Arkk's Weight Lifting / Fitness Thread


Blackwing Lair Raider
Ok fitness bros I need some minor suggestions:

I eat a burger patty for lunch pretty much 100% of the time at work. However, especially as I get fully back into the swing of lifting, it's just simply not enough food. What I'm looking for is a fruit/nut bar, or some type of granola or breakfast bar to add to my lunch rotation.

Who has some bars they enjoy and have decent nutritional value.

Prepare to shit like a monster.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Also, wtf are those noodles they're promoting? Any broscientist with some browisdom?


Mr. Poopybutthole
Looks like it's literally just fiber. I'd imagine there's no nutrition there at all. So basically if you're a fatty and your body is telling you it must eat, it's an option. Not sure it's really a good option, but it's an option. I'd also be prepared to shit like a fucking cow if you start eating them.

Edit: Looked it up and they're like 10-20 calories per serving, and it is just fiber. Apparently they're good for people doing contest prep, since those people pretty much starve themselves, and the fiber soaks up a lot of water.

Looks super awesome...



SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
On the topic of protein bars, is there a cheaper place to get them than Amazon?


Blackwing Lair Raider
Apparently the japanese do. Now that I think about it, those noodles DO look familiar, but yeah, they look pretty gross.


Obi-Bro Kenobi-X
For those that care...

Been using the creatine for a month now. Did a 10 day load up phase, and I am now down to 5g pre workout. Yeah...this shit works.

It doesn't make you stronger in the sense that you can bench x more weight, but it lets me get the full reps in that I need help with. So instead of me squeezing out 365 10x, I am now easily getting the 10th in, and getting a 12th rep with help.

Another great bonus is that I said back on the other board, I was SO worn out and in pain after my workouts, that I took asprin post workout. My pain is gone. GONE GONE. Matter fact I feel fuckin awesome after my workouts. Enough so I may start a heavier training regiment.

The particular creatine I am using, do get water bloat like everyone says. You do get "itchy" before a workout, and I am told that is normal. Both have since stopped. I have gained 6lbs (I am 286 now). Whether water or muscle I can't tell you, but the endurance/stamina is there.

After this container empties out I will be going with the Con-Cret

Too many recommendations from people at the gym not to give it a shot. Plus I can mix it with my protein, instead of a separate drink.


Before they find out it gives you cancer, or grows a third nut or something.


Oh and new bench routine.
12x 185
12x 185
12x 225
12x 275
12x 315
I am now up to 5x 365.


repout 225


repout 225


Mr. Poopybutthole
I don't remember what other supplements you're using, but if you're not already, I highly recommend finding a fish oil high in DHA/EPA. It's be far the best "supplement" I've started taking. A lot of the things I've taken (pre-workouts especially) I could chalk them up to a placebo effect, but fish oil has very noticable effects. My supporting structure (tendons, ligaments) hold up and heal much better, and even my muscles seem to recover much faster.

I really wish I had started taking one years ago.


Obi-Bro Kenobi-X
Fuck you, give me your genes
Bah. I'm strong but, nowhere near cut up man. My pops. Damn near 65 is like a machine. Ever see that commercial where they show you this ripped guy from the feet up.? When you get to the face he's some 70 year old granddad? My dad's like that. I got my moms brains and weight problems!

I don't remember what other supplements you're using, but if you're not already, I highly recommend finding a fish oil high in DHA/EPA. It's be far the best "supplement" I've started taking. A lot of the things I've taken (pre-workouts especially) I could chalk them up to a placebo effect, but fish oil has very noticable effects. My supporting structure (tendons, ligaments) hold up and heal much better, and even my muscles seem to recover much faster.

I really wish I had started taking one years ago.
I would honestly say the same thing man about the placebo effect...IF it wasn't for the fact I feel no pain post workout. And I feel great.

I take Designer Whey post workout.

I take two of these multi vitamins in the morning. withmyhighbloodpressurepills *ahem*

Is the fish oil needed with the multi vitamin?
For those that care...

Been using the creatine for a month now. Did a 10 day load up phase, and I am now down to 5g pre workout. Yeah...this shit works.
Yes, it works, and using anything other than this:

Or bulk creatine monohydrate from somewhere else, is simply a waste of money. You just fill the scoop and dump it into your mouth and wash it down with water. Takes 5 seconds. $35 bucks for 400 servings of bulk creatine, vs $40 for 80 servings of Green Magnitude, which is some goofy form of creatine with no basis behind it.

Creatine Monohydrate is the most studied supplement in sports nutrition history basically. It saturates the muscle cell 100%. There is like 50 types of creatine...but how can you saturate the muscle cell more than 100%? You can't.

As far as the "water bloat", all creatine does is hydrate your muscles. That's the main function, which provides a ton of benefits.

The 6lbs you gained is water, especially if you loaded it. The strength gains are real though, it definitely works.
and Designer Whey is friggin terrible. Again, buy bulk protein from somewhere, or ON Whey, or even Walmart's Body Fortress Whey Isolate, as long as it's the Isolate kind, is surprisingly good.


Obi-Bro Kenobi-X
I'm confused on the creatine you listed. HOW many servings is that? That shit says 100g for 5 bucks. Also, is creatine just creatine? Like gas is gas?

Heh. I didnt like the ON Whey. Tasted horrid. I liked the taste of the designer. If I can't stand the taste, I won't take it.
I'm confused on the creatine you listed. HOW many servings is that? That shit says 100g for 5 bucks. Also, is creatine just creatine? Like gas is gas?

Heh. I didnt like the ON Whey. Tasted horrid. I liked the taste of the designer. If I can't stand the taste, I won't take it.
Yeah 100g x 20 which gives u 2000g, and the dose is 5 grams.

Creatine monohydrate was the original. The first attempt at a spin off was creating ethyl ester, and there's a million now.

Monohydrate is the one with the science behind it.

So find a diff flavor of a diff brand, Designer Whey stinks. 18g of protein per serving. Body Fortress is 30g and its pure Whey Isolate. Bulk protein from certain places are even better and cheaper.
Jeez for the cost of Designer Whey u could just buy a bunch of plain Chobani from a supermarket at $1 per cup. It's 18g of protein per yogurt and its actual food.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Jeez for the cost of Designer Whey u could just buy a bunch of plain Chobani from a supermarket at $1 per cup. It's 18g of protein per yogurt and its actual food.
Random, but do any of you find full-fat Chobani greek yogurt? I can only find non-fat, which I'm not interested in.