

Mr. Poopybutthole
Unless someone gives you a pole, it'll take a while. I guess you could just buy your bamboo, but it takes like 2 days to grow.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Pole isnt hard to make, but the fishing line needs woolx3. If you can supply the wool and wood for the reel (lumberx2) and 1 bamboo stalk (takes 10 but I have 9), I'll make you a bamboo fishing rod.


Night Janitor
<Nazi Janitors>
Glad to see PRX reopened recruitment as I regretted not applying earlier shortly after headstart opened. It turns out only 2 people (RL friends) from previous guilds I've been in are interested and they are probably interested in applying as well.


Golden Squire
Glad to see PRX reopened recruitment as I regretted not applying earlier shortly after headstart opened. It turns out only 2 people (RL friends) from previous guilds I've been in are interested and they are probably interested in applying as well.
Speaking of - why did we open recruitment back up? I thought we were gonna wait until things settled down a bit, given the crazy amount of people we already have.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
We actually opened it up on the 13th, I just didn't know until today (lol). It was opened up because we can handle new apps. I think based on the huge turnout and activity we have (60 people online at 5am on a Tuesday morning) it'll be tough to get in unless someone vouches for you.

PRX in their native habitat of prime real estate relaxing after a hard day of crafting, sailing, leveling and PvP:



Pole isnt hard to make, but the fishing line needs woolx3. If you can supply the wool and wood for the reel (lumberx2) and 1 bamboo stalk (takes 10 but I have 9), I'll make you a bamboo fishing rod.
Alright, sweet. Can you get titles from catching certain fish or reaching a certain proficiency?


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Home at 7pm, I doubt I'll be able to log in tonight before I go to bed, lol. Going to set my alarm for 4am.


Only people with positive Tuconets most likely

Queue says 1hr at position 1800, I think it's lying though...


Mr. Poopybutthole
They really fucked up with the servers. They should have opened up the two newest ones at head start to spread out some of the patron population. Not that we still wouldn't have queues, but it might have distributed the population a bit better.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Anyone elses queue not show Patron queue and normal queue? mine just shows one queue lineup.
See below.


We've been keeping a close eye on the server populations as promised! To address the long queues, we've increased ArcheAge's overall capacity by 20% through scaling up existing servers and adding new ones. This is on top of increasing overall capacity by 20% during Head Start as well. We can also confirm that the grace queue is working for players who are disconnected from the game and attempt to rejoin within five minutes. Finally, the Windscour Savannah issues experienced during Head Start on several servers have been fixed with this morning's game update.

We've determined a set of known issues since launch began about three hours ago and the team is actively investigating the causes of the ones that continue to affect the game and our players.

Disappearing Characters: A bug is making some players' characters appear as missing. The characters are unaffected and have returned after a short wait and logging in again.

Missing Patron Status: Some players who purchased Patron time or a Starter Pack from the website are not receiving their Patron status in-game. This is due to a delivery error preventing the entitlement from applying to their account which will be addressed.

Non-Patron Players Getting Patron Status: We've seen the reports from non-Patrons saying they have Patron status in-game. This was not an intentional grant and will be reversed.

New Queue Visualization: The new queue visualization on the server selection page was a necessity as part of introducing the grace queue. Unfortunately, it does not show Patron versus general queues. The good news is that Patron queuing is granting the priority access it should to Patrons. We are working to update the visualization to show both queues and which the player is in.

The team is working to resolve these issues and let you get back to playing as rapidly as we can. This forum thread will be updated as they're addressed or updated.