

Yey! Well by the time they get the 4wd version back in the game I might have a good beginning on the parts.

I've been trying to think of what they are doing with the cars. I think they said rebalancing. What I'd do is make the speeds inverse to the usefulness. Like the 4wd car is so much better at climbing maybe it should be slower, but faster with a tradepack load. Whereas the others should be better top speed?

Or maybe they will just make them all 4wd and the same speed, that's kind of what they did with the gliders. I'd be ok with that. Would just be a choice of color, and which method is easiest to get the schematic.


Silver Knight of the Realm
Based on them being able to track gold as it moves through the system (assuming they're not bluffing on that) I wouldn't be surprised if they smashed your tree. If I bought anything that I thought was exploited I'd probably liquidate it asap.

I think that's what Sorcerer did (GM of TWO, big western guild on Kyrios). He had 5 great success to get epherium gear to divine tonight in a 1.5 hour period. Everytime it happened the faction chat would blow up calling him a cheater, but I think he just had a bank full of upgrade scrolls and wanted to burn them before Trion processed the server logs and deleted any that were made by a suspect player.
I heard a rumor a few days ago that you could exploit Mirage Isle somehow during the regrade process. A success would still be a success, but a failure wouldn't downgrade your gear and you got your regrade mats back.

A video just surfaced of a way to dupe Apex via Mirage Isle and all of a sudden they are taking the servers down. Nice.


Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
Well, I guess that's it for me. I haven't had this much fun in a MMO in a long time, it had the foundation to be an awesome game. It was still a pretty good game, and was/is tons of fun.

It lacks somewhat in content, although there is a lot to keep you occupied. Sadly the bots, hacks have taken their toll and my 2 friends are quitting because of it.

It sucks because it was fun.

Not sure what's next, Rift, WoW, SWTOR all have expansion out or out soon...but aside from maybe a month just for the sake of doing the new content...there is nothing left on the horizon (I have zero faith in SOE about EQ Next).


Well, I guess that's it for me. I haven't had this much fun in a MMO in a long time, it had the foundation to be an awesome game. It was still a pretty good game, and was/is tons of fun.

It lacks somewhat in content, although there is a lot to keep you occupied. Sadly the bots, hacks have taken their toll and my 2 friends are quitting because of it.

It sucks because it was fun.

Not sure what's next, Rift, WoW, SWTOR all have expansion out or out soon...but aside from maybe a month just for the sake of doing the new content...there is nothing left on the horizon (I have zero faith in SOE about EQ Next).
I still have a lot of fun but i didn't play as much i would have wanted yet , my friends still play and enjoy the game , i'll stick around for a while.

Wich server you were playing ?


Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
I am/was on Naima.

I still have subscription time from the Archeum Founder's will log to pay my taxes to keep my house+farm+aquafarm until it runs out. In case they bring 1.7 before my subscription runs out and I want to check it out.


Silver Squire
Sad because I enjoyed the game but the hackers had a field day. Sad thing is all of this happened in RU and XL did nothing. The same programs, bots and exploits all worked in RU and didn't require a patch, work around, nothing to get near 100% functioning for NA. Pretty fucking sad really. You hear more about it now as people give 0 fucks about the game anymore but this stuff was going on from the start.

I realize all MMO's have issues with hacks. I'm ok with that. Most games have some kind of radar, or node sniffer and generally its passive stuff. However when you have people regrading gear with no consequence on failure, pulling exact items out of random reward chests, actively duping gold and items then shit is just broken in ways that you don't usually see. Lets not forget speed hacks, teleports and all the other shit that most games can detect and stop in a far shorter time. Fucking terrible and reminds me of Shadowbane.

Don't even get me started on the half ass patch we opened with. Closing the north off artificially took all of the fun out of the rush for a castle. Had the north been open from the start it would of been far more difficult to get up there. You would of had to actually coordinate miners leveling and gathering with the limited labor so you didn't get passed up by a more organized guild. Closing Auroria instead allowed everyone to casually dick around and catch up and then blob for the one item to make the pack. I would of much preferred a longer marathon to the zerg race we got.

As for auroria itself, it will be a huge disappointment just like in Korea and RU. Sieges are a joke and suck. The continent has no reason to do anything on it except some PVE which was nerfed to shit over time. Lots of wasted potential up there.

Why couldn't they encourage more PvP? Hasla was a fucking joke, take those tokens and drop them from players and you'd at least have some reason to go to a war zone and fight. What is up with all those stages anyway? Peace or war GTFO. Why remove the high gold rewards for the inter continental trade runs? Why didn't they adjust the flagging issues? Why wasn't the sea always at war?

Few little things like that, fairly simply changes, and you'd have a different game. Oh, and by all means, how about not having your game economy raped by dupes and exploits? That would be a good thing to keep in mind when designing your item DB on how things get created in game.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Why couldn't they encourage more PvP? Hasla was a fucking joke, take those tokens and drop them from players and you'd at least have some reason to go to a war zone and fight. What is up with all those stages anyway? Peace or war GTFO. Why remove the high gold rewards for the inter continental trade runs? Why didn't they adjust the flagging issues? Why wasn't the sea always at war?
This was by far the biggest issue I ever had with the game. For a game that proudly proclaimed 'open world pvp', it was amazing how very little the game itself promotes that and in turn, how limited the 'open world pvp' really was.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
The game was always walking an awkward tightrope between 'open world' pvpers and people who wanted to play farmville. Sadly thats a balance that I dont think exists in a way that satisfies both sides.


