Arkk's Weight Lifting / Fitness Thread


Mr. Poopybutthole
At Brahma's current weight then there is no way he should need any steroids to lose weight.

If your weight loss has stalled then you're doing something wrong. Have previously offered to give you some advice/program, offer still stands
If you think Clen or T3 is a steroid, probably you shouldn't be giving out advice.


Mr. Poopybutthole
It has stalled. Not sure why. Still no sugars or carbs. Same meals, just slightly smaller portions. My weight loss was pretty fast the 1st few weeks, now it's 2 steps forward, 1 step back sort of progress.

The reason I asked was that the guy who offered them looks amazing in like 2 months tops. He has a few years on me, but was not quite my size. He may have been 280? Now he is down to 240 EASY.
Find a good nattie bodybuilder who trains people and get advice. And I'm not talking about the guys claiming nattie, but five minutes in, they start talking non OTC drugs. I thought my nutrition was dialed. I had to have someone that competed show me how far off I was.

On another note, have you considered HIIT cardio? Just two sessions (at less than 25 minutes apiece) a week, and you'll see bodyfat start coming off.


Molten Core Raider
Research it, decide if it's for you. Most people swear it off because dieting is always more effective and without sides or risks. Youre also getting a valuable education at this point about diet and weight loss. If you start relying on drugs as a crutch you'll have no idea what got you to your target weight and you'll be on clen again about a year from now. Lyrical is also probably right that it will eat into your muscle being as youre not taking anabolics.


Tranny Chaser
If you think Clen or T3 is a steroid, probably you shouldn't be giving out advice.
zzzz it's irrelevant, someone his weight should be dropping weight every week without having to think about it. He shouldn't be considering "aids" this early into the weight loss, what's it been 2-3 weeks?

And considering I've posted plenty of times in the weight loss thread about my cuts and posted pics to accompany it, and had multiple people tell me to "stop giving advice because not everyone is trying to go from 11% to 10% and get shredded like you!!!!" then I think I know what to do.

But yeah, you're clearly better qualified than me to give advice on how to lose weight/fat safely what with your history of dnp ROFL


Mr. Poopybutthole
zzzz it's irrelevant
I have a hard time taking you seriously, when you express moral outrage at clen and T3 being steroids, when they clearly are not. It's not irrelevant, it somewhat invalidates your points. You could be 3% BF all year, it still doesn't take away from the moronic statements and righteous indignation, when you don't even know what it is.


Tranny Chaser
I have a hard time taking you seriously, when you express moral outrage at clen and T3 being steroids.
At Brahma's current weight then there is no way he should need any steroids to lose weight.
Moral outrage?

My point was that someone his weight (250lb+) shouldn't need anything other than a good program and a calorie deficit to lose weight.

But what has probably happened, is that he bought into the keto/low carb hype train pushed by the weight loss thread, saw some initial results (probably water loss from low carb) and has since stalled.

My point is getting the diet in check would easily be enough to lose 1kg a week.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Moral outrage?
There's been tons of moral outrage in this thread. Guys should do research before they run off at the mouth. This guy wrote an essay on the perils of clen and T3 as steroids. A five second google search should tell anyone they are not.

My fear about steroids is that, intuitively, I'd expect to hear far more success stories than failure stories. How many men, comparatively, are stepping forward and saying ("Yea my kidneys are shot and my liver is failing in exchange for a six-pack over a few summers.") -- I'd assume the damage happens, whether it be user error or just too much stress combined with a genetic weakness. But it certainly makes it hard to do a cost-benefit analysis when, really, all we have is "faster route to abs" versus "non-zero risk of irrevocable organ/endocrine system damage". Scientists aren't allowed to run controlled tests on humans for this. So, essentially, all evidence is from men who I'd assume are going to be biased against being honest when things didn't work out.

We know: pharmaceuticals absolutely help you lose body fat and preserve/gain lean body mass. We know: the same pharma damages some men. Hand-waving everyone who irrevocably fucked themselves over as "doing it wrong" seems like a very very bold stance to take, given the parameters of the wager (lifelong suffering vs nice abs).


Tranny Chaser
I have a hard time taking you seriously, whenyouexpress moral outrage at clen and T3 being steroids
There's been tons of moral outrage in this thread.
It's irrelevant what anyone else said, you specifically referred to my comments.

But yeah, if you want to think your history with DNP and every other "supplement" you've tried qualifies you to give better advice than someone who has done it naturally, then yeah knock yourself out.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
Lyrical we're obviously using the term "steroids" to refer to any quasi-legal not-OTC supplements. I think we're all aware that clen and T3 are not technically steroids nor are they anabolic.


