

Molten Core Raider
Weren't those two games considered massive failures?
SWG was a good game, verging on great, with some brilliant systems, that was brought down by bugged technology and code, NGE eventually being the nail in the coffin.

Vanguard had some really good classes. In this case it could have been a successful game but QA brought it down. As in there was none. Zilch. The crafting dev would work on code at home one night until two in the morning then literally roll it out to the live servers at 10am the next morning. They had some really talented people working on its development but in that culture it had no chance.

Think I'm going to cave also. Shouldn't with H1N1 being close. Says there are limited spots for alpha, would be gutted to miss out. Presuming the 90 patron status is once the game lunches, not during testing ?

Note for folks considering buying the cheaper packs for beta, it seems from that article linked a couple pages back that alpha server will run concurrent with the beta server but that beta won't be up all the time, only for on and off testing - am I getting that right ?
Weren't those two games considered massive failures?
In its totality, Vanguard was seen as a massive failure due to mismanagement, coding, "chunking", and empty content. Class design, dungeon design (at lower levels), crafting, gathering (group gathering) and diplomacy were pretty nifty.

SWG didn't pull the numbers SOE wanted, and the content was sparse, but the housing, crafting, gathering, non-combat classes, and settings were pretty cool.

For the reasons above, the vibe I picked up is a good thing.

EDIT: Seconding what Flight mentioned.
I am still downloading this, is there a play early partial download option while your download finishes?

Cause I am jones to play this been waiting for while like 2 years , if nothing else those amazing graphics.


Molten Core Raider
Won't let me pay in dollars because my paypal is based on a UK address as are my credit cards. 20% difference paying in UK? than US$ - ?89 if I pay in $$ ?109 if I pay in ??

Not happening Trion.
Won't let me pay in dollars because my paypal is based on a UK address as are my credit cards. 20% difference paying in UK? than US$ - ?89 if I pay in $$ ?109 if I pay in ??

Not happening Trion.
Flight it would not let me pay with credit cards or my debit card, instead I had to use pal pay, im guessing they are having issues just rolling this out.
On a side note when Arch officially launches they need joint pay you can pay to sub to rift and arch kinda like the station pass for cheaper price, don't mean the current station pass price just mean for 1,3,6,12 month sub there should be cheaper if you sub to both games option.


Molten Core Raider
Flight it would not let me pay with credit cards or my debit card, instead I had to use pal pay, im guessing they are having issues just rolling this out.
It wouldn't even let me register them to my account as payment methods as I had my account set to US (to get $$ price) but my paypal and cc are UK based. I'll try again later.

The problem is they've set the UK price to ?109 which equates to $190

Kills the main purpose of paypal for me if you restrict it by registered country.


Molten Core Raider
Sweet lets just hope we can get at least 3-4 months of alpha access before the beta so we get more bang for the buck and they can get this tested good before beta and then open beta.
My understanding is Alpha will run concurrently with Beta. Beta will not be continuous servers; it will be weekend Beta events. The Alpha server will stay up until pre-launch wipe.
My understanding is Alpha will run concurrently with Beta. Beta will not be continuous servers; it will be weekend Beta events. The Alpha server will stay up until pre-launch wipe.
If I had to guess with the state of localization that is left its going to be few more months at least to get most of it even converted to English.
Now there could be some secret sauce English patch that covers tons of it, we don't know that so shrugs.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Got the email got the alpha better not fuck me Scott your name is why I ponied up the dough..


Silver Knight of the Realm
It felt like a better graphic version of VG (not in a bad way but positive vibe) when I was playing RU AA.


Knowing nothing about the game, I have faith in Scott Hartsman so I am in. Anyone have a tip for server to start on, best class, ect..