

Golden Squire
PRX is a large guild and it doesn't necessarily discriminate on who it lets in as long as they meet the basic requirements. Considering the fact that we have over a hundred people online at any given point in time, and when the rally call goes out we can show up en masse as a horde of people. Or zerg as you will. Some people don't like that. Makes them feel... inadequate I suppose.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
From google, Tom is referring to this post:
Some dedicated assholes on Kyrios : archeage

where someone made a blockade to the docks ex:

All things considered it's a pretty good trolljob and I wouldn't necessarily call it an exploit, especially since it's a couple hundred gold worth of resources to enact and it's done to force PvP in a system that discourages it. That being said, it's not surprising that someone who would do such a dickish move would also end up on PRX's KOS list and thus have good reason to kill us whenever possible. If you look at our KOS List:

I think you'll see a who's who of PK guilds, I'd wager that most people on the East side who have a grudge against us belong to a guild on that list.

I have no idea who that person is or anyone else so I can't comment on why they'd call us out, but I can say that internally we don't talk any shit talk toward our allies, and we even frown upon shit talk toward most of our enemies. We actually have a lot of respect toward roughly half the groups we fight.

As for zerg or not zerg, we're able to mobilize one of the largest forces in the game, calling us a zerg isn't going to hurt our feelings. Come Auroria we'll only be able to take a limited force and put it against all comers, if we're just a zerg guild we won't be able to hold on to a castle.

Tom Lightner

Molten Core Raider
Ah, thank you for the replies, once again much respect to Tuco and PRX and Rerolled I should have known it was just trash being talked. On zerg guild, I get the picture and I do disagree (or agree with ya'll) what PRX does is how "IT" is supposed to be done, not a put down, I guess others are looking for excuses. /tiphat Carry on gents!


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I can't comment on why they'd call us out
Putting aside the obvious jealous players, I'd say you're getting a lot of shit because people feel PRX is on a horse so high it should wear a space suit.This kind of postis the perfect example, using words like "hardcore" where it doesn't even make sense, putting people on your KOS list like it's a big deal (when we all know a lot of PRX members don't really go KOS unless they're in raid during all-calls) .

I personally like guilds with strong personality and serious screening but most people hate it, sometimes for false reasons (jealousy, envy) and some other times for good reasons. Having a super serious "we mean stuff" front where everyone knows your recruitment process is as selective as having a social security number is probably why people call you "zerg", which is not only about numbers, it's also about controlling mindless drones all at once. I too wouldn't mind being in a guild called "zerg" by other people, though I'd question myself on what we do during large fights. If there's one guy yelling at everyone, telling everything at every fucking second, it's not as different as being a grunt lassoed with other grunts to chop trees. Hence zerg. It's not only derogative, it's also insulting.


Molten Core Raider
Zerging is just often the most effective way to play a game like this. There literally is no downside on the field of battle. I'd love to see devs experiment with brutal AE that scales, think of the Doctor from Ender's Game. It's sad that since DAOC, pvp command and control hasn't evolved much further than calling primary.

I'm sure Tuco would like to see a game that forces players to build out a robust C2 network with exponentially scaling difficulty; as it stands, I doubt any Zerg leadership genuinely thinks they win due to skillful execution. But, if the game required solid coordination between multiple small mobile groups... That seems far more intriguing to me than (x) and (x+25) colliding somewhere, with the larger force always a favorite to win.

Edit: I am not implying that Zerg guilds are skillless; I'm fully aware and acknowledge the logistical and beyond the scenes hassle of cat-herding. I just wish we had a pvp game that more closely modeled combat in the real world. I want a dynamic battle space with many many objectives that demand a competitive force model themselves off an actual armed forces.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Putting aside the obvious jealous players, I'd say you're getting a lot of shit because people feel PRX is on a horse so high it should wear a space suit.This kind of postis the perfect example, using words like "hardcore" where it doesn't even make sense, putting people on your KOS list like it's a big deal (when we all know a lot of PRX members don't really go KOS unless they're in raid during all-calls) .

I personally like guilds with strong personality and serious screening but most people hate it, sometimes for false reasons (jealousy, envy) and some other times for good reasons. Having a super serious "we mean stuff" front where everyone knows your recruitment process is as selective as having a social security number is probably why people call you "zerg", which is not only about numbers, it's also about controlling mindless drones all at once. I too wouldn't mind being in a guild called "zerg" by other people, though I'd question myself on what we do during large fights. If there's one guy yelling at everyone, telling everything at every fucking second, it's not as different as being a grunt lassoed with other grunts to chop trees. Hence zerg. It's not only derogative, it's also insulting.
I don't disagree with most of what you said, but it's unlikely that we're talking about impartial observers pontificating on the merits of PRX. Most of the time people go out of their way talk shit about PRX it's because we're fighting a war against them. Like you're still salty that we kicked Vizunah Square off its pedestal two years ago! (kidding)

As to whether being on our KOS list matters, what's funny is that the community of fishing that's developed in the game has developed a PK vs antipk community. There's a few guilds that have members who will attack the fishing groups or try to pirate the fish off people's backs on their way to the docks and those guilds get on our KOS list and are effectively prevented from fishing with the server. For many guilds when they find this out they very quickly make amends and get off the list (which isn't hard if you're a newish guild).


