

You can.

For Labor pots to be p2w i would say you would have to have 3-4 characters on the same server to burn one every 12 hours, for 6-8k labor a day just from pots.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Even with infinite labor you still need to work ingame to get the mats to do something useful with the labor. And if you're just burning it for XP who cares, being level 50 is nothing in this game.


Golden Squire
Some consider the labor potions P2W. Can you also buy tax certificates on the shop?
Yeah, it's really not P2W, I don't think. I guess it could change depending on what you think "winning" is. For most that means gear progression, and for that you're going to be fighting the RNG and materials much much more than labor to get the item you want. Sure, more labor pots help, but 1000 labor every 12 hours doesn't help you "win" the real fight. Paying might get you some more chances at pulling the lever, but it's not going to give you gear.

Not to mention, "important" PVP happens at the end game, and for big battles, one person's gear isn't going to matter that much, and the vast majority are not going to be spending the amount of money to get a real jump ahead that you could conceivably get by abusing labor pots.

It's mainly there for people to push through some exp for extra skill trees.

As for tax certs - you get enough labor in the game and loyalty points to keep up certs for a few properties easily.
What's the easiest way to burn labor? I just became a Patron so I'm getting a lot of it quickly. I've just been mining Tigerspine in the mornings when it's relatively dead to build up a huge stack of stone/ore that I plan on burning if I get to 5k labor. I don't have a farm or anything yet. Are there any spots left on Kyrios?


Pretty sure if you looked hard you could put down an 8x8 someplace, but anything bigger you'll probably have to wait for something to open up or buy the land from someone else.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Oh, and the big P2W part of this game is on the biggest gear trademill: the item crafting. Getting those things that help regrading are almost a requirement for getting good gear. I think anyone with great gear in this game will have paid a lot of money to Trion for it.


Blackwing Lair Raider
So far I'm still F2P, but I'm playing this as a trial. Meaning I'm simply leveling via questing, not taking part in crafting at all (I'll sometimes stop to mine if I see in my travel but that's it). My thought is once I get closer to 30, it'll give me some sort of idea if I want to keep going via sub. Hardest thing for me is finding a guild on the server I'm on (Lucius) since I'm not seeing a whole lot advertising.


Avatar of War Slayer
really? I was getting 10 guild invites a day, and the constant in chat spam advertising guilds too on Lucius.

I don't recommend full f2p on this at all.
If you have ANY interest at all.
Sub up. 1 month.

The AH, and Labor is just essential. Farms pretty good for making cash too. Use that labor and access to all tools, etc, to make some gold.
Buy APEX, with gold sooner then later. Buy alot of it. The price on APEX will only go up. If you play a good amount, then hopefully you will have been able to buy 3-4 months of patreon status via Apex.
And if you didn't, I would suggest this game probably isn't for you in the first place, as that is kindof the indication of the time requirements to do anything in this.

I am not a super fan of the f2p-patreon split here. I very much like how DCUO did it. If $20 bought me permanent Patreon status, I would spend that cash in a minute.
Current system, they won't see a dime from me. (Granted better then wildstar)

also lol.
The ArcheAge Patron Program and APEX System

Brutus: Bonus online Labor Point regeneration (10 per 5 minutes)
Offline Labor Point regeneration (5 per 5 minutes)

Scrapes:Not with our AFK kick timer in place, they won't.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Queue on Kyrios was about 2.5 hours last night after I got home from work. Kind of a bummer. Still no queue in the mornings when I do some farming before work though.

Did Hasla token farming last night for about 2 hours and managed to come away with 26 additional tokens. This conviction farming sucks ass so much. I'm like 8 or 9 hours in so far, and at 86 total (although I have one of those elemental ones for another 5). Can't wait to be done with this shitshow.

That said, towards the end of my night Hasla slipped into war and Anarchy apparently decided to "take back Hasla." I guess there's a streamer on the West faction and people in the PRX group were watching. We held them off at a choke point for like 15 minutes or something before people started noticing that all the other greens were just PVE'ing while we took care of the mass of reds. We decided to say fuck it and retreated to the Nui Priestess. It was amazing how quickly Anarchy rolled through all the Easterners. It made for a very funny moment, as well as pretty proud that our small group of PRX was able to hold back this mass of people.

We then ported behind the reds and basically wiped them all, before heading to the back spot and pushing them all out. The PVP in this game is extremely satisfying.

I really need to figure out when Tuco is doing all these damn events (not including the one above for gilda farming, since that started at 5am my time).


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Ya, the other greens are usually just "herp derp me farm mob!" as a blob of 50 reds charge down on the token camps.

Btw, last night was a pretty epic win in Haly. East was easily outnumbered and West had grabbed the flag 1st and spawned the cannons of own, but we ended up securing a win. We also showed that imprison is good last night, despite the reluctance of certain raid leaders (ours was cool with it...we used it for divide+conquer tactics during pincer attacks and for reinforcement denial when we started to attack the mass PVP with 100+ people, the walls don't even render, so most fools just think they are lagging and don't even bother trying to go around them lol).


Golden Squire
Yeah, last night was frustrating when our "allies" let us fight off the reds, took our spot, then wouldn't leave.


Molten Core Raider
Oh, and the big P2W part of this game is on the biggest gear trademill: the item crafting. Getting those things that help regrading are almost a requirement for getting good gear. I think anyone with great gear in this game will have paid a lot of money to Trion for it.
Yeah, this is pretty much what I'm talking about. Which is kind of disheartening.


Yeah, this is pretty much what I'm talking about. Which is kind of disheartening.
All this disheartening stuff took it's toll on me last night, couldn't even be bothered to leave the crafting bench and play the game, is it just me?


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
All this disheartening stuff took it's toll on me last night, couldn't even be bothered to leave the crafting bench and play the game, is it just me?
You were this way before launch. Hell I am shocked you even played live, given all your statements and comments prior to launch.

But that is pretty usual behavior around here it seems.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Crafting bench is great way to get XP. I'm pretty sure 60% of my levels came from crafting/using labor ;p


You were this way before launch. Hell I am shocked you even played live, given all your statements and comments prior to launch.

But that is pretty usual behavior around here it seems.
I get your point Cinge.

My statements still stand, we're at the mercy of XL games, Trion has no control over this title. It's all over the dev tracker that Trion constantly has to "Request" content changes (scrolling chat, anti-botting implementations, etc.)

I'm just wondering if I'm alone on all this. I feel like $150 was a huge overvaluation, especially given that Trion has no real control over the title.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Meh, I thought that was pretty obvious early/mid alpha and I had time to back out and not play(though still wouldn't ask for a refund since I had hours into the game already and I am not that kind of douche).


Meh, I thought that was pretty obvious early/mid alpha and I had time to back out and not play(though still wouldn't ask for a refund since I had hours into the game already and I am not that kind of douche).
I might be mistaken here but didn't Trion specifically get you into Alpha prior to founders packs?

If yes, we've got a difference there, I had to pay to get in.

If no, the hype on these forums is what drove my launch efforts, interest seems to be waning though.