Arkk's Weight Lifting / Fitness Thread


Got something right about marriage
Chucks are the ultimate lifting shoe. Mostly because they only cost like 30 bucks and you can just toss em and get a new pair when they start to smell so disgusting that even airing them out with febreze after a workout doesn't do anything.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Since the start of this year, I have been working on addressing my chronic low back pain. It has slowly went away due to lifting and some rehab exercises. My day to day pain is negligible at the moment. This is my 'one' week of my cycle so I decided to try for some PRs. I pulled 350 lbs. for the first time which was awesome.

The beauty of this pull though was from not feeling it in my low back at all, it was all legs. I never thought my back would be good enough to imitate those deadlift videos where dudes legs are shaking trying to complete the lift. I always figured my back would fail first, not anymore.

Feels good, man. I wish I would have learned about lifting so much earlier in my life.
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Blackwing Lair Raider
Shaking during the lift isn't a weakness in the legs necessarily. That's simply your CNS responding.


"Took" a week off due to travel for work between a 3/3/3 and 5/3/1 week. Was worried I'd not do well but just got 170 for 4 on my 1+ set for OHP, so I'm happy.


Golden Knight of the Realm
That is impressive, how long did it take you to get there? My press is my weakest lift hovering around 125 lbs 1RM. I seem to be making decent progress in rep count on lighter weights, but my actual 1RM has been creeping up very slowly.


Hard to tell. I always worked out in high school/college (very bro heavy workouts), but started lifting again at 30 after 5 or so years completely off of properly erworking out for about 2 years. Been back at it for about a 11 months, to get to this point.
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Got something right about marriage
That is impressive, how long did it take you to get there? My press is my weakest lift hovering around 125 lbs 1RM. I seem to be making decent progress in rep count on lighter weights, but my actual 1RM has been creeping up very slowly.

I have no evidence of and haven't really looked into it but my OHP always seems to progress better when I'm doing heavier weight/lower rep assistance work on my upper back and triceps. Things like close grip bench, weighted dips, heavy lat pull downs. Triceps especially seem to have a big effect on it.


Blackwing Lair Raider
People seem to think OHP is a shoulder movement only. It's really not, and it's typically hamstringed by very poor mobility (most of us have shit thoracic extension, for example -- tight lats, tight traps, etc. etc.). Also, squeezing the shit out of your ass helps. :)


Blackwing Lair Raider
This program is kicking my ass. Top set was supposed to be pause squats @ RPE 9 for 7 reps. Did 275x7 and genuinely felt it was closer to an RPE 7 but I was too fucking exhausted to try 295 for 7.

3x frequency really changes things. My positioning just feels so much smoother on all 3 lifts (though I am usually gassed on bench after squatting which leads to some loss of tightness which really really sucks). For instance yesterday was 1x7 @ 275 followed by 3x7 @ 250 paused squats, and then t-shirt bench (think a spoto press but you're pausing literally on your shirt without letting it sink into your chest) 1x6 @ RPE 9 (which was 215) followed by 4x6 @ 205. Luckily next week is beginning of block 2 which is somewhat of a built-in deload.

Idk why I do this to myself, but I definitely believe I'm becoming stronger, from both a technical & output standpoint. Bench will always lag I feel. God damn genetics.
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Silver Knight of the Realm

I became fat cause i was lazy. (lots of work, studying part time,, beeing stressed, fastfood etc).
Took me 2 months to get back in shape.

Good diet and lots of sport. Trying to get the rest done in the next 1-2 months.
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<Gold Donor>
I fecked something up in my right shoulder bad... having a hard time just lifting it laterally. Didn't feel a pop or anything like that so I'm hoping its just inflamed, but fuck it sucks. It's amazing how often that engages on moves you wouldn't really think.


Obi-Bro Kenobi-X
I fecked something up in my right shoulder bad... having a hard time just lifting it laterally. Didn't feel a pop or anything like that so I'm hoping its just inflamed, but fuck it sucks. It's amazing how often that engages on moves you wouldn't really think.

What were you doing? Bench? Side shoulder raises?


<Gold Donor>
I was doing shoulder press and think I had my bench too far forward (aka I was slightly grabbing bar behind me....) - it was fine getting the weight up, but once I racked I felt it kind of tweak - it's the right front area, right at deltoid and rotator cuff(?) connection. Fucking thing sucks, it's a pain even picking up 14 lb little baby. Hoping I didn't tear it, as I can still raise my arm (but it hurts), but even today squatting/deadlifting felt off
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Blackwing Lair Raider
I was doing shoulder press and think I had my bench too far forward (aka I was slightly grabbing bar behind me....) - it was fine getting the weight up, but once I racked I felt it kind of tweak - it's the right front area, right at deltoid and rotator cuff(?) connection. Fucking thing sucks, it's a pain even picking up 14 lb little baby. Hoping I didn't tear it, as I can still raise my arm (but it hurts), but even today squatting/deadlifting felt off
If you can open the area up it'll help the swelling and direct blood flow to the area. Banded pull aparts both underhand and overhand with static holds, and shoulder dislocations are your best options. Hopefully you can do those without pain.
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<Gold Donor>
Ya I started the pull aparts a few days ago - it hurts but it's nothing excruciating. I was finally in a really good rhythm too, and hitting new highs in BP/OHP.... I'm 99% sure I didn't tear it, and swelling is going away finally.