Arkk's Weight Lifting / Fitness Thread


Mr. Poopybutthole
Fair enough. I had no idea that testosterone came as anything except an injectable.

Edit: Does that shit work? It seems to get talked about pretty frequently on YouTube, but I've always assumed they're trying to sell it.
Have you read any of the last few posts? You get probably 1/4 the benefit of injectables, but sides are much worse for orals.

Don't bother. You could take injectables and be healthier.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I meant the herbal stuff, if that wasn't clear. I'll just assume it's junk and move on.
I don't believe there is any data to support the claims on herbal test boosters. When you look at the data (not company data, but university data), there's nothing to support the manufacturer's claims. If it worked, the FDA would ban it. Hell, they are trying to ban creatine.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Herbal stuff in general has more feels to it than science. This has been true of supplements since time immemorial, as the science behind any of it is sketchy on a good day.

re: my post about injuries...
MCL dude was 100% told not to lift heavy shit while it was healing, such as squats or anything else. If he says anything else, I am gonna go ahead and say that he's a liar. Doctors will never say it is OK to continue to engage an injured area beyond normal usage. They want him to be mobile yeah, so it doesn't tighten too much and become a stiffness issue later. But they are definitely not telling him to continue doing whatever it was that injured it in the first place. Which was my point about lifting injuries. If you injure yourself in an area, you don't do light work or anything else with it until it heals; you let it heal. You guys taking medication for joint issues (which, if they are related to something other than lifting, I apologize and rescind) that occur while lifting so that you can keep lifting? Is what I was referring to. You have a clear physical issue with what you are doing, and you are taking medicine to continue to do so, and your livelihood doesn't depend on it. That's what I was getting at; the use of chemicals to continue doing something that your body has already said is harmful. That's what I take issue with from an overall health stance.

And as the last few posts have pretty much proven, there is a decent amount of discussion involving chemical enhancement. I didn't say that anyone was pushing it, simply that it comes up a lot and given my overall knowledge of the forums (we might have 1-2 lifters who do competitions, but certainly not the vast majority of posters in this thread) that it always surprises me when people talk about using chemical enhancement methods with known side effects when they aren't being compensated for the effects of those chemicals, ie a pro bodybuilder or fitness model or something.

It just seemed like you were responding to issues I didn't actually have without touching on the ones that I mentioned. Just clarifying!


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
My surgeon always stressed the importance of range of motion and mobility. He always waited until I had ~80% ROM after surgery before clearing me for PT.


<Gold Donor>
Fair enough. I had no idea that testosterone came as anything except an injectable.

Edit: Does that shit work? It seems to get talked about pretty frequently on YouTube, but I've always assumed they're trying to sell it.
It definitely works, but you spend something like $400 on just the anavar alone, pct another $100ish. It's a great summer cycle though as it leans you out a good deal. Test e would be better for 1st cycle though, and much much cheaper. Not sure what sides lyrical is on about, but anavar is mild as fuck. Take some milk thistle and you're good to go. Winstrol etc is much harsher and not half as effective


Mr. Poopybutthole
It definitely works, but you spend something like $400 on just the anavar alone, pct another $100ish. It's a great summer cycle though as it leans you out a good deal. Test e would be better for 1st cycle though, and much much cheaper. Not sure what sides lyrical is on about, but anavar is mild as fuck. Take some milk thistle and you're good to go. Winstrol etc is much harsher and not half as effective
You are correct. Only fitness models tend to take Anavar, the better compounds for gaining muscle are brutal. Anavar pills are expensive as hell, and you might gain only a few pounds of muscle. Excluding Anavar, expect to feel like shit with any orals that are going to give you 10+ pounds of muscle. And those other orals might make you gain weight, but a lot of that is water weight, because your liver and kidneys are trashed.

The gains you get from Oral Anavar are so miniscule that you might as well just train hard, not miss workouts, and dial in your nutrition. Anavar is not a real popular substance among guys for a reason. Who wants to pay $400 for four pounds of muscle?


Mr. Poopybutthole
Herbal stuff in general has more feels to it than science. This has been true of supplements since time immemorial, as the science behind any of it is sketchy on a good day.

re: my post about injuries...
MCL dude was 100% told not to lift heavy shit while it was healing, such as squats or anything else. If he says anything else, I am gonna go ahead and say that he's a liar. Doctors will never say it is OK to continue to engage an injured area beyond normal usage. They want him to be mobile yeah, so it doesn't tighten too much and become a stiffness issue later. But they are definitely not telling him to continue doing whatever it was that injured it in the first place. Which was my point about lifting injuries. If you injure yourself in an area, you don't do light work or anything else with it until it heals; you let it heal. You guys taking medication for joint issues (which, if they are related to something other than lifting, I apologize and rescind) that occur while lifting so that you can keep lifting? Is what I was referring to. You have a clear physical issue with what you are doing, and you are taking medicine to continue to do so, and your livelihood doesn't depend on it. That's what I was getting at; the use of chemicals to continue doing something that your body has already said is harmful. That's what I take issue with from an overall health stance.

