

Golden Squire
Sure thing buddy.

The graphics and animations were pretty awful, something you'd expect to see 5-6 years ago. There was a massive memory leak that is more than likely still unfixed, at one point the game was eating up 18gb of processing before restarting.
The leveling itself was really tedious, the job system was extremely unfavorable if you wanted to do something other than damage. For instance if you wanted to play a healer 1 or 2 of your jobs would be max and the third you'd have to level from an extremely low leveling and be pretty much useless in PVP and some dungeons until you forced yourself to level as a gimped ass two/one job character.
PVP was essentially a massive clusterfuck of zerging and camping graveyards/outside of towns in the leveling zones. Outside of the leveling zones in the PVP areas it was just utterly stupid, I had some of the best PVP gear in the game at the time and was still being one shot by people (one spell, not one round of spells).
The crafting system was probably the worst in any game, in order to create new versions of gear you had to USE lower versions of the gear and you could potentially CRIT making the quality better. This as you can imagine resulted in making 10-15 pairs of bracers just to get the best quality while the rest of them were literally vendored. Everything you crafted costed some sort of action point or ability point, which EVERYTHING in the profession system costed. So if you wanted to maybe make some gear to sell you basically had to forgo planting/farming or any other type of profession work.
You can literally go to prison for bad deeds and breaking out of prison does absolutely nothing except pretty much guarantee that you will be killed again. After racking up somewhere around 24 hours of prison time (that you HAVE TO WAIT OUT IN-GAME) I eventually just stopped logging in.
There's a video out there of a streamer killing like a 70-80man raid with his AOE from his spells, that should let you know how balanced the game is.

The most fun I had was riding around on a dingy boat (that took a week to build) killing random people of my same faction and listening to them bitch about it.

Wakandan did you just ask for my opinion and then neg me for it?
Thanks for the post! Sorry that someone trolled you, and I'm guessing you revenge-negged me, heh. Or maybe that was Krauss as well. Whatevs.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I had like -370 negs on they really don't bother me. I gave you a plus though!


Blackwing Lair Raider
To be fair you did get a lot of flak in the old NFL threads.
There were really two major points that caused a ton of negs, the first was talking about how bums are worthless and should get a job. The second was when I called Fancy a no-talent faggot.
The rest was just from general jackassery.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Shrug Tuco can post all of my fake negs if he wants, I got you also Quaid so dont be mad if he exposes them all.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
wow four pages of this shit.