As to whether being on our KOS list matters, what's funny is that the community of fishing that's developed in the game has developed a PK vs antipk community. There's a few guilds that have members who will attack the fishing groups or try to pirate the fish off people's backs on their way to the docks and those guilds get on our KOS list and are effectively prevented from fishing with the server. For many guilds when they find this out they very quickly make amends and get off the list (which isn't hard if you're a newish guild).
I never would have thought that fishing would be epicentric to AA's pvp community. I'm surprised to hear this.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
I think if they made inter-continental trade routes more lucrative (or made intra-continental ones less lucrative...) you'd see more of them and less fishing. For now fishing is a great source of income, especially for those who don't have land and can't generate a steady and cheap supply of materials to make into packs.

The Blackrose_sl

I think if they made inter-continental trade routes more lucrative (or made intra-continental ones less lucrative...) you'd see more of them and less fishing. For now fishing is a great source of income, especially for those who don't have land and can't generate a steady and cheap supply of materials to make into packs.
Never really understood why they took away gold exchange from the intercontinental routes. In most cases, it would be preferable than having to exchange for GS/alchemy mats, which then raise their own issues.

I never would have thought that fishing would be epicentric to AA's pvp community. I'm surprised to hear this.
Given how much money fishing makes at the moment, it's not really surprising. West side has an unspoken agreement to not mess with each others' ships, even if there's bad blood. Unfortunately, a few guilds recently have not been able to keep to that agreement, and their allies have paid the price for it.


Mr. Poopybutthole
It's funny how this game evolved in the last month. Everyone was shit talking it about how it was essentially farmville, but instead it's turned into a fishing simulator. Tuco's right though, and that's because it's apparently (since I don't do it) the best effective way to make money.

It's kind of a terrible system though, and I definitely don't like it. The crafting grind is WAY too steep. I've dumped a ridiculous amount of money into it and still haven't had an illustrious (lvl 44) item that is upgradeable. It's insane that thousands of gold doesn't even get you up to a lvl 50 item, much less top 2-3 tier items, without a retarded amount of luck.


Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
I agree about the crafting, I was able to make 2 Magnificent piece so far, not what I needed though.

At least so far, I make a pretty hefty profit on selling the illustrious I don't want, and from the 2 Magnificent. They have to be blue grade or higher though.

I usually craft the 2nd level of armor until I get a blue, then upgrade it to the higher level garanteeing at least a blue, since first 2 levels are so cheap to make, it's the best way I found to insure that I turn a profit when selling it at Illustrious.

The Blackrose_sl

I feel really bad for anyone that's working on Handicraft accessories. Having to start with RNG right out of the gate sucks.

Hoping Auroria launch brings down the price of Archeum (if they give us Archeum trees). Cost of crystal looks to be climbing higher and higher each day.


Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
Small tip about Archeum, check the lower version and compare how much 5 cost, it is "sometimes" cheaper to buy 5 from lower type of Archeum and combined them.

The other moonlight essence was selling for 95gold, crystals were 5 crystals into 1 essence was only 60gold. Most of the times the prices match as each type is about 5 times the lower version but sometimes it can be way cheaper to buy lower stuff and combine them.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
The upcoming Conquest of Auroria update opens four new zones - Marcala, Calmlands, Heedmar, and Nuimari - for the most resourceful and prepared guilds to claim as their own, along with new housing, castles, siege warfare, recipes, and more.

Prepare for launch with our introduction to claiming, building, and laying siege to castles below, and chart your course for Auroria. Fame and fortune await!

Claiming the New Zones

While exploring Auroria, you will find special Archeum Lodestones in Marcala, Calmlands, Heedmar, and Nuimari. To claim one of these four zones, a guild leader must cleanse one of its Archeum Lodestones using a Purifying Archeum tradepack. The first Lodestone claimed in each zone confers ownership of the zone to the claiming guild and crowns its leader Lord of the zone. (At which point all other Archeum Lodestones in the zone will be deactivated.)

Purifying Archeum tradepacks are constructed with Anya Ingots and Blood Archeum Crystals. While the Crystals can be purchased directly from a General Merchant, Anya Ingots are smelted from Anya Pebbles, and these Pebbles can only be mined from Anya veins found in Auroria. A guild will need a proficient miner and metal worker to complete this process.
Once a guild claims a zone, they can build a castle to protect their Archeum Lodestone from sieges by another guild. The designs for various components of a castle including walls, gates, and defense towers can be purchased from Mirage Isle.

