

Ahn'Qiraj Raider


Golden Squire
yeah a lot of times people in instances get lazy. I'm hoping to run some GHA this week and I think a lot of people will too.
Heh, not going to call names (I see his member name on the board, but doesn't look like he did anything but register and never log in again), but I was in HF with an all PRX group, and one of our DPS was constantly pulling instead of letting the tank manage it, breaking CC, looting during fighting, and had a lot of the "well lets just run at them and try it" mentality.

He eventually kinda fell into line, but we were in HF a LONG time (we wiped a lot learning the instance), second time we didn't wipe until the last boss once or twice. But yeah, he was definitely herp-derping for group play. And of course he was an archer, heh.


ArcheAge Launch Update #2 ? More Capacity, Bonuses, and Faster Service


If you were a patron as of launch day, last week you were granted a bonus amount of patron time to cover the head start period. In an update we did while the servers were running on Saturday, we expanded that to more time and more people, essentially making Patron time only begin ticking as of yesterday.

Making sure that all patrons have their bonuses has been incredibly important to us, as is making sure we?re as generous as we can be, wherever we can, and things are now working well for the vast majority. There are still a handful of patrons who need touching up, and making sure that they?re taken care of remains the priority for our software teams.


Another thing that we?d like to make sure everyone knows ? If you?ve already used up all six of your sets of Founder?s items, and if that?s what?s holding you back from trying out a new server, or if you just want one extra set to put on one of your existing characters, you can go to the account page at Glyph - Account Management and do this yourself!

This option went up last Friday, and you?re welcome to it whether or not you?ve had any issues. Look for the option up top that contains the words Founder?s Pack ? Bonus and enjoy with our compliments. Do remember that you can only do this one time!

Even on top of the above bonuses, we are continuing to look into ways to make sure that everyone?s made good for their troubles during this launch.


Had a pretty successful weekend with this game being able to bypass their manual character select d/c's.

Got to lvl 40 - up to 100g after buying labor pots and vocational pots

~1100 Iron ingots
~200 starlight dust
~2400 Mana Pots
~400 Lunarite (primarily from mysterious garden powder from 38+ coin purses)

Got a Rare dungeon mace that beats out anything sub lvl 45 rare crafted.

Got jumped a bunch while leveling in the various areas. In 1v1's I've got a pretty good record, unfortunately I rarely got 1v1's this weekend out in the open.

*Protip: Vocational Tonic + Workers comp potion = ~10.5g (not worth spending cash shop currency on at this point)


Mr. Poopybutthole
I'm at work and can't check, but does anyone know what the silver founder's pack bonus consists of? Or is it essentially just the same crap as we were supposed to get?


Pay to play forum
Patron status, Founder title (+1 all stats), Experimental Glider and 3000 credits. I think thats it.


Hartsman update #2

ArcheAge Launch Update #2 - More Capacity, Bonuses, and Faster Service

Hello again, all - We wanted to update you on how everything's looking and share a progress report on where we've been since the last update a few days ago. I'm writing this on a Sunday night as we've all been working through the weekend to bring you the best ArchAge experience possible.

I've hopped on half a dozen servers this weekend, both in Europe and North America and it's incredible to see so many people having this amount of fun.


Since our last update, we've welcomed three new North American worlds, Ezi, Lucius, and Calleil into service. They've had an effect on improving queue times, as new folks have been steering themselves to the new ones as expected. The experience isn't globally perfect yet, and queues do still exist, but the new servers and the patron queuing changes have had a noticeably positive impact overall. We're seeing a lot more of : "I picked a new server, had a short wait, and no problems." Progress, but still work ahead.

In Europe, we thank you for your incredible patience, and once again wish that there was an even faster way to get your hardware in place. On the internet, and hour feels like a day, and a day might as well be a week. We get that. Your new server hardware is in customs and is expected to be released to us on Tuesday your time.
We have people standing by and ready to move as fast as humanly possible to get things rolled out for you.

We have moved to daily restarts to flush out AFKs clogging the servers making it take too long to get in - and we've been aggressive with manual sweeps and bot/fraud banning as well. Around 10k of those have been banned over the last few days.

