Aradune Returns to EQ aka the EQ Nostalgia thread


Karazhan Raider
I've always wondered, did they change P1 significantly after his rant? Like could you really only zone into one P1 area at a time back then? I didn't get to time until after GoD came out so I dunno how much it changed from when he was doing it to my experience.


Musty Nester
From what I remember they eventually did. But it easily went past his 14 days.

The 14 days rant is a work of fucking art for so many reasons. It's the perfect expression of what made EQ so great at the time. It is the good, bad, ugly, self absorbed, delusional, hillarious... it was just the perfect capstone.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
All I remember about PoP is a necromancer outbidding me for the first Wand of Impenetrable Force to drop. He then announced after the raid he was going on deployment for 6 months.


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
Must... see... the rest... of that rant....
Dunno if this link will work for everyone but Google has it cached.



Molten Core Raider
i keep hearing people say "the game mechanics that made EQ so addictive wouldn't work today." why the fuck not?
Because WoW's existence makes the game once nicknamed 'EverCrack' suddenly terrible, obviously.

I'm not the deluded one for thinking an EQ1 classic clone would be viable; the deluded ones are the people who think WoW's success was entirely due to gameplay.

As I mentioned earlier, I still play classic EQ in the form of p99 and eqmac, because I don't mind dozen hour camps when I'm AFK most of the time when I do them. EQ isn't an arcade game like WoW-- there are periods of time where you have to find something else to do while the game is running. THIS IS NOT A BAD THING, it's just different. I just started playing EVE again as well and that game is full of AFKing/waiting too. Is EVE a terrible game? No.

The only way to make an item valuable is to require a time sink of some sort to obtain it. Otherwise you either have butcherblock hammers that only some idiot newb gets, or you have items everybody gets. There is no getting around this. At best developers can try to make the repetitive grind/farm as fun as possible, or they can allow the time sink to flow while offline/afk. EQ1 just requires my attention for 2 minutes every half hour for most of the 'bad' camps. (fuck the goblin gazughi ring camp though. I hated life after that)

This is not to say that EQ is nothing but waiting. Quite the contrary, camping items like paws is the exception rather than the rule. When my buddies and I were leveling up on the p99 red server during the level race, the pace was so frantic that I barely had time to take a bathroom break without slowing the group down. If you know what you are doing, there is very little downtime when grinding in that game most of the time. A large part of the 'skill' of the game is in fact reducing downtime; which I consider to be a very healthy thing as it rewards players for playing better and adds another dimension of complexity to the game.

I think classic EQ and EVE share a problem in that the games only really start to shine once you find a group of like-minded players to share the experience with. I still played p99 solo, but quad kiting doesn't compare to getting that BBC in a befallen dungeon crawl on a 4 day old server with friends of yours and watching your tank wreck shit with it. I would guess that people who criticize EQ harshly probably never found a clique to belong in.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I really wish I could find a screenshot of some of the dev quotes from way back then when they'd post on fan sites. I mean just pure gold half the time. There was no censorship of thought back then either. I'm sure I'm misquoting but I remember Milo talking about how we should all stop bitching and just keep paying for his ferrari etc...
Hey Milo..are you going to talk about EQ or are you going to act smart and talk about grammar all damn day. You are a pixel pusher, and having worked in the game industry for 6+ years I know your not talented enough to be such a condescending jerk.

The art in EQ is acceptable...that's it...nothing more and nothing less. Get off your high horse. You make me NOT want to support Verant any longer. Id had a guy like you working for them..Paul Steed...he got fired recently..lets hope Vertant follows suit.

Milo Says:
Is this a black thing?
The fuck?


Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
GoD wasn't "THE" reason people up and left, and to argue as if it was is laughable at best.
Yeah my guild was talking about bailing on EQ1 as soon as WoW was released back during PoP. While it certainly wasn't as bad as GoD by a damn stretch, people tend to forget the extent to which PoP tried people's patience as well.

Anomander Rake

Golden Knight of the Realm
Anybody go back and play mega man? I did (PSP maverick x or w/e the fuck it was called) and quickly deleted it after playing it for free on my vita. Starting over at the beginning of every level after death sucks, and it made me wonder why I played and beat mega man 1-3 on my nes after nearly breaking my tv and console numerous times.

Oh wait I dont wonder. I am 39 years old and get my sense of accomplishment from working on my house & running a business. I play games for fun, not to rub a cheese grater on my balls. It was fun back then because I didn't know any better and making games difficult was an artificial barrier to make them last longer than 2 hours. I could only have one game at a time, sometimes for months. Some of you people need to stop huffing the nostalgia fumes.


