Arkk's Weight Lifting / Fitness Thread


Mr. Poopybutthole
You lose a lot of muscle off cycle. Juice gives you Wolverine healing/recovery on top of the anabolic part, the former is what most guys dont realize is the true limiting factor in a natural lifter. Plus it also lets you eat like a slob and do the whole bulking cutting nonsense where most natural guys will have a lot harder time on both ends of that.

One of my buds has taken many different stacks over the years and has it narrowed down to Test enanthate and Masteron, and he can fucking eat everything awful under the sun and still be cut and ripped like a brick shithouse. It makes me angry. Dude gets high and eats the entire house of food, but hes around 7-8% bf plus does crazy cardio doing multiple 1hr+ rolling jujitsu sessions a week on top of muay thai etc.

Just putting this out there for those who might wanna take the anabolic plunge....if you do decide to, just stay away from 1) clenbuterol. I've seen dudes fucked up for life by that shit, involuntary twitching and all sorts of nonsense just to get that super cut look...and 2) tren. Fuck tren, just dont....ever. I know a guy who took that garbage and almost died, doctors said his heart was massively enlarged -- they gave that shit to those mutant cows you might have seen before slaughter. Juice can work wonders and be relatively safe if you are already healthy, stick to the lower end stuff like test, and if you have the temperament for it. When I was younger I took it for about a month but didnt like how it made me feel, and made me very irritable. The kids who kicked off from using it were either using mega doses or taking stuff like tren which is russian roulette.

I would not suggest it though if you are in it for the long haul, clean eating with lots of protein and a consistent workout program will get you looking and feeling better than 99% of people anyway.
Stay away from drugs period. I used to be pro drug (in a libertarian sense, do it if it doesn't harm anyone else), because they used to say that steroids haven't killed anyone. But now you are getting a lot of the big pro bodybuilders in the last 20 years dying of heart attacks before the age of 50. Unless you are competing, what's the point? This is supposed to be a healthy activity. Too many guys get addicted to them. They see huge gains from one cycle, and then they can't imagine training natty again.

If you are dead set on taking them, do hundreds of hours of research, take only one drug, have a SERM on hand at all times, be prepared for proper post cycle therapy (or you lose it all). So many guys in the gym would inject themselves with Drano if they heard that Mr. Big took it. And for God's sake, try to verify the purity of your source. At least try to be smart about it and not some stupid meathead injecting themself with like 8 to 10 drugs at once, non stop for years at a time.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Messed up for life with clen? Huh? Clen is pretty tame if taken correctly. And if you take it incorrectly, it doesn't do you much good, as the receptors fill up fast.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Clenbuterol is one of the WORST steroids you could ever take.

As I said before, I know someone who has muscle spasms (intense ones) who has been off clen forever. If you wanted to take a cutting steroid, masteron would be far better without all of the possibly debilitating side effects.


Obi-Bro Kenobi-X
You most certainly lose muscle if you are like 90% of the guys that don't know what they are doing. A typical cycle is eight weeks. You balls stop producing testosterone after three. When you get off of a cycle, you've got to do PCT (post cycle therapy) to jump start your balls again. If not, you have much less test than when you started the cycle, and a lot of guys lose more muscle than when they started the cycle. And some guys stay on cycle for years and find out that no matter what they do, their body won't naturally produce test any more (like Flex Wheeler). So they have to take anabolics for the rest of their lives just to have the normal amount that an average male would have. Some guys take drugs before they get out of puberty, and that messes up their ability to go natural later on in life.

Below is Paul Dillett and Flex Wheeler, on drugs, and drug free. Flex Wheeler stayed on cycle like ten years straight. He's documented how tough it was for him to go drug free. Apparently, he finished puberty in his 30's, after taking all sorts of things to boost his natural test production. He started drugs while in puberty, and that's not a good thing.


I NEVER would have guess that's Flex Wheeler. Wow.

Christ I really wonder what I would look like on roids.


Blackwing Lair Raider
From what I know Flex is still on roids, but for his liver. Supposedly it plays a large part in his reduction of muscle mass and adding on weight.

I say supposedly because I don't know and it sounds counter-intuitive but fuck me I aint no doctor.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Clenbuterol is one of the WORST steroids you could ever take.

As I said before, I know someone who has muscle spasms (intense ones) who has been off clen forever. If you wanted to take a cutting steroid, masteron would be far better without all of the possibly debilitating side effects.
Clen is not a steroid. And let's be real, every fat burner in GNC in the last ten years has been Clen, but with a few molecules changed here and there to be legal. If he's perma-shaking, he must have taken it a long time, and that's stupid. Clen should be limited to a two week cycle, as the receptors fill up. And if you are doing things to clear out your receptors so you can stay on it, God bless. That's a bad idea.

What the hell type of mega dose would you have to take, and how long to be shaking all the time? That's fucked up.


Mr. Poopybutthole
From what I know Flex is still on roids, but for his liver. Supposedly it plays a large part in his reduction of muscle mass and adding on weight.

