Arkk's Weight Lifting / Fitness Thread


Dabamf, you sure it's a good idea to do squats? If your knees are fucked up, squats have a much greater likelihood to re injure them than to actually strengthen them. There are safer ways to strengthen the muscles around than knees. Squats fuck people up, and aren't necessary. At least from all I've experienced and gathered from others. Seems a bunch of top dudes are saying the same thing nowadays. Or maybe I'm just stupid (HIGH PROBABILITY).

Come join the pussy brigade on leg machines. We may look like pansies using them, but we get results.
I've tried every idea possible. Squats are by far the best rehab for my knee. They didn't start really improving until I started doing squats with just the bar and worked my way up. Up to 145 now Wakandans (155 is Jan 14 goal). Leg extensions feel like the inside of my knee is being compressed and results in unbearable pain. There was 1 machine ever that didn't do that. It was in Korea. I have started doing negatives, however. Lunges are similarly painful. I already bike occasionally.

In the past 2 weeks my knees have been the best they've ever been. I think finally after 2 years I know them well enough to push them without risk of injury. They still do spazy weird shit, but I know when I can push through and when it means I need to stop. I'm also on 4-5 ibuprofen a day and ice it at least twice a day. That helps a lot.

Also, are hamstring strength exercises necessary? I've been ignoring them now for a long time. What would you recommend for that? I hate the laydown leg curl. How about Good Mornings?


Blackwing Lair Raider
Low bar squat is great for hamstring and posterior chain. High bar is more quad oriented. You can also try rack pulls. Good for lower back and hams. Basically set the barbell so it's just below your knees and deadlift it.

Succinctly, more vertical squat techniques use the quads and glutes as the primary movers while the low bar puts a premium on the posterior chain (particularly the hamstrings) for hip drive.
I did stones today, fuck was it fun. Tears up your forearms a bit but I loved it. Hopefully do it again soon. This was either the 110 lb one or the 168 lb one. I think it was the 168:





<Gold Donor>
Started boxing again last week - I can already tell I'm losing muscle in my arms, chest and upper back. At this point I'll just say fuck it with the building mass deal. Last 10 days of eating my face off and heavy lifting haven't been fun (for me anyways). 3 days of sparring and doing heavy cardio is just more appealing to me, and I feel like I'm getting a better workout. I admire you guys that can do it though - I feel sick eating all the time.


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
I've tried every idea possible. Squats are by far the best rehab for my knee.
About 10 years ago I broke both my legs and tore every ligament in my left knee. As I approach new routines with the trainer we always start low to warm up my knee, and after living with it for so long I can tell before going in if it is going to be a problem. Something like lateral bridge that can put some pressure on the inside of the knee tend to tweak it a little. If my knee isn't in alignment with my foot / leg on squats or lunges it tweaks a little. So far straight leg dead lift and front squats have been great. Can tell that as my leg strengthens so does the stability. Also, in Yoga class all the old people always want to focus on hip movements, and the extra strength in my hip has helped stabilize my knee.

Leg curl does aggravate the knee a little bit. May ask about the low bar squat or rack pulls like Dashel suggests above and see how that works out.


I'm definitely going to try low bar squats. Though recently I've been pulling my stance in closer as it feels better, so I'm nervous about going wide like Rippetoe advocates. I just watched like 20 Rippetoe videos. Convincing dude. Glad I don't have to do stupid shit like leg curls to work hamstrings. I'm a lanky dude so my back is more horizontal during even high-bar squats, so I'm probably working them a good amount even w/ high bar.

Deadlifts are bottlenecked by my legs. Is this normal?


Blackwing Lair Raider
i think it depends on the deadlifts. Grip strength can hold you up, try a mixed grip if you havent already. I'm working on the hook grip which they say is really strong once you develop it. Also a lot of people really round their back and I'd guess that can be a sticking point too.


Blackwing Lair Raider
So I've been constipated for like a week, gross I know, and I've gained like 9 pounds according to my gym's scale. Obviously this is a problem, so I started taking this shit called Psyllium. Anyone ever taken it? It's supposed to be natural grain fiber so it should help me push these motherfuckers out soon.

It's also a lot of water weight, but I'm guessing 4-6 pounds of it just pure constipation slowing down my metabolism. Shit sucks, too much protein lately I'm guessing, not enough fiber.


Golden Squire
Get your fiber from oatmeal in the morning, Raspberries during the day and if you want a grain, eat Quinoa.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Fiber usually isn't an issue, I just barely had any greens at all last week. I usually shit like there's no tomorrow, except this past week.


