group which some old Sol ro members have joined. We also got quite some neat pictures and would be happy if any other ex-players could upload theirs too. Please come and join the group and share your pictures and stories with the rest of us:

Also nice to see that some people are still around. After ive quit EQ1 i started playing EQ2 full time on Nagafen. I stopped playing hardcore nowdays, i just log in to say hello and live in old memories. Hoping EQNext will bring back that feeling ive once had while playing EQ1.
Any odisea members die of aids that you know of?


Any odisea members die of aids that you know of?
Ive never had anything to do with Odysea. Wasnt Segismundo, the dwarfen cleric, their guildleader? I once had an incident with him in plane of hate and since that day we didnt get along really well. But no hard feelings in the end tho. No clue about odysea at all.


Not Great, Not Terrible
<Bronze Donator>
Any odisea members die of aids that you know of?
I hated that guild. Used to charm those big elementals in that big plane tower, pop frenzy AA and zone out next to their groups. They'd pull it and get assraped. Hated that german guild too, I can't remember the name, we just called them the HUHU's.

Those two guilds made me racist against Euros.