Arkk's Weight Lifting / Fitness Thread


Blackwing Lair Raider
When you say sprint, do you mean 6 minute mile sprint, or do you mean all out, murderer chasing you sprints? Because it needs to be the latter. And run through the stopping point, don't start slowing down 5 yards before you get there. Honestly 100 yards is pretty far. When I first started doing HIIT I would go to a high school track and run the straight aways, walk the curves (which works out to 100m sprints) but man that seems really far now. I do 60 yard ones and feel like I'm going to die after 7-8. Next day my thighs / hips / pelvis feels like a baseball bat made friends with it.
I don't know about timing, but I'm sweating more than a Jew writing a checkbook when I do those sprints. Yes, I go completely all out, my heart is through the roof, and by about the 6th one I want to punch the floor in the face and then puke on it.
I don't know about timing, but I'm sweating more than a Jew writing a checkbook when I do those sprints. Yes, I go completely all out, my heart is through the roof, and by about the 6th one I want to punch the floor in the face and then puke on it.
And you can do this 3x a week? Is it all you do?


Molten Core Raider
I've just started Starting Strength, and the worst part of it is all the eating I have to do. Whereever I am, I am looking for something to stuff my face with, and even then the scales barely move.
i feel your pain man, this is going to be my second week back into the gym i was 150 down to 130-135 and trying to get back where i was eating 6 times a day with this stomach issue is balls, i stuff my face then dont want to move, ive been trying to do at least 3-4 shakes a day on days where i just cant force myself to eat, they are about 1600 calories each, i almost want to just stop going to the gym and just gain about 15 pounds of fat then go from there, any opinions on that for someone like me who has a hard time eating due to medical conditions, i always heard going to the gym and eating big youll get big, kinda thinking of just eating big sitting on my ass, getting fat then going to the gym.


By the way, whoever said losing weight is easy is just as dumb as fat people saying skinny people are lucky. Fighting genetics and inertia are always hard. It doesn't matter which direction you are going.


Mr. Poopybutthole
By the way, whoever said losing weight is easy is just as dumb as fat people saying skinny people are lucky. Fighting genetics and inertia are always hard. It doesn't matter which direction you are going.
I clarified my statement. I was talking about people who bulk up dropping body fat, not fat people who do nothing and try to lose weight. There's a huge difference between a trained and untrained individual.

TecKnoe, most doctors suck at helping people body build. But with Crohn's, it may be something you seek out advice for. My wife's side of the family has a lot of similar issues (3 people with UC including my wife and her mother, 1 with Crohns who had to get a liver transplant), so I'm more familiar than most as to what it entails.

But don't get fat just to get fat. Figure out what your maintenance calories are and eat 300-500 more than that every week. It's going to take time to see results. Stop worrying about supplements and get that shit sorted out first. You can supplement out the ass, but until you get your diet in check, you'll never put on weight. This is coming from someone who was 130 lbs at 5'10" as an adult. You want to do a slow bulk, increasing body fat minimally while adding as much muscle as you can. You basically want to eat just enough to maximize your muscle gains, but not so much that you're just putting on extra fat (a little fat will come with a slow bulk, due to most people erring on the over-eating as opposed to under-eating, thereby maximizing their muscular gains).

Eating should become a part time job. I would be sitting there at work counting up calories in my head all day. It eventually got to the point where I could ballpark most foods and keep a running tab in my head. But that's not for everyone. Get an app for your phone, carry a log book, whatever, just do something to track your calories. If you eat more than your maintenance, you absolutely will gain weight.


Blackwing Lair Raider
My HIIT is pretty simple. Sprint 100 yards, walk back, rinse and repeat until I hit 20 minutes or 13 sprints.

So it's probably like a 12-15 second sprint, a 45 second walk back. Seems to fall into the whole theory of it, but perhaps I'm wrong.
I used to do it on a track and jog the curves and sprint the straights. I dont know enough about HIIT to say what you're doing is wrong, I just know that works for me and it's brutal when I first start them up. After a few weeks of it it gets a bit better.


Molten Core Raider
I clarified my statement. I was talking about people who bulk up dropping body fat, not fat people who do nothing and try to lose weight. There's a huge difference between a trained and untrained individual.

TecKnoe, most doctors suck at helping people body build. But with Crohn's, it may be something you seek out advice for. My wife's side of the family has a lot of similar issues (3 people with UC including my wife and her mother, 1 with Crohns who had to get a liver transplant), so I'm more familiar than most as to what it entails.

But don't get fat just to get fat. Figure out what your maintenance calories are and eat 300-500 more than that every week. It's going to take time to see results. Stop worrying about supplements and get that shit sorted out first. You can supplement out the ass, but until you get your diet in check, you'll never put on weight. This is coming from someone who was 130 lbs at 5'10" as an adult. You want to do a slow bulk, increasing body fat minimally while adding as much muscle as you can. You basically want to eat just enough to maximize your muscle gains, but not so much that you're just putting on extra fat (a little fat will come with a slow bulk, due to most people erring on the over-eating as opposed to under-eating, thereby maximizing their muscular gains).