<Gold Donor>
So I've been constipated for like a week, gross I know, and I've gained like 9 pounds according to my gym's scale. Obviously this is a problem, so I started taking this shit called Psyllium. Anyone ever taken it? It's supposed to be natural grain fiber so it should help me push these motherfuckers out soon.

It's also a lot of water weight, but I'm guessing 4-6 pounds of it just pure constipation slowing down my metabolism. Shit sucks, too much protein lately I'm guessing, not enough fiber.
I take Psyllium husks every morning with my cereal. Dump 3 times a day on the reg. I started taking it to help with severe exercise induced reflux a few years ago and its helped that.


<Gold Donor>
The other thing about Psyllium (this may seem bizarre) - but since I've started taking it I don't get too hungover. It moves shit (literally) quick bro. Its natural too. Something else to consider is Saccharomyces Boulardii+Mos. Its a probiotic that keeps everything in check (especially if you're pumping that much protein in, which I assume you're doing). I fucked my intestinal tract up pretty bad when I was loading nothing but protein a few years ago getting ready for a cross country bike ride. Between the Psyllium and the probiotic, I'm right as rain again.

Nothing worse than a fucked up stomach.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I take in a pretty balanced diet so I'm sure my stomach is fine. I don't feel pain or anything unnatural, I just didn't have a good week concerning greens and fiber, but I should be okay. I usually eat a huge bowl of salad before dinner, and going a week without that will do a number on your system when it's accustomed to it, or maybe I'm just spittin broscience right now idk.


Oh, and around the holidays especially, this article is great to read. Being around family while you are beasting it in the gym like a hardcore mother fucker, puts those fat fucking lazy family members in perspective.
tl;dr: Haters gonna hate

I tried low-bar squat today. First of all, it fucking rapes my shoulders since you have to pull your elbows back. They aren't flexible enough. Will stretches help? I've always had a limited range of motion in my shoulders. Probably because of so much computer gaming when young.

Second, I instantly went up 20lbs on my squat to 165. Wider stance as Rippetoe advocates. Definitely feels like my whole leg & ass is being worked rather than just ass/quads. It also felt like less of an impact on my knees, though since they are finicky, sample size of 1 isn't very telling. I'm gonna stick with this and try to stretch my shoulders in the meantime.

Also, I started eating yogurt mixed with granola late at night kind of as a dessert after dinner. But it makes me fart like a machine, and they're terrible, disgusting farts. WTF is going on? Also, up to 175lbs. Most I ever weighed before was 165. Low rep high weight deadlifts and frequent squats have packed on the pounds like nothing I've ever seen.


<Gold Donor>
tl;dr: Haters gonna hate

I tried low-bar squat today. First of all, it fucking rapes my shoulders since you have to pull your elbows back. They aren't flexible enough. Will stretches help? I've always had a limited range of motion in my shoulders. Probably because of so much computer gaming when young.

Second, I instantly went up 20lbs on my squat to 165. Wider stance as Rippetoe advocates. Definitely feels like my whole leg & ass is being worked rather than just ass/quads. It also felt like less of an impact on my knees, though since they are finicky, sample size of 1 isn't very telling. I'm gonna stick with this and try to stretch my shoulders in the meantime.

Also, I started eating yogurt mixed with granola late at night kind of as a dessert after dinner. But it makes me fart like a machine, and they're terrible, disgusting farts. WTF is going on? Also, up to 175lbs. Most I ever weighed before was 165. Low rep high weight deadlifts and frequent squats have packed on the pounds like nothing I've ever seen.
You putting protein in the yogurt? My terrible gas was due to fucked up flora(fauna?) in my gut from the protein. Yogurt "should" have the opposite effect. I haven't met too many gym rats who didn't have stinky ass farts (including the girls). If its something like that, even Gas-X etc won't help much. Anytime you change anything significant in your diet, your shit gets whacked out. I went from eating tons of protein the last 2 weeks trying to bulk up, to eating a much more balanced diet this weekend due to training - and my gut is a little wacky.


Trakanon Raider
Mild lactose intolerance? Soft-serve ice cream from McDonald's and other fast food joints fucks me up, but all other dairy I'm fine with. A McFrosty, or whatever the fuck they're called, is pretty much asking for a poocano 2-3 hours later.


Blackwing Lair Raider
The human body still doesn't digest dairy correctly, so no matter what, if you eat tons of dairy, your ass is going to stank.


No added protein in the yogurt. I've drank a lot of milk my whole life, so my body is pretty used to it. I thought it was the granola, like the added fiber when I don't typically have much fiber. I will do an experiment.


Blackwing Lair Raider
No added protein in the yogurt. I've drank a lot of milk my whole life, so my body is pretty used to it. I thought it was the granola, like the added fiber when I don't typically have much fiber.I will do an experiment.
Bottle the smell and share the samples.