

Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I play with no auth in any games, ive yet to be hacked I still blame users for using the same fucking password for everything.
Pretty much(Along with the same E-mail for everything, as that is usually the username these days). It's this combined with people falling for phishing sites and/or downloading/installing something they shouldn't.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Pretty much(Along with the same E-mail for everything, as that is usually the username these days). It's this combined with people falling for phishing sites and/or downloading/installing something they shouldn't.
It's so trivial to make a new email with gmail for every game you play and link your accounts together that I don't understand why people dont do that.


Silver Squire
Yeah, I've heard ofwaytoo many people getting hacked in alpha and beta. Much more than even any released game should have. An authenticator is pretty much a requirement.
People getting hacked have only themselves to blame.

Likely use the same PW for multiple sites or got phished with email / website / login to save your character build


Silver Knight of the Realm
I play with no auth in any games, ive yet to be hacked I still blame users for using the same fucking password for everything.
Using the same PW for everything is definitely a problem. But like I said, it doesn't matter how secure you think your credentials are if their servers get hacked. It happened twice in Rift within the first year of release. Right after release they exploited alogin validation bug, and seven months later theirdatabase was compromised(luckily they didn't get CC #'s).

There will be a lot of drama in this game for 2 reasons: 1) Getting ganked and players stealing your tradepacks and 2) Mr. ImTooLeetForAnAuthenticaor logging in one morning to find he has 0 gold.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Hopefully they add the coin lock thing like they did with rift(which iirc, was put in after that login vulnerability). Would save themselves a lot of CS time spent helping people who lose their accounts.

Still waiting for the game that requires a authenticator to play at all.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
They should make Authenticator mandatory, it would filter some idiots, cost less Customer Support payroll and make forums a slightly better place.


Silver Knight of the Realm
Hopefully they add the coin lock thing like they did with rift(which iirc, was put in after that login vulnerability). Would save themselves a lot of CS time spent helping people who lose their accounts.

Still waiting for the game that requires a authenticator to play at all.
I forgot about that, yeah theCoin Lockfeature was a pretty awesome security measure they added. The fact that it doesn't currently exist in this game make me question the business relationship between Trion and XLGames.


<Silver Donator>
They should make Authenticator mandatory, it would filter some idiots, cost less Customer Support payroll and make forums a slightly better place.
They should probably make it on by default and let people turn it off with a disclaimer that if they get hacked at any point with it off, they'll be on low priority support for restoration. I really don't like doing the auth shit myself so I run without them when possible(aka when there's no rewards for having one like in SWTOR), never had an issue, I use randomly generated passwords unique for each website, constantly run no script and avoid clicking random shit anyway and often scan for trojans and especially do a check everytime a new game launch just in case of. The authenticator just makes it slower to log in, plus most of them run on fucking iphone only and I don't have an iphone(or a smartphone for that matter, I have a shitty old phone I got for 0euros 5years ago). Even on android I need to launch the emulator to generate the key, shit's annoying.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Trion Livestream Recap :

