

Ahn'Qiraj Raider
High seas kidnapping :


Desert boats :



Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
[email protected]/* <![CDATA[ */!function(t,e,r,n,c,a,p){try{t=document.currentScript||function(){for(t=document.getElementsByTagName('script'),e=t.length;e--;)if(t[e].getAttribute('data-cfhash'))return t[e]}();if(t&&(c=t.previousSibling)){p=t.parentNode;if(a=c.getAttribute('data-cfemail')){for(e='',r='0x'+a.substr(0,2)|0,n=2;a.length-n;n+=2)e+='%'+('0'+('0x'+a.substr(n,2)^r).toString(16)).slice(-2);p.replaceChild(document.createTextNode(decodeURIComponent(e)),c)}p.removeChild(t)}}catch(u){}}()/* ]]> */jail term.


Anyone else have their trion password changed recently? Had it happen to me twice now. I have an antivirus running all the time so i'm not sure its a trojan. nothing else of mine has had its password changed lately so i am confuse.


Silver Squire
Nope. Do you use that PW anywhere else? When i saw reports that there were people getting accounts hacked I changed it (Last Pass) just in case it was a Trion breach but never had any issues.

Why companies insist on using email addresses for user names is beyond my comprehension.


I use variations of my password pretty much everywhere. My rift characters havent been robbed so my only guess would be they are using my archaeage account to bot or something, but im too lazy to install it to check.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Anyone else have their trion password changed recently? Had it happen to me twice now. I have an antivirus running all the time so i'm not sure its a trojan. nothing else of mine has had its password changed lately so i am confuse.
Did you have their Mobile Authenticator activated ?


Obi-Bro Kenobi-X
It's basically designed that way to entice people to pay for Patron status
Thanks for answering this...I just didn't get it.

I am going to ask silly questions...please ignore/answer

I hit level 20, and want to start building a house...Is this reasonable?

Am I missing something with cutting trees? I can't just cut any tree I see?

Is there a pure stone source? Or just keep mining iron and such to get stone?

How much time am I looking at with building this house, for gathering resources.

I purchased the deed for the house from Fantasy Island...How is it determined WHERE I can drop my house?

If I purchase the game, can I play during the week? Or is this just a weekend beta thing?

Is the 150 buck purchase worth it?

HOW in the hell do I get more stones to teleport!!

Is there a server/guild?

What is the pure tanking class? Is there end game PVE?


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I hit level 20, and want to start building a house...Is this reasonable?

Am I missing something with cutting trees? I can't just cut any tree I see?

Is there a pure stone source? Or just keep mining iron and such to get stone?

How much time am I looking at with building this house, for gathering resources.

I purchased the deed for the house from Fantasy Island...How is it determined WHERE I can drop my house?

If I purchase the game, can I play during the week? Or is this just a weekend beta thing?

Is the 150 buck purchase worth it?

HOW in the hell do I get more stones to teleport!!

Is there a server/guild?

What is the pure tanking class? Is there end game PVE?
1) It is reasonable. Basic houses only cost 15 gilda stars (I've seen the plans on AH for 5g) and the materials aren't astronomical if you gather the mats
2) Only certain trees can be cut. You either have to find them wild/unprotected, or grow your own. The PVP areas actually have a pretty healthy amount of "wild" trees, but you run the risk of getting ganked.
3) Mining, ya. On average you may get approx 3 stones per node. Certain areas are better. The noob starting area for the Hirani(asian) race has a metric fuckton of iron nodes I've found.
4) Depends...a few days if you're efficient at gathering the mats or you have a decent farm size
5) Houses can be placed in designated housing areas (see map...the house/farm plot zones are marked). There are also unmarked housing areas, but you have to explore/mess around to find those.
6) If you get the $150 pack, you get alpha access and can play whenever. The 50 and 100 packs are beta events only, which are designated. This one ends early next week.
7) That is up to you. $150 pack comes with 3 months subscription ($45),11,250 cash shop credits (which they note are worth $75), and 6 daru chests (which cost 15 loyalty credits each...15 credit = 3 days of logging in to earn, to basically 18 days worth of chests. The daru chests can contain archaeum crystals or gilda stars, both of which can be very useful early on in terms of getting some crafted gear), and other stuff. The glider is also pretty good and much better than the stock gliders (not counting the really high level crafting). If you plan on playing the game for awhile, overall it isn't that bad a deal when you break everything down, purely because it does actually give you a pretty sizable early game advantage....and early game advantage means you are in a better position to score premium land plots.
8) You craft costs like 2-3 stone blocks and a couple shatogon wedges. You can craft them at the stonework bench. Pretty ez to make, actually...although it costs like 50 labor atm.
9) TBD, but having a guild in this game is huge. I've come across like 30 guild member trading caravans with full escorts. The seas are full of PKs and harpoon clippers will rape your rowboat (to speak nothing of the level 50 jellyfish lol)
10) Dunno...I think the purest tanking class is paladin (battlerage/defense/that heal tree). I've been playing battlerage/defense/shadowplay (to get that mix of mitigation and avoidance is my theory, still working on it). One advantage of my combo, I've found, is that I have a TON of stuns and knockdowns. I'm pretty damned powerful 1v1, but AOE I'm not so hot.