Krassus Vandyn 09:51, 12th Aug 2014 -1 lol [Post] [Edit] [Delete]
Krassus Jackdaddio 10:21, 12th Aug 2014 -1 bad bad game let it go [Post] [Edit] [Delete]
Krassus Eomer 10:23, 12th Aug 2014 1 lol didnt think of signing with fake names !! <3 Krassus [Post] [Edit] [Delete]
Krassus Mountain Man 14:27, 12th Aug 2014 -1 L2p -- TJT [Post] [Edit] [Delete]
Krassus Mr. MorrowGirl 14:29, 12th Aug 2014 -1 STFU - AngryGerbil [Post] [Edit] [Delete]
Krassus Cerzi 13:07, 13th Aug 2014 -1 Who cares - Jackd [Post] [Edit] [Delete]
Krassus Rogosh 13:08, 13th Aug 2014 -1 who cares - Vandyn [Post] [Edit] [Delete]
Krassus Harkon 13:08, 13th Aug 2014 -1 Ur dumb -- TheYanger [Post] [Edit] [Delete]
Krassus Tonic 22:22, 13th Aug 2014 1 out dem negs <3 Krassus [Post] [Edit] [Delete]
Krassus Grayson Carlyle 22:50, 13th Aug 2014 -1 Bad poster - Torf [Post] [Edit] [Delete]
Krassus Byr 13:39, 14th Aug 2014 1 Bless you man, Love Krassus [Post] [Edit] [Delete]
Krassus kitsune 13:41, 14th Aug 2014 -1 GTFO Monks bro - Flipmode [Post] [Edit] [Delete]
Krassus bixxby 13:41, 14th Aug 2014 -1 Bad poster - Bruman [Post] [Edit] [Delete]
Krassus Mist 09:03, 15th Aug 2014 -1 Fgt [Post] [Edit] [Delete]
Krassus taimaishoo 09:04, 15th Aug 2014 -1 Quit then - Deathwing [Post] [Edit] [Delete]
Krassus Bruman 15:27, 15th Aug 2014 -1 Cartoon loving FGT [Post] [Edit] [Delete]
Krassus DavivMcD 15:28, 15th Aug 2014 -1 Who cares clown [Post] [Edit] [Delete]
Krassus Argarth 15:28, 15th Aug 2014 -1 LOL Australia [Post] [Edit] [Delete]
Krassus Rubiks-Q-Bert 23:15, 16th Aug 2014 -1 FAGGOT - Cinge [Post] [Edit] [Delete]
Krassus Big Phoenix 23:18, 16th Aug 2014 -1 gayyy - Deathwing [Post] [Edit] [Delete]
Krassus Vegas 23:24, 16th Aug 2014 -1 Fgt - Deathwing [Post] [Edit] [Delete]
Krassus eVasiege 23:27, 16th Aug 2014 -1 Who cares - Deathwing [Post] [Edit] [Delete]
Krassus Boloboy 23:27, 16th Aug 2014 -1 Fag begging - Deathwing [Post] [Edit] [Delete]
Krassus dak 09:23, 18th Aug 2014 -1 Dumb poster - Deathwing [Post] [Edit] [Delete]
Krassus DeLLy 09:23, 18th Aug 2014 -1 Moron, love Deathwing [Post] [Edit] [Delete]
Krassus Agraza 09:24, 18th Aug 2014 -1 Bad poster- Deathwing [Post] [Edit] [Delete]
Krassus McCheese 10:48, 18th Aug 2014 -1 lol - Deathwing [Post] [Edit] [Delete]
Krassus Disp 13:36, 18th Aug 2014 -1 Fair weathur FAN LLOL [Post] [Edit] [Delete]
Krassus jdfording 10:26, 19th Aug 2014 -1 Stop posting -- Bruman [Post] [Edit] [Delete]
Krassus asocirev 14:16, 19th Aug 2014 -1 WGAF, dumb is dumb - Brando [Post] [Edit] [Delete]
Krassus Tauro 14:17, 19th Aug 2014 -1 Funny ruining peoples lives??? - Ceder [Post] [Edit] [Delete]
Krassus Lethality 14:18, 19th Aug 2014 -1 Go back to WoW & Cartoons lil boy - Quaid [Post] [Edit] [Delete]
Krassus kaid 14:20, 19th Aug 2014 -1 Broke adult = pathetic, stop gaming - Bruman [Post] [Edit] [Delete]
Krassus Ronaan 11:00, 20th Aug 2014 -1 Germany... LOL - Bruman [Post] [Edit] [Delete]
Krassus Szeth 15:45, 20th Aug 2014 -1 Amelinda H8 really? - Nirgon [Post] [Edit] [Delete]
Krassus heyholetsgo 15:50, 20th Aug 2014 -1 Stop posting here clown - Quaid [Post] [Edit] [Delete]
Krassus Malkavious 17:18, 20th Aug 2014 -1 Game sux GTFO [Post] [Edit] [Delete]
Krassus Alex 12:50, 26th Aug 2014 -1 lol [Post] [Edit] [Delete]