Trakanon Raider
Dunno if this link will work for everyone but Google has it cached.

Oh does stuff like this bring back memories. I can remember a time when certain guilds and/or people would say something and it would get the attention of the developers. That's not to say they would do anything but some had louder voices than others and MMO's had a more "Mayberry" feel. This happens though when things start small and now its so big and spread out. I'm not talking about the game itself but you think about how many active MMO's are out there. While WoW may have the majority of the subs, the passionate, vocal people are spread out based on their niche. In the infancy of MMO's, we were it. There really wasn't such a thing as the "casual" player. It was just us and one game.

I remember that post like it was yesterday. I was on Lanys of course but raiding guilds knew each other, if nothing else, was aware of each other and their activity. I could never go back to that no matter how much I would want to (I would like the feeling/experience but not the time...haha)

Speaking of which and in response to the VP keying... I thought VT was far worse of a process. Some of things I do miss, regardless of their time consumption.... Epic Quests (1.0) and PoP. Flagging was annoying but it was such a fun story and progression.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Speaking of which and in response to the VP keying... I thought VT was far worse of a process. Some of things I do miss, regardless of their time consumption.... Epic Quests (1.0) and PoP. Flagging was annoying but it was such a fun story and progression.
Well during which expansion did you get your VP key?


Trakanon Raider
I don't know why people hate the VT key that much. It really wasn't that bad. You could do the entire thing easily with a 3 or 4 man group. If you were a solo class then atleast half of them were easily soloable. It was way way less obnoxious than PoP backflagging or the original GOD progression. I've done those keys 3 times now, once back in original luclin and twice on progression servers.. never really bothered me.

The Edge

Lord Nagafen Raider
Regarding the rant; wasn't Furor in the wrong on that? Yes, you could only bring 18 into a section of Phase 1, which at first seems like a dick move by SOE. But there were in fact multiple sections that each needed 18 people in it and you had only a certain amount of time to complete it before moving on to Phase 2. So in reality, you did need your full raid force there. Each mini-raid of 18 needed to be completing these events at the same time before they could meet back together in Phase 2. Pretty cool, I always thought. My guild always tried to see which mini-raid could finish first.

I can see how being the first guild there, you might have been confused when all the sudden only 3 groups are allowed into an area. So you put your best people in to try and beat it, not knowing that the rest of your raid should be doing the same thing in the other corners of the zone.


Registered Hutt
I liked it. I didn't get there until later, so I don't know how it was changed. A lot of patches to raids didn't make sense to me before I got to the specific event.

The Edge

Lord Nagafen Raider
I remember that post like it was yesterday. I was on Lanys of course but raiding guilds knew each other, if nothing else, was aware of each other and their activity. I could never go back to that no matter how much I would want to (I would like the feeling/experience but not the time...haha)
Who were you on Lanys? What guild? That was my old stomping ground.


Trakanon Raider
Who were you on Lanys? What guild? That was my old stomping ground.
Muligan Van'Jurai Dark Elf Cleric... In my raiding days I was with Conquest & Fallen Legacy. I also pimped myself clerical services out a lot to Inner Fire & Visions. I was probably with Seven Dreams, Circle of Truth, Second Covenant, and Mithril Web the longest. (I list them all because they kind of grew/merged into each other at one point or another.)


Trakanon Raider
I don't know why people hate the VT key that much. It really wasn't that bad. You could do the entire thing easily with a 3 or 4 man group. If you were a solo class then atleast half of them were easily soloable. It was way way less obnoxious than PoP backflagging or the original GOD progression. I've done those keys 3 times now, once back in original luclin and twice on progression servers.. never really bothered me.
Seems like I sat in Maiden's Eye maybe for days.... and days....


Anybody go back and play mega man? I did (PSP maverick x or w/e the fuck it was called) and quickly deleted it after playing it for free on my vita. Starting over at the beginning of every level after death sucks, and it made me wonder why I played and beat mega man 1-3 on my nes after nearly breaking my tv and console numerous times.

Oh wait I dont wonder. I am 39 years old and get my sense of accomplishment from working on my house & running a business. I play games for fun, not to rub a cheese grater on my balls. It was fun back then because I didn't know any better and making games difficult was an artificial barrier to make them last longer than 2 hours. I could only have one game at a time, sometimes for months. Some of you people need to stop huffing the nostalgia fumes.
then focus on your business and stop playing games


<Gold Donor>
Furor was gone anyways. I remember during that time Blizzard was already courting his ass.