Mr. Poopybutthole
But yeah, if you want to think your history with DNP and every other "supplement" you've tried qualifies you to give better advice than someone who has done it naturally, then yeah knock yourself out.
He asked about a clen and T3 stack. I've researched it, and tried it, and I know people that have used it (for contests mostly). You have not. I believe I'm preeminently more qualified to talk about it than you are.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Lyrical we're obviously using the term "steroids" to refer to any quasi-legal not-OTC supplements. I think we're all aware that clen and T3 are not technically steroids nor are they anabolic.
That's fine, but when you buy a fat burner at GNC that is one molecule away from a banned substance, what do you think you are buying? The point I'm making is that some of the stuff in GNC has worse sides than the banned stuff, at least for me anyway. I don't put any fat burner in the same category as a steroid. With Clen, the receptors fill up so fast that it's useless in two weeks without Ketotifin. T3 is a little different, but OK as you taper slowly.

If you follow protocols, you won't have problems. If you take more than you are supposed to, maybe you will have problems. But that's more likely with T3.


Mr. Poopybutthole
But what has probably happened, is that he bought into the keto/low carb hype train pushed by the weight loss thread, saw some initial results (probably water loss from low carb) and has since stalled.

My point is getting the diet in check would easily be enough to lose 1kg a week.
We agree.


Mr. Poopybutthole
It has stalled. Not sure why. Still no sugars or carbs. Same meals, just slightly smaller portions. My weight loss was pretty fast the 1st few weeks, now it's 2 steps forward, 1 step back sort of progress.

The reason I asked was that the guy who offered them looks amazing in like 2 months tops. He has a few years on me, but was not quite my size. He may have been 280? Now he is down to 240 EASY.
"I'm doing Atkins, not keto. Look. This is working for me. I am not hungry. I have no cravings now. I see the weight coming off. Christ I am down 26 pounds in less than 7 weeks? Why change what is working? I DON'T want a diet that I can't maintain. This I can maintain because I am allowed to eat most foods I like.

Have I lost strength? Yes. So I can't bench 450 any more. I can still bench 405, and I FEEL so much better. Today at the gym, I looked in the mirror and noticed my chest is sticking out further than my gut!"

That was you exactly 7 days ago, man. When you stall out for a month, you might want to look at what is going on and formulate a strategy from there. But in 7 days you went from "fuck yeah the weight is flying off, I look great, 26lbs!" to "I've stalled out man, and I'm legitimately considering pharmaceuticals that if used incorrectly or I fuck up the dosing I might do some possibly permanent damage to myself"

Since you're looking at this from a weight loss perspective vs. a strength/lifting perspective it seems, I would go back to the advice given in the weightloss thread by Cad and give it some more time before you start getting antsy about the rate at which you are losing. And like Khane said, when you go from an extreme cut to a less extreme cut (via Atkins) your lbs lost per week is going to be reduced, not to mention you are now carrying around roughly 1/12 less "you" so there isn't as much to lose. Even at 275(estimate from your numbers!) you're still a big strong dude with almost guaranteed a shitload of muscle mass. The fat loss was going to slow down no matter what happened.

Given that it has been exactly a week to 100% flip your opinion of your progress, I am revising my opinion and saying to take more than just a step back hah. You're setting some incredibly unrealistic goals for yourself, and since you have family and lifting/fitness modeling isn't your job/livelihood, you really need to weigh a boost in weightloss based upon potentially dangerous chemicals vs. just sticking with what you are doing, which by your own admission has worked pretty amazingly. Give it more time before you come to any major conclusions about this.


Obi-Bro Kenobi-X
"I'm doing Atkins, not keto. Look. This is working for me. I am not hungry. I have no cravings now. I see the weight coming off. Christ I am down 26 pounds in less than 7 weeks? Why change what is working? I DON'T want a diet that I can't maintain. This I can maintain because I am allowed to eat most foods I like.

Have I lost strength? Yes. So I can't bench 450 any more. I can still bench 405, and I FEEL so much better. Today at the gym, I looked in the mirror and noticed my chest is sticking out further than my gut!"