We're aware of the bug that some folks are using to hold a spot indefinitely, and a fix is incoming. If all goes well, we'll be receiving that in the next day and deploying it as soon as we get it through our QA. We do expect that one to help a lot, as we've seen cases at peak where far too much of a given world's capacity was occupied by idle placeholders. Once that's in, we'll be able to more accurately evaluate where we should go with hardware capacity from here.


If you were a patron as of launch day, last week you were granted a bonus amount of patron time to cover the head start period. In an update we did while the servers were running on Saturday, we expanded that to more time and more people, essentially making Patron time only begin ticking as of yesterday.

Making sure that all patrons have their bonus has been incredibly important to us, as is making sure we're as generous as we can be, wherever we can, and things are now working well for the vast majority. There are still a handful of patrons who need touching up, and making sure they're taken care of remains the priority for our software teams.


Another thing we'd like to make sure everyone knows - If you've already used up all six of your sets of Founder's items, and if that's what's holding you back from trying out a new server, or if you just want one extra set to put on one of your existing characters, you can go to the account page atGlyph - Account Managementand do this yourself!

This option went up this last Friday, and you're welcome to it whether or not you've had any issues. Look for the option up top that contains the words Founder's Pack - Bonus and enjoy with our compliments. Do remember that you can only do this one time!

Even on top of the above bonuses, we are continuing to look into ways to make sure that everyone's made good for their troubles during this launch.


Our CS capacity has continuously been increasing even in the short time since launch. Chat wait times are about two thirds faster than what they were last week, even though the weekend's been the busiest time ArcheAge has seen as a whole. We're still pushing hard to make sure even more people are wanting to help, and the next group of folks ready to help starts work first thing Monday morning.


On Sunday, our North American servers did get poked at by a handful of DDOSes. Europe did not. Our network folks have been working with our ISPs on this and other security topics regularly, and were able to compensate and protect your experience quickly.

The game did stay up and full the entire time, both our infrastructure and countermeasures held, and we do sincerely apologize to those of you who got disconnected briefly. This isn't the kind of thing we want any of you to be impacted by, and we continue to find new protections here as well.

As always, for faster information, the Launch FAQ thread is where you can go for more rapid updates. The team continues to update that as everything progresses.

And with that, I'll let you get back to ArcheAge! We look forward to even more improvements this week, and will let you know as they happen.


Daily Server Restarts... booooo


Mr. Poopybutthole
Finally got in and played.. logged out after 30 minutes. This genre is bullshit now.
I'm hoping PRX starts doing nightly PVP events or something soon. Hit 50 on Saturday I believe and now I'm just sort of sitting around wondering what to do.

I've farmed up 60 Hasla tokens, but I'm rolling on conviction with just about every single other person, so it takes fucking forever (that 60 respresents about 6 hours of farming).


Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
I'm having as much fun as I was hoping from my alpha experience.

My main is now 38, in 34 crafted armor. I have the mats for my level 40 armor and the skill to make it.

She's essentially made 22 to 38 with almost nothing but farming, crafting, etc...

My alt, which is strangely enough 44 now with only questing, as he's sending all his mats, money, archeum to my main.

Used the alt's Gilda to buy my clipper and aquafarm that I sent to my main. Used my main's Gilda for the house, and she still has 38 or so and hasn't complete the green quest yet, I think I can expect about 15 or so still.

Did tons of the crafting quest, got full set of miner gear+title, gatherer gear+title, woodworker gear, working on the title now...a little behind in raising animal set and title though. Trees are taking too much space.

With the ports being farmed pretty steadily now...doing solo traderuns is getting hard. Soon, I'll be able the swap packs between my main and alt to do them more safely.

Almost 20k Metalworker, starting on Alchemy now too..

My 2 RL friends are doing Tailoring/Handicraft and Weaponsmith/Carpentry so we're covering the most basic profession. We're gonna be pretty self-sulficiant.

We're really happy with our first week or so...everything now pretty much smooth sailing from now on.


Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
You must be on one of the lower pop servers I take it.
I'm on Naima, which I believe is the lowest population server of the original ones.

The 3 of us never experienced a queue longer then 50 minutes. Most of the time it's about 30 minutes or so.


I'm hoping PRX starts doing nightly PVP events or something soon. Hit 50 on Saturday I believe and now I'm just sort of sitting around wondering what to do.