Krassus a_skeleton_02 15:17, 26th Aug 2014 -1 Wildstar hard? u baddie [Post] [Edit] [Delete]
Krassus Daidraco 15:23, 26th Aug 2014 -1 No we cant [Post] [Edit] [Delete]
Krassus Gorehack 09:16, 27th Aug 2014 -1 QQ [Post] [Edit] [Delete]
Krassus Binkles 09:50, 27th Aug 2014 -1 QQ [Post] [Edit] [Delete]
Krassus Gunnar 14:10, 27th Aug 2014 -1 fgt [Post] [Edit] [Delete]
Krassus Antarius 08:06, 28th Aug 2014 -1 WGAF - Zaphid [Post] [Edit] [Delete]
Krassus sumdain x 08:21, 28th Aug 2014 -1 u deserve it for playing a bad game [Post] [Edit] [Delete]
Krassus Secrets 13:02, 28th Aug 2014 -1 bad [Post] [Edit] [Delete]
Krassus Morph_hammer 13:14, 28th Aug 2014 -1 dumb [Post] [Edit] [Delete]
Krassus Wizardhawk 15:51, 28th Aug 2014 1 Out dem negs bro, Love Krassus [Post] [Edit] [Delete]
Krassus Boozecube 08:35, 29th Aug 2014 -1 wow language [Post] [Edit] [Delete]
Krassus Zaphid 08:36, 29th Aug 2014 -1 Bcoz ever1 is rich l [Post] [Edit] [Delete]
Krassus Nissir 14:08, 29th Aug 2014 -1 lol bullshit u fgt [Post] [Edit] [Delete]
Krassus xzi 14:11, 29th Aug 2014 -1 L2p [Post] [Edit] [Delete]
Krassus zzeris 10:54, 5th Sep 2014 -1 Moron [Post] [Edit] [Delete]
Krassus Rellapse 13:13, 5th Sep 2014 -1 fgt go back to loser p99 [Post] [Edit] [Delete]
Krassus Barellron 10:59, 8th Sep 2014 -1 Baddie [Post] [Edit] [Delete]
Krassus Vorph 14:02, 8th Sep 2014 -1 Always a crybaby, WAHHH WAHHHH [Post] [Edit] [Delete]
Krassus Fight 14:17, 8th Sep 2014 -1 Yum Dog SHIT !!! [Post] [Edit] [Delete]
Krassus Naj 16:21, 8th Sep 2014 -1 wtf [Post] [Edit] [Delete]
Krassus an accordion 08:27, 9th Sep 2014 -1 L2p - Deathwing [Post] [Edit] [Delete]
Krassus Oblio 13:55, 9th Sep 2014 -1 Bad poster - Deathwing [Post] [Edit] [Delete]
Krassus Slaythe 15:53, 9th Sep 2014 -1 Bad poster - Deathwing [Post] [Edit] [Delete]
Krassus Pasteton 10:22, 10th Sep 2014 1 Dont want to get zerged by PRX??? [Post] [Edit] [Delete]
Krassus Bellringer 11:12, 10th Sep 2014 -1 Who gives a fuck clown [Post] [Edit] [Delete]
Krassus sebur 09:06, 11th Sep 2014 1 lollll - Krassus [Post] [Edit] [Delete]
Krassus Frenzied Wombat 11:07, 11th Sep 2014 -1 PIPE DOWN ANGRY CLOWN [Post] [Edit] [Delete]
Krassus Nidhogg 13:29, 11th Sep 2014 -1 Foolish soloing T6 alone - Deathwing [Post] [Edit] [Delete]
Krassus Sutekh 15:38, 11th Sep 2014 -1 L2p and cry less, wow such a bad player - Bruman [Post] [Edit] [Delete]

Go suck Deathwing's dick some more.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Sucking Dick? Bitchassing? Jesus Tuco are you mad also? Deathwing was just the name that started it all with fake negs onto us.

Its a funny way to abuse the system on your boards is all, dont get so worked up


Vyemm Raider
So I had applied and got into PRX for the alpha. Did I have to reapply again for release?
Probably not. But you should log into the site and see if you're on the list of recruits who need to check in who haven't been around in a while. And it'd probably be best if you did it tonight.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Wish they'd tell us what the game version should say. See people with all different builds. Gonna be some pissed off people tomorrow if they have to redownload.

I'm on 204948f