That was you exactly 7 days ago, man. When you stall out for a month, you might want to look at what is going on and formulate a strategy from there. But in 7 days you went from "fuck yeah the weight is flying off, I look great, 26lbs!" to "I've stalled out man, and I'm legitimately considering pharmaceuticals that if used incorrectly or I fuck up the dosing I might do some possibly permanent damage to myself"

Since you're looking at this from a weight loss perspective vs. a strength/lifting perspective it seems, I would go back to the advice given in the weightloss thread by Cad and give it some more time before you start getting antsy about the rate at which you are losing. And like Khane said, when you go from an extreme cut to a less extreme cut (via Atkins) your lbs lost per week is going to be reduced, not to mention you are now carrying around roughly 1/12 less "you" so there isn't as much to lose. Even at 275(estimate from your numbers!) you're still a big strong dude with almost guaranteed a shitload of muscle mass. The fat loss was going to slow down no matter what happened.

Given that it has been exactly a week to 100% flip your opinion of your progress, I am revising my opinion and saying to take more than just a step back hah. You're setting some incredibly unrealistic goals for yourself, and since you have family and lifting/fitness modeling isn't your job/livelihood, you really need to weigh a boost in weightloss based upon potentially dangerous chemicals vs. just sticking with what you are doing, which by your own admission has worked pretty amazingly. Give it more time before you come to any major conclusions about this.
Well isn't this just the best damn post in the thread.


Registered Hutt
Throughout the winter as I engaged in the lifestyle change that enabled my weight loss I plateaued frequently in total weight. One week I literally dropped 10 pounds and kept it off. The week before I lost about 1 pound and the 2 weeks after I lost 2-3 pounds each. My diet was consistent. My activity level ebbed and flowed, but not to the extent that I burned 4x as many calories that one week. I didn't stop making progress during the plateaus where I lost very little or even gained some weight, it just wasn't always obvious on a scale. It did test my psychology and commitment to my methods. Stay faithful during the plateaus and keep learning about your health. Evaluate multiple metrics to determine your BF% vs. MM%. I think if you're really still adhering to your diet and activity level as you believe, that your body is still adjusting in a direction you desire whether it's highly noticeable or not.


Mr. Poopybutthole
My ass has been absolutely kicked since I benched 500 two days ago. Oh well, off to the gym.
I'm taking a week off. After a week of personal bests in the gym (t bar rows with 300x4, cybex bench press of 500, squatting 405x7 ass to grass), I've broken myself. I couldn't get out of bed yesterday. The muscle and joints are fine, I just feel like I've fried my CNS. I feel like I'm buzzed all the time, and having problems focusing. My wife tells me it's been almost seven weeks since I've had a break.

I wish I had more self control. Overtraining is not supposed to be real. I've trained long enough to know that I'm going to get sick as a dog if I train anymore in the next week.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Dunno what your diet/supplement setup is like, but that sounds like you aren't giving yourself recovery time (or at least enough) and your diet might be tuned a little too tightly. If I remember right, you're also in your 40s. If you want to keep lifting heavy (though your squat seems low, comparatively, with your other lifts) you may want to look into TRT if you haven't already, but I would definitely say if you are just constantly in ass-kicked mode from workouts without getting out of it, you're just putting a lot of strain on your body as a whole (primarily cardiovascular, with potentially some nervous system issues) and it almost definitely isn't being given enough time to recuperate overall.

I remember you mentioning that you were going it natty style with just pain/swelling reducers for joint issues. Have you changed from that?


Mr. Poopybutthole
Dunno what your diet/supplement setup is like, but that sounds like you aren't giving yourself recovery time (or at least enough) and your diet might be tuned a little too tightly. If I remember right, you're also in your 40s. If you want to keep lifting heavy (though your squat seems low, comparatively, with your other lifts) you may want to look into TRT if you haven't already, but I would definitely say if you are just constantly in ass-kicked mode from workouts without getting out of it, you're just putting a lot of strain on your body as a whole (primarily cardiovascular, with potentially some nervous system issues) and it almost definitely isn't being given enough time to recuperate overall.

I remember you mentioning that you were going it natty style with just pain/swelling reducers for joint issues. Have you changed from that?
405x7 isn't bad, considering I removed squat from my routine for a few months. My lower back and abs are feeling it, they are the bottleneck. I'm in my 40's now.

Currently, I take a carnivore beef protein shake, and a little creatine. I also take digestive enzymes, glucosamine chondroitin and Green Vibrance. I take in somewhere between 10-12 servings of fruits and veggies. I also take ZMA as a sleep supplement. My strength hasn't gone with age, my recovery has though. I've considered TRT, but want to wait until I hit 50 for that. Would TRT help with my CNS burnout?

One thing I've learned is that I have a hard time training to failure for more than a month, before I break myself. Overreaching becomes overtraining for me after that.