I've farmed up 60 Hasla tokens, but I'm rolling on conviction with just about every single other person, so it takes fucking forever (that 60 respresents about 6 hours of farming).
PRX is catching some serious shit talking on the official forums. Lol.



Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I'm hoping PRX starts doing nightly PVP events or something soon. Hit 50 on Saturday I believe and now I'm just sort of sitting around wondering what to do.
If you don't farm to craft your gear you're gonna have a bad time in those PvP events against people with Hasla weapons.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I'm hoping PRX starts doing nightly PVP events or something soon. Hit 50 on Saturday I believe and now I'm just sort of sitting around wondering what to do.

I've farmed up 60 Hasla tokens, but I'm rolling on conviction with just about every single other person, so it takes fucking forever (that 60 respresents about 6 hours of farming).
I don't seen how this is possible. There is so much shit to do in this game, hitting 50 is just a blip.

But hey if you quit, give me your farm spot, its right next to my stuff.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I don't seen how this is possible. There is so much shit to do in this game, hitting 50 is just a blip.

But hey if you quit, give me your farm spot, its right next to my stuff.
That's the most polite "can I have your stuff" ever.


Mr. Poopybutthole
  • Unorganized PVP - This is ok
  • Farming - Pretty passive
  • Crafting - Also pretty passive
  • GHA - Would like to run this more with some competant people
  • Hadir Farm - Finding lvl 30-39 people for this is a bitch
  • Hasla Token Farming - As I said, I roll conviction so this fucking sucks. I probably have around 9 hours of farming to finish
  • Levelling alt classes - This just sucks ass with Auroria locked
  • Tradepack runs - I haven't done this at all, mostly because it seems incredibly dangerous solo

That's about all I've been doing. Am I missing something? Please tell me so that I can start doing whatever it is.


  • Unorganized PVP - This is ok
  • Farming - Pretty passive
  • Crafting - Also pretty passive
  • GHA - Would like to run this more with some competant people
  • Hadir Farm - Finding lvl 30-39 people for this is a bitch
  • Hasla Token Farming - As I said, I roll conviction so this fucking sucks. I probably have around 9 hours of farming to finish
  • Levelling alt classes - This just sucks ass with Auroria locked
  • Tradepack runs - I haven't done this at all, mostly because it seems incredibly dangerous solo

That's about all I've been doing. Am I missing something? Please tell me so that I can start doing whatever it is.


Golden Knight of the Realm
I tried GHA today with some randoms and someone from PRX, and it was awful. The PRX guy kept breaking my CC, and then when he left, the randoms just went with a "rush into giant packs of mobs and hope we kill some" tactic.

I guess part of the problem with having a mega-guild like PRX is that you get people that aren't necessarily MMO vets. Or if they are, they were basically shit and don't know what they're doing. It makes me only want to group with people from Rerolled.
I got to try GHA for my first time over the weekend with a guild group. We could not get past the first main boss mainly due to mana issues. I was the healer and my heal club was a green lvl 30 and I just kept running out of mana with the mob at half health. I have since upgraded it to 34 and got a blue proc, but geez do healers get the shaft with the Hasla weapons. I will probably try and regrade it to purple and upgrade it one more time before going back. Admittedly I am still learning the timing on inspire and healing, so some of our issues may fall on me anyway. I am kinda looking forward to going back and seeing if I can do better.


I got to try GHA for my first time over the weekend with a guild group. We could not get past the first main boss mainly due to mana issues. I was the healer and my heal club was a green lvl 30 and I just kept running out of mana with the mob at half health. I have since upgraded it to 34 and got a blue proc, but geez do healers get the shaft with the Hasla weapons. I will probably try and regrade it to purple and upgrade it one more time before going back. Admittedly I am still learning the timing on inspire and healing, so some of our issues may fall on me anyway. I am kinda looking forward to going back and seeing if I can do better.
Resurgence combos and boosts the healing of mend and anitithesis. Inspire only reduces the cooldown/castspeed of the heals.

Basically what I do on my Paladin: Seed of life + Resurgence + Antithesis. I only use Mend if shit is really bad IE: DPS are being assholes and eating cleaves.

I really like Seed of Life

Mend just costs too much mana to use as a reliable source of healing output.

Mana issues are resolved by bringing potions and soup.

(if you're in PRX just turn in some Tucobux for 1000 soup and you're good to go, that is if PRX has any of this stuff in stock of course)