

> Than U
Welp waited 6 hours, got down to 1 then it vanished. Screen turned black for 1 minute and got a message the Gods have disconnected you. Then it closed.


Silver Knight of the Realm
ArcheAge Server Maintenance: 9/17/14 at 3:00 AM 7:00 PM PDT (GMT-7)


The North American ArcheAge servers will be unavailable at 3:00 AM PDT (GMT-7) on Wednesday, September 17 for a scheduled maintenance. The servers will be accessible again within six hours. This downtime address a number of issues including granting Patron status to all players who should have it, removing Patron status from a small number of players who shouldn't have it, and adding five days of Patron time to cover the time Founders spent in Head Start (which we had said would be reimbursed). Additionally, we'll be extending the server queue system's grace period from five minutes to ten minutes.

Once this maintenance is completed, it will be repeated on the European ArcheAge servers which will be unavailable at 7:00 PM PDT (GMT-7) on Wednesday, September 17 for about six hours as well. In-game announcements will be broadcast in advance of each outage.

Thanks for your patience!


Buzzfeed Editor
On one hand, really glad I waited on this; ques frustrate the shit out of me. On the other hand, Founders still got all the land, so the packs weren't a total waste if you got a house down. Really want a house if I'm going to play a Sandbox, hoping some of the land grab frees up as taxes start rolling in--still thinking of trying to play once servers get settled.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
On one hand, really glad I waited on this; ques frustrate the shit out of me. On the other hand, Founders still got all the land, so the packs weren't a total waste if you got a house down. Really want a house if I'm going to play a Sandbox, hoping some of the land grab frees up as taxes start rolling in--still thinking of trying to play once servers get settled.
there will be another land rush when they open auroria. Theres a ton of land there for houses and people will probably replace houses on the mainland for houses there too.


Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
Could someone explain to me the concept of illegal farms?
Calling them illegal farm is a bit misleading. Essentially you can plant stuff just about anywhere in the game, but stuff planted in your farm is protected, no one but you can harvest them. Stuff planted elsewhere is free for the taking by anyone, although they will get criminal points. Planting stuff in unprotected area is referred to as illegal farm. It's not illegal, just unprotected.

Since there is limited amount of protected farmland, people take risk of putting stuff in hidden area hoping no one will find them.


Golden Knight of the Realm
So the justice system sounds kinda cool - does it actually work though, or is it just a gimmick? The idea of having a jury is nice in theory but what motivates players to give a fair verdict?


Pay to play forum
Bah, this game turned from crazy cool into "Meh" in a matter of minutes.

I spotted a big hidden wood in Halcyona and wait for it to be ready for chopping. A few seconds before it finished I get jumped by the owner (which was enemy faction luckily) and I proceed to kill him and start chopping. A guildmate ( 5 Level higher) of that owner jumps me inbetween and I kill him ni a close fight and continue chopping wood. Inbetween I kill him again and the owner returns aswell. So far so good. Great experience. Blood rushing. I want to target him and kill him to get the rest of the trees. And then fucking peace period starts.

What the fuck is this shit. A peace period? In a contested zone? Give me a break. Fucking carebear shit.

Edit: And to elaborate a bit: Neither could they attack me and stop me from contesting their wood. I could have sit there and uprooted all of the trees, which werent ready, if I wanted to be a dick. I mean, at least they should be able to stop me somehow.


Golden Squire
Calling them illegal farm is a bit misleading. Essentially you can plant stuff just about anywhere in the game, but stuff planted in your farm is protected, no one but you can harvest them. Stuff planted elsewhere is free for the taking by anyone, although they will get criminal points. Planting stuff in unprotected area is referred to as illegal farm. It's not illegal, just unprotected.

Since there is limited amount of protected farmland, people take risk of putting stuff in hidden area hoping no one will find them.
To add a bit - they got the name "illegal farms" because you don't pay taxes on them. From the view of the in-game world, it's illegal to have a farm without paying taxes. It's one of the sandbox-y elements of the game that the game doesn't prevent you from doing it though, and leads to a lot more fun gameplay.

So the justice system sounds kinda cool - does it actually work though, or is it just a gimmick? The idea of having a jury is nice in theory but what motivates players to give a fair verdict?
If you do nothing illegal ever, you'll never go to trial. If you're there, you're guilty of *something*. There's an issue of having to flag bloodlust to kill enemy healers, since they don't auto-flag from healing bloodlusted people, but other than that, you did something.

It *kinda* works in that your jury will represent how your server (and it can vary) views your crimes. Some people think ganking is fine, but stealing crops is the worst thing ever. Some feel opposite. Others don't care at all, and think it's all great. People will vote accordingly.