- There will be a CBT5 event.
- Most of their effort is going onto their complicated authentication/patron/store software since it's a complicated system.
- There's a lot of text, localization is very time consuming since korean to English is completely different.
- Build on Alpha currently is going to be the one on CBT4.
- CBT4 is 7 figure invites, not including Patron/Founders.
- No more 24gig download, ever. It's now an 8GB compressed game.
- Latency is being looked into. They are really trying to solve it before live. There's a thread here that if you're lagging you should post your ISP/Location in so they can sort out who is having issues and why. (Alpha only)
- Custom music in the game is awesome.
- Alpha databases are getting saved and using those exact servers for open beta/release.
- Alpha servers will be taken down a little BEFORE open beta.
- Open beta build will be same build as launch. This means if the Archeum fix is going to happen, it'll be on Open Beta.
- Auroria will be closed in Open Beta/Launch so guilds don't take all the castles before some others are prepared.
- Auroria will be "turned on" on an acceptable time for your time zone, so it won't open at 2AM.
- They are talking to XLGames about Archeum, they keep supplying them with Gameplay data continuously and they are confident the rates can be adjusted to satisfy the community.
- Marketplace will be open for headstart.
- APEX should be available for open beta for testing. (Might be updated a day or two into Open Beta to make it available.)
- All credits will be (including spent on apex) refunded at headstart.
- Looping download issue SHOULD be fixed, if not please post in their tech forum and include your logs!
- Contest was extremely popular for CBT3. A video of all the entries are here.
- The closer we get to launch, the less time we have on alpha obviously. Archeum might not be worth it any longer, but Gold is because dat glider. But ultimately it's up to you what you value.
- Land shouldn't be a problem, at first most land will be filled but it'll decrease as taxes aren't paid.
- When alpha goes down, it'll be down for a while until they need a test environment, probably for 1.7 patch.
- You start with 2 character slots on the account, maximum is 4 characters per server, 6 characters total on the account.
- Auction server is stressed, keeps breaking. 4 Servers per auction house grouping. They'll list which 4 servers are in each group so you can know who you're trading with.
- Servers name on beta are the launch server names!
- More servers will be added for Open Beta and launch, so more server names will be added!
- Illegal farms don't exist, "Off the grid" farms is the correct term.
- Guard your unprotected farms! Uprooting is apart of the game. =P
- Snowlion from store is getting nerfed. =( Speed is getting nerfed.
- Glider from the silver pack is better then the normal glider you get in game.
- PAX is next weekend, announcement to be had at that event.
- Trion is having their own party, you don't need a PAX ticket to attend. More info is here
- Upgrading from Silver to Gold isn't available, upgrading to Archeum is still possible.
- Healer quest rewards is noted, they're compiling the feedback to see if there's any trend they can work with. KR didn't need healer weapons in 1.2, but we do. They know this.
- GM in archeage is hiring. Please go to their career page to apply for GM/Customer Support.
- Can you buy credits with steam wallet? Currently not at the moment, definitely not for launch but they'll revisit the topic later in the games lifetime.
- Consumables in arena are annoying in arena, they understand it is annoying. They are currently taking feedback from this topic seriously and would love if you could post in the appropriate forums to help them out! If you've already posted on the forums, they've most likely read it. Thanks!
- Regrade charms are there for feedback. If you think it's an issue they are also taking this seriously. Please post all the feedback on the forums! It's a pretty big item, please report your feedback on the forums.
- APEX is only purchasable with REAL MONEY, not credits.
- Loyalty points will be fully reset along with the characters at headstart.
- Labor points is obviously a popular topic. Probably biggest topic to be debated. Talking to XL about it, it's a joint decision on this issue. Labor is a lot more complicated then most realize. If there is an adjustment, it'll have to be a "gentle adjustment".
- Mounts disappearing from hotbars HAS NOT been reported on the forums! Please report it on the forums.
- Arhceum once again is a "very important topic to them" and once again they are trying to get a fix for it!
- Glider on Twitter is the PAX glider.
- Announcement at PAX will be on the website within the hour! Chances are you'll see it here first anyway.
- PAX schedule is mostly press during the day, evening from 7PM to 10PM is the party with the announcement.
- Small 1.7 content is trying to get bumped into our 1.2 patch, obviously large content will stay for 1.7 release but stores and other things (probably crafting) is trying to get implemented in our patch.
- Whatever happens in KR will happen in our game after translation obviously.
- Eu prices in the store are "more" because they are obligated by law to include VAT. In the US we need to pay the tax at the end of sales, comes out to the main price.
- There will be enough time after releasing new server names so you can plan what server you want to play on.
- They do NOT want to sell Best in Slot items in the store, they want to nerf any stats for those items in KR that are best in slot and then add them to the store. (Dolphins, bear, etc.)
- Pricing for patron... look at Rift.
- Windscour is an issue and they really want it fixed. It's not an issue with the game, it's with the configuration of the servers.
- Scapes has to eat hot peppers.
- If you are in beta, don't try to log into alpha -___-.
- If you're having problems logging into alpha, post it on the forums or contact live support.
- Invert Mouse and Borderless windowed is still trying to get into the game.
- Other things are a priority for launch other then windowed and invert mouse but they want it in there.
- Will we have ample time for notification of launch? They're trying to give as much time as they can.
- Guy on rift stayed up 3 days straight at launch to get level 50.
- Phoenix glider is the same stats as the ones in the store.
- Labor Potion cooldowns is a technical issue and XLGames is aware of the problem.
- Archeage translating into spanish isn't a priority. English, French, Germany.
- Character Transfers, probably after release. Not at launch.
- XLGames is working on additional tools, including transfers, but it won't come until after launch.
- They'll have rollback software for your characters if anything happens. It's a snapshot once a day of your character.
- Jobs on the site has a lot of details, if you're interested please check it out.



<Gold Donor>
"Localization very time consuming because Korean and English are very different?"

What a weird thing to say.

There are so many Korean Americans out there that surely there are plenty of highly capable translators.


Mr. Poopybutthole
There's going to be a CBT5? God damnit. This is getting a bit old. Just release the fucking thing already.

Edit: Even worse, in the comments someone said that there's a possibility for CBT6 as well.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
There's going to be a CBT5? God damnit. This is getting a bit old. Just release the fucking thing already.

Edit: Even worse, in the comments someone said that there's a possibility for CBT6 as well.
Well if they start to make one CBT Event every weekend it's not like it matters anyway since there will also be open beta. It's not like the game is gonna be released early September, I'd say late September or October.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider


Mr. Poopybutthole
There's going to be a CBT5? God damnit. This is getting a bit old. Just release the fucking thing already.

Edit: Even worse, in the comments someone said that there's a possibility for CBT6 as well.
People in the comments said that guy was full of shit. So hopefully just this one and then OBT.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Got a key for this, haven't followed too closely lately. any recomendations on faction and class combos to try? I'd prefer something ranged that is more tanky than bursty?


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
any recomendations on faction and class combos to try?
About factions, you can find info about raceshere. Some people would think Haranya (East) have better land and quest progression, while other people say Nuia (West) is better for racial abilities. About class combos, you can findherean accurate summary regarding class combo performance as of latest patch. As a thumb rule, hybrid combos (DPS + heal, etc) are frowned upon because there is currently no good gear supporting it.