And as the last few posts have pretty much proven, there is a decent amount of discussion involving chemical enhancement. I didn't say that anyone was pushing it, simply that it comes up a lot and given my overall knowledge of the forums (we might have 1-2 lifters who do competitions, but certainly not the vast majority of posters in this thread) that it always surprises me when people talk about using chemical enhancement methods with known side effects when they aren't being compensated for the effects of those chemicals, ie a pro bodybuilder or fitness model or something.

It just seemed like you were responding to issues I didn't actually have without touching on the ones that I mentioned. Just clarifying!
Re: The MCL guy was told to keep moving. My point is, you can do some sort of training. He's not allowed to do any heavy lifting, but he's told to walk, and he is rehabbing it. Maybe I misunderstood you, the way I was taught is you can always do some sort of training, even if it's only 20-33% of max intensity.

Re: Chemical help - Guys need to focus on not missing workouts, increasing intensity, optimal nutrition and legal supplements first. You can do chemical help, if you are smart. But I don't meet too many people who do it smart. The correct thing to do is to do an eight week cycle, and then do a correct PCT for a minimum of three months. If you are smart, you can keep 70% of the gains you had on cycle. Most guys do a cycle, and don't do PCT, or even worse, they stay on cycle much longer than eight weeks. I've seen guys take juice for years on end, that's no good. There's a ton of research out there, but too many guys are worried about getting bigger, rather than being smart and going slow.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I don't understand how that happens. I know a guy who tore his quad like that (a powerlifter), and a bodybuilder who tore his biceps. Are there no warning signs for that? One time, when I was doing powerlifting, MMA and running all at once, I felt my pec seize up during plyometric drills, and stopped immediately. Both of those guys said when it happened to them, there was no warning sign, just a ripping sound.


Blackwing Lair Raider
The tearing of the quad has a lot to do with the knee wraps. In most cases, they're sitting there for prolonged periods of time with the knee wraps on and the patella begins to shift. What happens when you load 600+ pounds on a shifting patella? It gives, and the quad gets taken with it.

There's also other factors, such as steroid abuse obviously and even things we'd think are minimal like hydration, but I know both this guy and Brandon Lilly cited the knee wraps as the most likely cause of the tears.


Mr. Poopybutthole
The tearing of the quad has a lot to do with the knee wraps. In most cases, they're sitting there for prolonged periods of time with the knee wraps on and the patella begins to shift. What happens when you load 600+ pounds on a shifting patella? It gives, and the quad gets taken with it.

There's also other factors, such as steroid abuse obviously and even things we'd think are minimal like hydration, but I know both this guy and Brandon Lilly cited the knee wraps as the most likely cause of the tears.
It can't be the knee wraps, to tear off like that. I've been in all sorts of gyms, from powerlifting to bodybuilding and back, and the common denominator was steroid use. I've never known a nattie that used knee wraps that had muscles tear off of the bone.

After some research, I fully admit, I may be wrong on this issue. (Knee wraps unsafe!!!!!!). I am speaking from experience though.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Today was a good workout. I hit chest today, the top sets were flat bench, 295x8 and incline, 245x8. I've switched from Hammer Strength to free weight, and am getting used to balancing again. I was told by the guys today that my bio mechanics are off, and I'm pushing the weight in the path that the Hammer Strength went in. Those machines move at an upward angle that is steeper than the free weights do. So I'm losing power. I'm pushing the weights in an unnatural invisible groove, from my chest to the rack. In a few weeks, I expect to be doing what I was on Hammer Strength, once I get the balance down.

I love Hammer Strength, but the gym I was at shut down, and the best equipped gym in the area doesn't have it. So it's back to free weights. There's no substituting 500 pound rows though, my lower back has to catch up. All of this Hammer Strength means my lower back has not been getting the work. I've probably become overreliant on machines. I'm self employed, and I tend to go to the gym when it's dead, and I can't grab a reliable spotter.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I bench without a spotter. As for your bar path, there's 2 different versions of benching: straight bar path, meaning the bar finishes directly above you and you the bar touches above the nipple line (generally). This puts a MAJOR tax on the front delts, so if you have shitty shoulders, don't bench like this. The second option, which is much more common, is the J-curve.

Unless you mean you're pressing the bar back into the rack and extending over your head... which in that case, yeah, lower the weight and rebuild your form lol.

As for your lower back, your spinal erector will get destroyed from deadlifts and Yates rows.


Trakanon Raider
Explanation of j-curve? Kind of interested since my left delt (weak side) has ALWAYS given me issues.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Seriously. I've dislocated my right shoulder a dozen or so times, and I worry about it even at low weight.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Explanation of j-curve? Kind of interested since my left delt (weak side) has ALWAYS given me issues.
Those are powerlifting style benches. They aren't going to give you a shapely chest, if that's what you are looking for.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Correct. I should state I lift in more of a powerlifting style than a bodybuilding one.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I bench with a more powerlifting style just because it's safer, despite the fact that my goal is more in line with bodybuilding.

J curve is just the bar path. Straight down until just a few inches above your chest where it ends up slightly lower on your chest; if you were looking at a bench presser from the side, it'd look like a J. It helps take some load off your shoulders.