Aradune Returns to EQ aka the EQ Nostalgia thread


Wasn't most of that stuff already added in that dragon people expansion several years ago? I feel like pretty much everything on the original EQ map is in-game at this point in some form or another.

I thought Brad was alluding to game systems when he said "areas" and not actual zones.
They never really went north. Permafrost is as north as they have gone but "The Northlands" is more north than that. The Frigid Plain I think is in between Icefall Glacier and Ashengate.

They also skipped over The Wayunder Lake I believe. Unless that's an instance or something now. Did they ever do anything near The Dead Hills on the SW side of Antonica?

The Edge

Lord Nagafen Raider
Depending on how far back he's talking, I'd be interested in seeing Luclin's Tower that was originally supposed to be the final zone of SoL. Or maybe adding that 8th floor in ToFS.

Added clearer map with more continents.


Trakanon Raider
Didn't they say at one point that 100's of quests have never been found or solved? I would like to hear Brad tell more EQ stories that should've been. May shed some light to some of the mobs, items, objects to the game that never added up.

They should let him do a classic server the way he in visioned it. I still have the 1998(?) PCGamer magazine that has his interviewed that originally sparked my interest in the game that spoke of houses and guild halls.

Side note... Was Brad around for Ssreru? Or maybe it was the Lightbringer sword. I have a faint memory of that being a major rumor mill item.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Funny because Blizzard has done this since the beginning. You'd think the people over there in charge of making WoW would have realized what a shit thing it is to do. But now it's even worse than back in EQ. When you buy a WoW expansion you're not getting 60% of the game.
Blizzard has it's faults. But one of them is not releasing an expansion and saying that something is in the game when it isn't. The faults early on in Vanilla were split raid lock outs with Molten Core and a lot of infrastructure hurdles and server crashes. As far as I know (I might be wrong on this as it's been a while) they were also the first ones to actually credit time back to paying players. I have been credited over a month's play due to server glitches on Mal'Ganis. Again, not saying they do not have their issues. Content comes very slow for the money they turn around, and there are some pretty bone headed design flaws. But I have never seen them admit something is in the game when it isn't. Nor have I seen them release an expansion with entire content missing or unitemized loot tables, art pieces missing from monsters causing them to be naked humans, and then outright lying to their playerbase as to why it is like that.

This was par for the course, and this business model perpetuates still today because of this type of start. Some companies saw a great business venture on a new level. Sell content now and finish it later banking on players not leveling to the point where they can reach it yet. If they do, throw in a progressing stopping bug based on flagging/keying and make something up until one can get enough resources on it to finish it.

What I did appreciate about the original everquest was a commitment to back stories. Which made the world something you could invest in.

They followed that up with Kunark and Vellious but it started to fall apart in Luclin.
Yeah I would blame this on lack of preplanning but really no ones fault. EQ's success did surprise everyone, as did WoW's. They had Kunark and Velious tee'd up and thought out when they launched Vanilla. You can tell it hit the skids after Velious simply because they hadn't thought out that far and needed to make things up on the fly. It didn't help that EQ really didn't have a back story before it was created - so that isn't really the fault of Brad or anyone. WoW had 14 years of history through it's RTS games and a set up to last and pull from quite easily from a lore perspective.

Either way, Brad can be commended for making the MMORPG genre mainstream and cost effective for consumers to enter. But as far as the actual game itself, players made the playstyles and developers just went along with it, which then really made the magic happen. If anyone is a genius, I would say it's the players for finding ways to get around broken systems which then turned into gameplay techniques. That's something pretty damn cool you don't see anymore in predestined / canned design that has entered the gameplay arena where you play the way developers intended, and any stray off that path yanks you right back to where they want you to be. It's something that is one in a million, and by complete accident which then turned into gameplay mechanics. It would be hard to replicate that if one tried.

The Edge

Lord Nagafen Raider
I always wanted to see the Plane of War.
There's a little pocket emu floating around that let's you run around Plane of War. The zone is mostly finished, just not populated or anything. I heard they didn't finish it in time, and it had some collision issues, so it never got implemented. The stone is still there in PoP, however.


privileged excrementlord
Yeah, I remember seeing pictures/video a long time ago. Let me clarify, I would've liked to see the Plane of War finished/implemented with whatever Vallon vs. Tallon war dynamic that was rumored.


I think Brad will do well in this role. I hope that converting the game over to the Forge Light engine is one of the projects they get to kick off.

Modern EQ is fun, but it strikes me as a loose collection of four to six different mmo's tied together. Maybe Brad can help steer the game back towards its DikuMUD roots.


Just a Nurse
^ Map of Everquest always scared me of venturing in waters. Always afraid of being eaten by sharks.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
It sucks that they never went through with the zone. At 2:20 in the video you can see Rallos Zek's orignal spawn point



Blackwing Lair Raider
Why they decided to scrap that zone I'll never know. How long was it before FoH downed Rallos?