

Silver Squire
I'm pretty stoked they are following through on their promise to keep world PvP alive. Trion's stock is rising.


Need to hit him with any kind of ranged damage and a follow up snare or ranged CC of some kind to knock him off his glider within a reasonable range to intercept, entirely doable if you're battlerage/vit/sorc/witch/archer/defense/occult with any sort of reasonable reaction time.

I regularly lasso people that try to get away on their glider by premptively casting it when they drop to 25% and start to run.

Also, 50's are definitely beatable at this stage of Alpha, given that you have any sort of defense what-so-ever. Later on when the 50's grab some of the higher gear and crafted tiers I'm sure my tune will change on this subject. (currently the biggest level disparity in stats are some kind of intrinsic accuracy reduction for the lower level person)


Silver Squire
A level 50 purple was ganking low 30s in Ynystere. He kept attacking me and 3-4 players who were PVE questing in the vicinity. The ganker had enough criminal points he was going to trial if he died. We finally teamed up and tried to defeat him and would have except that he jumped on his glider when he was about 25% health and flew to the sanctuary of a nearby Nui priestess so he couldn't be attacked. I'm inclined to think you shouldn't be able to activate your glider while in combat but perhaps the developers consider that a valid PVP tactic.
Depending on your spec its pretty trivial to knock people out of the air. Obviously you need to be able to hit them and if they are OOR then yeah its kind of hard to catch up to them or if they have a much better glider than you etc.. Similar to them hopping on a horse that is twice as fast and runs away.

Regardless though if you are fast and you see them jumping up to activate the glider its best to hit them and knock them right off quickly or you'll end up having to run them down if you can catch them.

I'm just happy that 2 or 3 30's have a shot against a 50. In most games you'd be gibbed. At least you can fight back.

I agree with the flagging issues its bull shit as is and needs to be changed.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Need to hit him with a snare or ranged CC of some kind to knock him off his glider, entirely doable if you're battlerage/vit/sorc/witch/archer/defense/occult with any sort of reasonable reaction time.

I regularly lasso people that try to get away on their glider by premptively casting it when they drop to 25% and start to run.

Also, 50's are definitely beatable at this stage of Alpha, given that you have any sort of defense what-so-ever.
Don't even need that, just need any type of damage to knock someone off a glider and everyone gets a bow.

ugh I hate safezone fighting.
You see a lot of rez point camping in this game. It's especially fun to bait someone in attacking you while they huge the rez point line because the priestess will bubble them, which pushes them 15-20m outside the safe zone the rez points have and you kill them ;P

Or you get people who afk at rez points, thinking they are safe inside. Well there is player collision, so you can push someone afk with your horse to outside the safe area and then kill them.


Molten Core Raider

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The big change people are rabbling about is making Gilda Stars only obtainable through cross-continent trading. This would severely limit progression for people who don't want to PVP. As much as I personally like this change, I think its a horrible route for the game. It'd be akin to CCP making construction only available in low/null sec space. The amount of people who want to pirate or risk time/wealth crossing the ocean is sorely outnumbered by people who want to play farmville with their friends and work together to get a house. These people need a safe haven to play the game -- some of them will venture out to be sheared by the wolves on their own schedule. If you take away any sense of PVE progression for them then they'll just quit and I think its quite well established that the "hardcore" PVP demographic is not enough to support an MMO.

I'd be far more supportive of Trion investigating incentives for the PVP crowd to take packs across the ocean -- as it stands, they really have no incentive because they don't want a goddamn mansion or tractor.


<Silver Donator>
Last I checked, you can buy the gilda stars shit from other people(not the stars themselves but the plans to build houses/ships), and you can buy protection from big guilds doing trade routes and shit so meh. It forces interaction which some people dislike(I'm not a fan myself, I like soloing) but it does kinda make sense to force people to get out of the safe zones if they want the better shit.


Silver Squire
They can still get boats and homes from NUI. They can still play farmville in protected areas and never have to worry about getting killed.

They just want access to everything without having to PvP. Sounds like they need to look at another game. Thankfully there are tons of games that had their PvP destroyed because of casual crying they can pick from the plethora of them.