It also works in that you can get a stack jury depending on server politics with guilds. "Oh, we're in PRX, and the guy on trial is Laughing Coffin. Fuck this guy, max sentence!"

The "it's a joke" viewpoint comes from "it's an internet video game". Some defendants WANT the jail time. Some jurors like to troll - again, it's the internet. Overall though, I think it works, as whatever happens will represent the social aspect of the server. Jurors have to have low (or is it none at all?) crime/infamy.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
The worst crime is usually considered to be uprooting as well, oddly enough. People will also look at ratio of assaults vs. actual kills. Lots of assaults but no actual kills sometimes nets guilty votes because the person "sucks at PVP" ;P


tour de salt
It also works in that you can get a stack jury depending on server politics with guilds. "Oh, we're in PRX, and the guy on trial is Laughing Coffin. Fuck this guy, max sentence!"
Can anyone shed some back story on Laughing Coffin? I see them pretty frequently on Naima and folks are always trashing them in faction chat. How did they earn such a reputation?


Golden Squire
Can anyone shed some back story on Laughing Coffin? I see them pretty frequently on Naima and folks are always trashing them in faction chat. How did they earn such a reputation?
They're a PK guild. From googling around, they got kinda infamous in Sword Art Online (I don't even know what the hell that is). That's funny that there's one on multiple servers now. I don't know if there's any relation to the original, or just new people "carrying on the tradition".

If you run into them while leveling, chances are they're not going to fuck with you (since everyone is trying to level), but once you hit 50 you know that their guild tag means trouble.


Name of a Guild in Sword art online as Bruman said, known in the show as the guild that PKed players in the game when if you died in the game you died IRL.

It's actually a pretty great anime. But naming your guild after it is essentially the same as naming your character xxSephirothxx. Noobs.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Biggest Laughing Coffin WTF moment is a bunch of us were in Haly for the war and some Laughing Coffin guy flags on us while 30 people are nearby. Needless to say, he didn't last long lol.


Welp waited 6 hours, got down to 1 then it vanished. Screen turned black for 1 minute and got a message the Gods have disconnected you. Then it closed.
..., but won't complain I have spent $0 on this game so far.

You and the thousands of other players are doing this. Apparently this is an issue.
There's a double reason not to log out.

#1- You won't be able to get back in and play again for a long time.
#2- Most importantly, you don't earn any Labor Points (as a F2P). If I was playing as a F2Per, my computer would literally be running like a Chinese Bitcoin mining operation this first week until things got settled.


<Bronze Donator>
This fucking game, man. It's 2AM or so last night and I'm wrapping up my normal farm maintenance for the night when the idea hits me that maybe, just maybe my neighbors haven't boxed me in as much as I originally thought and it might actually be possible to replace my small house with a thatched farm, while still keeping the large and small farms right next to it. I'm like, 8 Gilda shy though, so sure enough, run to finish up 3 or 4 green quests to get to 50, buy the thatched, squeeze it all in just barely. And while I have a ton of logs, I realize I don't have any lumber to rebuild the small farm. So I take care of that, then get the urge to finish off the large farm. Oh yeah, then had to run to Yny. Long story short, 4AM before I make myself log off. Haha. Tired this morning to say the least.

I haven't hadthattype of feeling in an MMO in a really long time though. There was a surprising amount of real estate around my house. At least enough for a couple farms. Not something I would have wanted to let slide until later tonight. Thank god for a game in 2014 that isn't all instanced.

Really enjoying the game so far.

Aspen trees are what I need to be planting for guild wood, right? I have a couple farms worth growing right now. I'll keep that up.


Golden Squire
Haha, yeah man, I got stuck playing late the other night when I didn't mean to. Got in a whopping 3.5 hours of sleep before getting up for work on Monday.

Aspen is best to grow if you have a life outside of the game currently, and if even when you're in game you do things other than just farm. If you're going to set a timer and do your logging On The Spot, never get disconnected, not crash, not have patches, etc, then you plant Yew.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Man reading some of the people here, you would think its their first MMO instead of people who have been playing them for over a decade. I mean still bitching about queues, yet if there were 20 servers and in a month 75% of them went to "Low", you would bitch about needing transfers/mergers(mergers just dont work here), it's like reading the official forums.

To me its much better for every server to have a queue for the first week and a healthy population later, then a bunch of low pop servers later.


I agree cinge, it's not like they can easily merge servers either... they'd have to screw peoples plots up to do it. Or just instance housing making it worthless.

One game got this right and it's Eve. Wish archage was more like it tbh.

Here's a video example of how great the genre used to be:



Just a Nurse
Fuck you, you bastards who mentioned Sword Art Online. Now I can't get my damned homework done because of this anime.