Eating should become a part time job. I would be sitting there at work counting up calories in my head all day. It eventually got to the point where I could ballpark most foods and keep a running tab in my head. But that's not for everyone. Get an app for your phone, carry a log book, whatever, just do something to track your calories. If you eat more than your maintenance, you absolutely will gain weight.
Thanks, im going to see a nutritionist next week and im gonna see what she knows about crohn's im in the process of finding a new doctor because mine is a young twat just out of med school so i wont even bother there.

i was able to get up to 150 with just protein shakes and eating a ton, but im looking back and im not sure how the fuck i did it but its just a process of stretching my stomach out again i just feel like shit all day long when i eat like that so on work days i dont eat as much real food, i got weight gainer this time around too not just protein powder hoping to put on some good mass with it since cutting is a bit easier with my condition, i guess a positive side
it took me about 6months to put on like 15-20 pounds before, that was with eating a bunch and just protein.



Blackwing Lair Raider
And you can do this 3x a week? Is it all you do?
No I've been doing it once a week, twice most.

I lift 3 times a week - Monday, Wed, Fri. Rest Tues, Thurs. Sprints Saturday, off Sunday. Probably going to try HIIT Tues, Thurs, Sat. Maybe just Tues, Sat if I can't do it 3 times a week.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Just an example of what I typically would eat. I don't care so much about eating super healthy, as shown by the fact that I eat ice cream every night. But you gotta take your calories where you can get them. I currently aim for about 2800 a day. The only macro I care about is protein, and that's just to make sure I get enough.

PB&J - 350
Fish Oil - 20

Snack (8:00am)
Granola Bar - 100

Snack (9-10am)
Peanuts (2 Servings) - 320

Chicken, Rice, Brocolli - 500
Protein Shake w/ Milk - 250
Eggs (2) - 140

Snack (2pm)
Granola Bar - 100

Whatever the wife cooks - 500-700

Protein Shake w/ Milk - 250

Dessert (9pm)
Klondike Bar - 250
Fish Oil - 20


Blackwing Lair Raider
I found gaining muscle and losing fat to be pretty similar initially. In the long run though yes muscle is definitely tougher. When I've had a lot of fat to lose, almost anything I did cut into it pretty quickly. Then I hit a level where things just slow down as you get lower in body fat. For muscle going from untrained you can pack it on pretty quick and then it's a long road for increases.


Molten Core Raider
I have no idea how many calories im taking in but my shakes alone are about 1000, full serving sizes itd be close to 1600 its a weight gainer so.

I wake up and eat about 4-5 eggs 2-3 slices of cheese on them, 4-5 strips of bacon 4-5 strips of ham.

lunch is usually pulled pork, or buffalo chicken, or just some kind of meat, i eat the food we make here at work (work at a deli)

About an hour after that is my first shake

Then comes dinner wich is usually whatever i find, more pulled pork or more chicken, im to lazy to cook by the time i get home.

Another shake in about an hour after dinner

then i just snack, i usually try not to eat before bed for whatever reason i dont sleep well on a full stomach.

Im 125 right now 5'7, im thinking of picking up just pure protein in a few weeks i would just use the weight gainer till im out but, its only 50grams of protein per the 1400 calories, i did buy 12 pounds so well see lol was only like 40 bucks, i do burn a ton of calories through out the work day so maybe it will just balance out, but the protein per serving seems to be less than pure whey, the scoops are gigantic compared to the smaller scoops i had with just whey.

I probably need to add in another meal, but its tough sometimes, so i just try to always eat a bite or two of something everylike half hour, next week im going to start keeping track of my weight and progress.


Registered Hutt
So I just started trying to exercise regularly as my new workplace is too far to ride my bike and I noticed I'm getting pudgy pretty quick. I don't really know much about exercising, but someone told me squats are the best thing ever so I've been trying to do 30 of those, 20 push-ups, 25 sit-ups, and like 50 jumping jacks. I figured I don't really need much to replace biking to work (4 miles each way). Unfortunately I'm still gaining weight. I'm at 224 now, and I was at 196 for like 5 years when I used to bicycle around. My diet has not changed. I started these exercises three weeks ago, but continued to gain about 1-2 pounds a week.

Why am I still gaining weight?


Guarding the guardians
Why am I still gaining weight?
You are adding more calories to your body than you are using.
You have 3 options:
a) Eat less
b) Excercise more
c) Both

Generally, I find that body-weight strength excercises (except chin-ups and variants) do little to burn calories. Join a gym. Do squats in the rack. Spend 50 minutes, 3 times a week, making your body lift iron.


Obi-Bro Kenobi-X
Forget the calisthenics, lift weights man. Hit the gym. Find a simple machine circuit that you will complete daily, and go from there.

What does your diet consist of?


Trakanon Raider
Ok fitness bros I need some minor suggestions:

I eat a burger patty for lunch pretty much 100% of the time at work. However, especially as I get fully back into the swing of lifting, it's just simply not enough food. What I'm looking for is a fruit/nut bar, or some type of granola or breakfast bar to add to my lunch rotation.

Who has some bars they enjoy and have decent nutritional value.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I don't see how a single bar every day is going to push you over into "enough food" territory, but I enjoy Kind bars. They're expensive as shit though.


Trakanon Raider
George Foreman grill only big enough for one. I make it at the office, so I'm semi-pressed for time. Also lazy as fuck.