Sieges: Massive Guild vs. Guild Battles

Periodically, a castle siege scroll for each claimed zone will appear on the Auction House under the "Scroll: Siege Base" category. The winning bidder can use the scroll to declare and begin a siege of the specified zone's Archeum Lodestone at a given time or even trade it to someone else!

To claim victory, the attackers must break through any existing fortifications, destroy the defenders' Archeum Lodestone, and then convert the destroyed Archeum Lodestone - without being interrupted - for several minutes. If the attackers can destroy the Lodestone and then convert it within the allotted time for the siege, they win ownership of the zone along with any remnants of the existing castle.

Properties within a fallen castle's limits do not change ownership automatically, but they can be demolished at will by the new owners! If, on the other hand, the defenders successfully repel a siege, their guild leader receives Lord's Coins that can be used to purchase specialty items on Mirage Isle.

New Housing

Once a zone is claimed, its new housing provinces will become available. The housing province in the area surrounding the claimed Archeum Lodestone will typically fall within the owner's castle limits (and be subject to demolition by the zone Lord). Any property that is NOT within the castle limits cannot be touched or harmed by the resident guild, but it is subject to any additional taxes levied by the Lord. Property owners will still pay taxes in the form of tax certificates, and the zone Lord will receive equivalent payments in the form of gold.

Aside from the new opportunity to settle lands next to your allies, constructing property in Auroria has several benefits. Each of Auroria's regions has dual climates (Heedmar, for example, is both Subartic and Temperate), allowing for a wider range of optimal conditions for farming. In addition, certain resources like Auroria Mineral Water can only be found on the new continent. This water is required to grow Archeum Trees, which will be available for purchase on Mirage Isle, providing a reliable source of Archeum Logs and precious Archeum.

And More!

The Farm Wagon will be available for construction and is capable of carrying four tradepacks! Building the Farm Wagon requires a completed Farm Cart, as well as Flaming Logs - another high-end crafting material found only on Auroria. Hasla Weapons will be upgradable for additional Faded Tokens and Gilda Dust, allowing dedicated players to elevate their combat prowess to new heights.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
The Farm Wagon will be available for construction and is capable of carrying four tradepacks! Building the Farm Wagon requires a completed Farm Cart

I thought they stated a while ago the cart would not turn into the wagon? Guess I need to build one, have the two trees saved for cart.

Damn and both tiers of hasla.
The management of this game is so poor it's almost unbelievable. I am really glad I only dropped $15. Will not ever be purchasing a game with Hartsman attached again.
Whether or not he was hands on, I had a lot more respect for him before seeing some of the shit he's posted to Twitter/Reddit regarding AA. As CEO he understandably needs defend his product to some extent, but you have to be able to own up and fix the shit that's within your power. After playing this for a few weeks it's clear it's nothing more than a cash grab for Trion. There is no incentive or desire from them to actually fix anything in this game (e.g. see any of Scape's replies to well, anything.But here, for example). People are still using land grabbers well after the'100% correct heuristics'wrongly banned a bunch of people who ended up losing land because Trion's crack CS team couldn't answer a ticket in 2+ weeks.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
IMO they shouldn't have added Hasla weapons at all, especially when their "OMG HASLA HEALER WEAPON IS LIVE" move consisting of a 2h greatclub with Agility as the primary stat. It spits so much on weaponcrafting it's crystal clear they don't play the game at all. Also as Cinge said, they stated Farm Wagon won't be a Farm Cart Upgrade, I guess they changed their opinion at the last moment. It's not a stupid move and it should allow TS trees price inflation coming to a halt.

What's fun right now is checking official forums : two weeks ago they were all about "this game is full of hackers and goldsellers" and right now it's "rofl everything is so expensive". People are so clueless when it comes to MMORPG economy. On our server we have almost every night some GM broadcasting his bot killing spree. Everyone and their grandmother was cheering him like it's digital Jesus. Not great.

And it has kinda been confirmed by some people : that whole labor pots / cash shop items sale madness weeks ago was allegedly from few "top" guilds who got their hands on free $130 accounts and they basically siphoned them our of their credits to convert them into gold. Allegedly, Trion promised a lot of those $130 free accounts to guilds who were doing a lot of Archeage advertising, either by their history, presence in alpha program or streaming. Some guilds didn't give a fuck about Trion's promise, they bought Trailblazer accounts, and when Trion's promise came true, they basically hijacked credits, convert them into gold and made a living on it. Some of them got banned and unbanned because they didn't do anything forbidden, and "allegedly' Trion didn't want to have to deal with aftermath.

Maybe it's bullshit and they found some dupe hack / exploit, or maybe it's true. Who cares anyway. I'm quite pleased with how Trion is handling the game right now (got a Patron issue, dealt by Trion live chat in 8mins) and while I strongly disagree with some of their game choices, I'm quite happy how the game is right now. It allows me to have a blast regarding naval warfare right now. PvP is so much fun when people actually have stuff to lose.