

Much prefer sub myself.

Screw it Scott, I'm already paying SOE for the EQL alpha , funding a kickstarter by Brad that has shown me Unity stock art, just let me buy into beta with an early preorder for AA. I won't complain a bit about bugs , I just want to play..........


Elisha Dushku
Has there been any word on it being ftp for the west? I loath ftp...
You and me both

@Kedwyn people will pay for games: wow. Eq progression servers. Trion is making a mistake if they go ftp. But whatever. Def more of a pvp game so I'm not really the target audience. World Bosses aren't enough raiding for pve guilds.


Elisha Dushku
I don't think so, just a complete guess on my part.
unfortunately I'm sure your guess is right


Silver Squire
You and me both

@Kedwyn people will pay for games: wow. Eq progression servers. Trion is making a mistake if they go ftp. But whatever. Def more of a pvp game so I'm not really the target audience. World Bosses aren't enough raiding for pve guilds.
You're right its not. Although I think the bigger issue for those guilds would be content contention. Here they are gearing up for Kracken fight and Guild A rolls in and stomps them just as they are buffing and getting ready and takes their loot. I see that as a bigger issue.

I think instance warriors just looking for upgrade_Gear_221 will be fine with the PVE. I believe many raiders will still find that satisfying enough to play even if there isn't a 25 man version. I enjoy PVE raiding and I still enjoy dungeon grinding with a group. The two aren't mutually exclusive and I think most of the people that enjoy raids will enjoy the single group content enough to play even if the PVP isn't really their true love. Especially with the economy aspects and other social parts of the game.

Its tough to cater to both crowds. There are plenty of PVE games out there, I'm glad we are getting some sand box PVP love. By no means is this perfect or even what I'd say I'm looking for. Just looks great when compared to TESO or Wild Star, at least in my eyes.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Haven't really seen any PVE videos, the pvp stuff though I saw looked exciting( ship fighting and jacking other player's ships and stealing their cargo to go turn in).

I did watch some pvp on a stream a few days ago also and holy shit players die fast in 1v1, almost seemed like if you didn't get the jump/stun first you died but hard to take too serious as you never know the complete situation(Gear is a big one) or the caliber of the players.


Elisha Dushku
Oh, I agree. Absolutely looks more interesting than anything else on the immediate horizon.


Lastly Oloh how difficult is the setup for playing on the Korean servers atm ? I did the hoops back before there was an NA Lineage 2 to play , wondered if was still a process or not.
Used to be a bitch. Now its EZ PZ. Go to the link I posted above. Pay them 11.90 and you will get an email with a UN and PW. Download the client (it can take a while, its a big game) and log in. You need to be patient if you dont read Korean, but that never really bothered me. I dont read quest text anyway. The account doenst have a monthly fee and doesn't expire. Only problem is if you try to buy a time card to get crafting resources or other pay stuff, you risk your account getting shut off b/c they will sometimes send a verification e-mail to the Korean email that established the account and it will be up to the dude that did it to decide if he responds or just ignores it.


Only if we're all planning to go pirate.

Don't fight it. Go Pirate.
I have been told, but dont know for sure, that being a pirate isn't worth it. You cant go anywhere on the main continents if you do, and there is a LOT of stuff on the main continents that you need. That said, it doesnt really matter. Just gank the other sides shit. Its the same thing, really.


Oh, I agree. Absolutely looks more interesting than anything else on the immediate horizon.
The only three games that really have my long term interest right now are, in order:

1. Lineage Eternal
2. ArcheAge
3. Black Desert

All Korean games.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
No Blade and Soul? Especially how much you seemed to like Tera and it looks very similar.


Elisha Dushku
I have been told, but dont know for sure, that being a pirate isn't worth it. You cant go anywhere on the main continents if you do, and there is a LOT of stuff on the main continents that you need. That said, it doesnt really matter. Just gank the other sides shit. Its the same thing, really.
Pfft. Pirates only need rum, wenches and a ship to sail upon the seas.


Hartsman confirmed cash shop in MMORPG interview.

I'd suggest he consider at least one server that is sub only. But again. I'm not the target audience.
I can't win, I swear I can't win. I'm a pvp whore , but would take a PVE only old school game like Pantheon (ha ha ha) if it was actually made. I'd take being just a pirate on a riverboat nightly in a game like this just don't want to be nickel and dimed.


Elisha Dushku
I can't win, I swear I can't win. I'm a pvp whore , but would take a PVE only old school game like Pantheon (ha ha ha) if it was actually made. I'd take being just a pirate on a riverboat nightly in a game like this just don't want to be nickel and dimed.
FTP is just a horrible way to monetize an MMO,a moba? Sure but in an MMO it just leafs to pay to win bs.

I'm disappointed as I'd be willing to give this game a shot but not if I have to deal with a giant golden cash shop button.