The game was always walking an awkward tightrope between 'open world' pvpers and people who wanted to play farmville. Sadly thats a balance that I dont think exists in a way that satisfies both sides.
Yeah not when you limit the piss out of it. Infinite property protection is boring as fuck. A good portion of us played SWG and play EVE and other things... those games do/did it just fine.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Sometimes the closer you get to success in a flawed system the more frustrating it is. Hasla in particular was so close to being a shining example of meaningful world PvP, but the crime system heavily punishing intra-faction PvP made it such that on Kyrios at least, it's rare to find real PvP. Usually all that happens is west will nestle up in a hole and take it over during peace time (or war time if it's an organized group) then they'll hold it until war time and an eastern group picks enough of a fight with them to push them out.

How great would it be if there was no crime system and no flagging system? Players would be constantly fighting over it and it'd be a bloodbath.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Yeah not when you limit the piss out of it. Infinite property protection is boring as fuck. A good portion of us played SWG and play EVE and other things... those games do/did it just fine.
It doesn't help that land was retarded cheap. I mean, all of the land shouldn't be able to be claimed in the first 24 hours of the game. The fact that you could get enough gilda stars by running an hour long quest to buy a 24x24 property and plop it down with only needing a few tax certs (which you could buy immediately) was ridiculous. The fact that you could potentially do that indefinitely until all the land ran out was even worse.

It should have cost 10 gold or something to place a house. Second house for 500. Third? So prohibitively expensive that almost no one has 3 houses.

I feel like Archeage will go down as a game with some of the best ideas in the last 15 years for an MMO, with perhaps the worst implementation ever. There were so many good ideas from housing and farming to sailing and PVP, but they were all ruined by piss poor implementation. And then on top of that things that were working and balanced were "rebalanced" by Trion to fuck them up too.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Despite the constant (albeit deserved, in many cases) nay-saying, I'm still having a blast with my friends on Ezi. I've never encountered or even heard of land hackers over here, and the faction balance is starting to become surprisingly even in terms of daily power struggles over key contested areas. Halcyona raged for the entire duration last night, and we won by probably around 30 seconds worth of raid DPS against the nuian artifact. The west is starting to attack our fishing boats in larger numbers, which has subsequently caused an overnight shift towards large, organized daily fishing raids where even intra-faction KoS guilds have no problem working together to bat away aggressors. Land is becoming increasingly available, and while the population has irrefutably taken a hit in lieu of recent events, I'm finding that those who remain are those who are having fun despite the game's flaws and here for the long haul, which is making PvP that much more enjoyable.

Also, 11 blushing female yatas this morning. Dear RNGesus be with me.


Blackwing Lair Raider
- make fishing spots expire based on amount fished, not time.
- remove crime from hasla
- add trader pack turn ins in auroria , deep in the zones. Have them give big rewards

Three easy changes to make Pvp huge


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
- make fishing spots expire based on amount fished, not time.
- remove crime from hasla
- add trader pack turn ins in auroria , deep in the zones. Have them give big rewards

Three easy changes to make Pvp huge
I agree with all of this.



I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Last night we were doing our usual fishing raid with about 15 PRX. We're at a sailfish spawn just off the coast of Yny, so somewhat valuable, we just chummed and could probably get a good 3 trips with our ~5 fishing boats. Then our scout says that there's a red cutter and a clipper together off the horizon, we tell the other fishermen to ruck up and get ready to fight. A minute later this clipper with ~20 LazyGamer members comes barreling into our fishing raid, we drop our fish and engage, most of the other boats just take off, but us, MH and Conquistadors are down to fight.

They crash through our raid and try to take a few boats but aren't successful, we then chase them around the fishing hole for a few minutes to pick off stragglers, try to get their anchor down and board. We are doing well against them but can't quite board them and then 12 OPP (red western guild) members join LazyGamers and bring the fight to their side. Eventually it's just PRX tangling with them, we don't have enough to make a successful board and defeat them, and they don't leave the ship to wipe us in the ocean. So we're just spawning clippers, chasing them and enduring cannon fire and killing anyone who falls off the boat. Our strategy was to kill stragglers then stop their reinforcements, it doesn't work. I then make the call to bring them closer to Yny to hopefully even the numbers so we try baiting them back. It doesn't work.

We then head back to where they are and they've found an unguilded Eastern cutter that they've taken over. We charge at it and it's at half health and I take the wheel. We load up the cannons and begin to engage in a slugfest with it that we are destined to lose, so I bait them back to the fishing hole where I'm hoping 50 death law are at by now. When we get to the hole there's only a few fishing boats and fishermen and I drag the enemy boat right into the middle and we attack. The other easterns runs and we aren't able to win there either, so I pull them toward Caernord's dock to look for reinforcements there. Halfway there I send a message to the owner letting him know his ship is safe, he's really grateful. We give it back to him and he despawns it, and the LazyGamer ship hits the coast. We tangle with them on the coast but Halcy starts and they port over there and wreck us apparently, I went to bed.

This isn't too special a story but man was it fun. This game has a ton of issues and the cheats are frustrating, but there's never going to be another game where this stuff goes on every day.


This isn't too special a story but man was it fun. This game has a ton of issues and the cheats are frustrating, but there's never going to be another game where this stuff goes on every day.
Good read, I sincerely hope you're wrong.