I know its hard for spoiled people to grasp but not every game needs to cater to carebears. Play something else. You have enough choices.


Don't even need that, just need any type of damage to knock someone off a glider and everyone gets a bow.
Edited, thanks for the correction. I guess I always resort to CC to gap close on someone who gliders out. Mainly because they have ~3 seconds to re-glider and have already gained considerable distance.


They can still get boats and homes from NUI. They can still play farmville in protected areas and never have to worry about getting killed.

They just want access to everything without having to PvP. Sounds like they need to look at another game. Thankfully there are tons of games that had their PvP destroyed because of casual crying they can pick from the plethora of them.

I know its hard for spoiled people to grasp but not every game needs to cater to carebears. Play something else. You have enough choices.
I agree 100% with this, MMO's are multiplayer, fuckers.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
They can still get boats and homes from NUI. They can still play farmville in protected areas and never have to worry about getting killed.

They just want access to everything without having to PvP. Sounds like they need to look at another game. Thankfully there are tons of games that had their PvP destroyed because of casual crying they can pick from the plethora of them.

I know its hard for spoiled people to grasp but not every game needs to cater to carebears. Play something else. You have enough choices.
Agree with this. After playing ESO I'm tired of multiplayer-lite.


Silver Squire
The fucking plans are tradeable anyways. Not the final product but the plans are last time I checked. So people can still buy the shit on the AH.

These people bitching haven't even bothered to play the fucking game.


The fucking plans are tradeable anyways. Not the final product but the plans are last time I checked. So people can still buy the shit on the AH.
I make some good profit flips from cornering undervalued plan markets like Aqua-Farms and Stone cottages. Something like 150% on a good day. There's definitely demand.


Molten Core Raider
They can still get boats and homes from NUI. They can still play farmville in protected areas and never have to worry about getting killed.

They just want access to everything without having to PvP. Sounds like they need to look at another game. Thankfully there are tons of games that had their PvP destroyed because of casual crying they can pick from the plethora of them.

I know its hard for spoiled people to grasp but not every game needs to cater to carebears. Play something else. You have enough choices.
Every game must cater towards carebears to be successful. How well did Darkfall: Unholy Wars do catering to the "hardcore lonewolf 9000" crowd? My point is that it doesn't need to be mutually exclusive. CCP struck a decent balance with Eve and I think that their MMO would be in even better shape had they not wasted a small fortune making shitty other games.

My opinion of this is solely based on how I noticed a bunch of people sorely dissipointed that they wouldn't be able to do their cotton runs for Gilda Stars. I simply do not understand why PVPers give a shit. If they think that this is going to "force" carebears into the open seas to be slaughtered they're deluding themselves. The large majority of Eve exists in high-sec and only rarely pvps; they are paying CCPs bills. CCP knows this which is why they've repeatedly made it harder and harder to interfere with the play of their high-sec denizens.

So look -- we can debate how the MMO-scape OUGHT to be, or we can be realists about it. Using language like "spoiled people" is ridiculous. I have not seen a game succeed that caters exclusively towards whatever crowd you identify with. The closest comparison to AA right now is Eve and they would collapse within a month if they fucked with the carebear safe-haven.


Let's be real here Eidal, Darkfall was ass and lost it's crowd because of being ass.

Eve has High Sec, where you can still make billions.

Also Eve recently made the player the "police" opening up high-sec a bit, and even at Jita (high sec trade capital) there are embargos and suicide ganks all the time.


It's been entirely too easy for people just spamming wheat across two zones for 2 gilda stars a pack or 40 gilda stars (40 gold relatively) every 45 minutes... With absolutely no risk.

Not only does this change stave off trade pack inflation, it makes open water combat more desirable. And also makes house and other gilda star plans more valuable.

I mean fuck, you can buy a house on one day of cow milk right now.


Need to hit him with any kind of ranged damage and a follow up snare or ranged CC of some kind to knock him off his glider within a reasonable range to intercept, entirely doable if you're battlerage/vit/sorc/witch/archer/defense/occult with any sort of reasonable reaction time.