On a funny side note, I came across some pirates that had Gabe Newell as the logo on their ship sail haha.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Speaking of the sailing's fucking ridiculous. Got my harpoon clipper built and literally you sail just into the open waters and it's swarming with people trying to kill you. We ended up accidentally sailing into some seabugs and got raped, and then a galleon and clipper came by and destroyed my ship.

That was about 10 hours ago, and my ship is still un-summonable. What the fuck do I do to summon it again?

And also, how in the hell is that traderun possible when the entire server is waiting to gank you?


Obi-Bro Kenobi-X
Cybsled you rock. Thanks.

You say premium land. I assume in great locations? What makes these so great?

You mention farms also...Do I get enough land when I make my house to drop a farm?


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Speaking of the sailing's fucking ridiculous. Got my harpoon clipper built and literally you sail just into the open waters and it's swarming with people trying to kill you. We ended up accidentally sailing into some seabugs and got raped, and then a galleon and clipper came by and destroyed my ship.

That was about 10 hours ago, and my ship is still un-summonable. What the fuck do I do to summon it again?

And also, how in the hell is that traderun possible when the entire server is waiting to gank you?
You need to repair your boat. Also, regarding your PvP concerns, people trying to kill you should be expected, especially if you have a ship / tradepacks. As people here already said, PK / Gank are always beneficial from the attacker's PoV because even if you get killed you'll lose nothing, you'llonlyget jail time. If you're the defender, you'll lose time (repairs) AND stuff (tradepacks). Therefore, ganking / PK is heavily expected.



Obi-Bro Kenobi-X
Cybsled you rock. Thanks.

You say premium land. I assume in great locations? What makes these so great?

You mention farms also...Do I get enough land when I make my house to drop a farm?
NM, started one of those cat people. LOT less people and I see I missed the whole farming/trading line quests.

Edit: Aaaaand you can't place the farm on free account...

Why have this in beta?


That is a fucking work of art. Nightmare material for sure.
Looks like Fat Young David Bowie. I like it.

And also, how in the hell is that traderun possible when the entire server is waiting to gank you?
Two things you need to know about this game:

1. If you are going to play, you better have a nice guild. That solo or three-man shit with your part-time buddies will get you penitenturized. Expect zerg armadas to be regularly feasting on...

2. ...F2Pers. youbetterhave a sub. You are not only weaker as a F2P player overall, but you're barred from any real earning potential unless you're in the game 24/7. Those farms they were talking about on the previous page? That's what you get; put your stuff down in common areas and you're still limited to what you can grow or how much. It might not even be worth the time/effort to try and maintain something like that as a F2P I don't think.

Basically, getting jacked in this game is going to happen to most people at some point, even the best players. The problem is if you don't sub and join up with some heavy-hitting dudes, you're going to be really hurting unless you just want to stay around the safe areas (and what fun is that?). But that's the draw of the game for a lot of people anyways... to gank or be ganked.

The open seas in this game are Cyrodiil, The Abyss, Ilum, and EvE all rolled into one.


I ended up leveling as a Cultist to 15 to get my gilda stars from questing and now I'm using my starter farm to grow some logs as I harvest iron nodes / wild trees to place my house. I don't like the idea of having the half built house so I'm going to try and gather materials for it first. I built up a pretty big labor pool just questing (also a patron). I did manage to burn through my labor harvesting nodes- since you need 100 lumber (300 logs) and 200 stone I can see where working with a group to get one house up would be a big advantage.


King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>
1. If you are going to play, you better have a nice guild. That solo or three-man shit with your part-time buddies will get you penitenturized. Expect zerg armadas to be regularly feasting on...

Basically, getting jacked in this game is going to happen to most people at some point, even the best players. The problem is if you don't sub and join up with some heavy-hitting dudes, you're going to be really hurting unless you just want to stay around the safe areas (and what fun is that?). But that's the draw of the game for a lot of people anyways... to gank or be ganked.

The open seas in this game are Cyrodiil, The Abyss, Ilum, and EvE all rolled into one.
Sounds like this game is custom made for PRX. Large guilds with good leadership have an automatic advantage but this allows the advantages to extend beyond a small instance or blocked off area of the map