I say supposedly because I don't know and it sounds counter-intuitive but fuck me I aint no doctor.
Flex took steroids before his puberty ended and stayed on them non-stop for 10+ years. Supposedly, he was taking 30-40 different drugs at once. His Doctor has him on steroids just to have normal function as a male. For a long time, he was not able to produce any test naturally, and had the test levels of a 90 year old woman. Low test levels can cause health problems also.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
Lets just go ahead and say whatever those guys above did drug-wise probably doesn't relate to what normal dudes who do a cycle or two in the gym would experience.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Clen is not a steroid. And let's be real, every fat burner in GNC in the last ten years has been Clen, but with a few molecules changed here and there to be legal. If he's perma-shaking, he must have taken it a long time, and that's stupid. Clen should be limited to a two week cycle, as the receptors fill up. And if you are doing things to clear out your receptors so you can stay on it, God bless. That's a bad idea.

What the hell type of mega dose would you have to take, and how long to be shaking all the time? That's fucked up.
Well technically its not but its part of what people take as a stack, so you know what I mean. And yea, this dude is stupid and when I asked him how long he cycled off test he said he hadnt....late 20s and said he had been juicing since 18.

Surprised he isn't dead yet considering he eats like shit. Doubt he lives to 40.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Well technically its not but its part of what people take as a stack, so you know what I mean. And yea, this dude is stupid and when I asked him how long he cycled off test he said he hadnt....late 20s and said he had been juicing since 18.

Surprised he isn't dead yet considering he eats like shit. Doubt he lives to 40.
Asinine (on his part). I've never heard of Clen making you shake from using it long term. Probably because most pro's only take clen before a contest, it's not something you take too long (if you want to live a long life). The most common long term effect would be death of heart tissue. But you'd need to run probably three Clen cycles back to back for that.

Juicing for over ten years straight with no breaks? I bet he's taking the same cycle over and over again, not realizing his receptors are full, and thus, there are no anabolic benefits to be had (just a big drain on his internal organs).

A guy who is smart and an intermediate trainer could add 30 pounds of muscle in a year, and keep it. After that, what's the point? Two cycles won't have negative consequences, if again, he does his research, has pure sources, and is using safeguards. Taking it ten years only makes sense if you are a competitive bodybuilder, but even then, not really. There are some pro's that only use gear before a contest. I believe Lee Priest said he took an anabolic, clen and t3 right before a contest, the rest of the year, he was clean. And then you had guys that couldn't get out of the amateur ranks, like Rich Piana, who took insane amounts of gear for the entire year.

Some guys don't need to take massive amounts of gear, because they don't miss workouts and eat properly. Flex was never known for his work ethic, and supposedly relied on drugs. A lot of these guys talk a big game for the magazines, but they don't train that hard. And there's the whole fake weight thing.


Mr. Poopybutthole
There's a difference here. One guy claims to be somewhat moderate in his use, and he comes off as believable. The other guy took stupid amounts of gear, and ruined his symmetry with HGH. His belly was as wide as his chest.



Marine Biologist
<Bronze Donator>
Some guys don't need to take massive amounts of gear, because they don't miss workouts and eat properly. Flex was never known for his work ethic, and supposedly relied on drugs. A lot of these guys talk a big game for the magazines, but they don't train that hard. And there's the whole fake weight thing.
Case in point is the Arnold period of BB. Those dudes were practically natural compared to today's use by the pros, and the cycles they were taking weren't optimized at all.

This is a lot of speculation but still interesting
Arnold Schwarzenegger Cycle -


Mr. Poopybutthole
Yea Rich Piana is starting to look bad
He actually looks better now than when he was trying to win Mr. California. I believe he's lowered his regimen alot. He looked like ass for the Mr. California. He acts like the judges robbed him, but this is what he looked like. More drugs does not necessarily mean a better body.



Mr. Poopybutthole
I'd like to clarify, I am by no means espousing PED use. Some guys are going to do it anyway, at least do your research and minimize any long term effects. Don't be like the guy who has taken steroids for 12 years straight and will have to take Doctor prescribed steroids the rest of his life.


<Gold Donor>
I've done several cycles of test e, test p, anavar, winstrol etc and have had zero issues. Like someone mentioned above though, tren is crazy and should be completely avoided. Most illegal fat burner bullshit should be as well


Ssraeszha Raider
Asinine (on his part). I've never heard of Clen making you shake from using it long term. Probably because most pro's only take clen before a contest, it's not something you take too long (if you want to live a long life). The most common long term effect would be death of heart tissue. But you'd need to run probably three Clen cycles back to back for that.

Juicing for over ten years straight with no breaks? I bet he's taking the same cycle over and over again, not realizing his receptors are full, and thus, there are no anabolic benefits to be had (just a big drain on his internal organs).

A guy who is smart and an intermediate trainer could add 30 pounds of muscle in a year, and keep it. After that, what's the point? Two cycles won't have negative consequences, if again, he does his research, has pure sources, and is using safeguards. Taking it ten years only makes sense if you are a competitive bodybuilder, but even then, not really. There are some pro's that only use gear before a contest. I believe Lee Priest said he took an anabolic, clen and t3 right before a contest, the rest of the year, he was clean. And then you had guys that couldn't get out of the amateur ranks, like Rich Piana, who took insane amounts of gear for the entire year.

Some guys don't need to take massive amounts of gear, because they don't miss workouts and eat properly. Flex was never known for his work ethic, and supposedly relied on drugs. A lot of these guys talk a big game for the magazines, but they don't train that hard. And there's the whole fake weight thing.
I don't think you have a good grasp on the whole receptor thing