I regularly lasso people that try to get away on their glider by premptively casting it when they drop to 25% and start to run.

Also, 50's are definitely beatable at this stage of Alpha, given that you have any sort of defense what-so-ever. Later on when the 50's grab some of the higher gear and crafted tiers I'm sure my tune will change on this subject. (currently the biggest level disparity in stats are some kind of intrinsic accuracy reduction for the lower level person)
The ganker used backflip from shadowplay and what appeared to be a blink to get out of range very quickly at which point he launched the glider. Lesson learned on my part. I just picked up lasso from battlerage so that will help out in the future.


Golden Squire
People just aren't used to PvP with substance. I happen to love PvP in SWTOR but there sure as shit ain't a point to it. This is especially true because they don't faction lock you. Don't like losing to Imps all the time? Switch to your Imp toon! (and then lose to them in Imp v Imp matches, natch).


People just aren't used to PvP with substance. I happen to love PvP in SWTOR but there sure as shit ain't a point to it. This is especially true because they don't faction lock you. Don't like losing to Imps all the time? Switch to your Imp toon! (and then lose to them in Imp v Imp matches, natch).
Hutball was insane fun honestly, I had issues with the pump-fake hero engine ability delays and lack actual-substance after figuring out the game in the end. I mean RNG-pvp-lootbags were a mistake pretty much.


The ganker used backflip from shadowplay and what appeared to be a blink to get out of range very quickly at which point he launched the glider. Lesson learned on my part. I just picked up lasso from battlerage so that will help out in the future.
That seems like an unavoidable circumstance if he blinks and backflips I guess.

You'll like Lasso, it alone is worth taking battlerage for.


Molten Core Raider
Let's be real here Eidal, Darkfall was ass and lost it's crowd because of being ass.

Eve has High Sec, where you can still make billions.

Also Eve recently made the player the "police" opening up high-sec a bit, and even at Jita (high sec trade capital) there are embargos and suicide ganks all the time.


It's been entirely too easy for people just spamming wheat across two zones for 2 gilda stars a pack or 40 gilda stars (40 gold relatively) every 45 minutes... With absolutely no risk.

Not only does this change stave off trade pack inflation, it makes open water combat more desirable. And also makes house and other gilda star plans more valuable.

I mean fuck, you can buy a house on one day of cow milk right now.
Eve has an elaborate progression route that a PVE player can pursue without ever having to leave high-sec. My fear is that doing safe-zone trade runs is a meaty portion of a carebear's life in AA; removing it removes a lot of entertainment value for that player. This has nothing to do with whether or not the guy can grind out gold on a scarecrow plot to eventually buy plans off the AH. When I conceptualize my wife playing this game, I think of how interested she'll be working through the trade quests and going to Mirage for the first time and windowshopping all the property items. I know that for players like that, they want to get Gilda Stars and buy it themselves.

I think the assumption being made here is that a carebear will try his hand at ocean trading if he can't get gilda stars at home. I think this is patently false and that these guys won't play the game. They have no interest in educating themselves how to survive in a FFA PVP environment.

I'm aware of how suicide ganking works in Eve and yea it can happen at any time, but its ridiculously easy for a newb to make himself so unprofitable to gank that he won't ever deal with.

What I'm talking about in AA is this ridiculous craving the hardcore PVPers have to force the sheep out for the slaughter -- this NEVER happens, the sheep just quit the game. They're not going to magically turn into PVPers, they're not going to deal with the horrendous risk vs reward. They're straight out. And I assure you that Trion's shareholders aren't going to be content with the "well good riddance" attitude.

So who gives a fuck if the carebear empire prints Gilda Stars up en-masse in the interior? What are they going to buy with it? Housing space is limited and end-game gear is entirely labor-centric (with the exception of some rare drops in FFA PVP zones). A few guildies grinding in Auroria (and doing practical things with Labor, not making trade packs) will make substantially more gold than carebear guilds doing tractor runs for dismal profit.

I see a huge benefit in placating the "never gonna PVP" crowd and keeping them in the game. Namely, AA will be profitable selling cosmetics to them instead of failing miserably trying to cater to a 10 percent demographic.