

Silver Knight of the Realm
I got Siege from my first Top Op tag and Ifrit from the new banner today. My luck is also gone for a while.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I got Blue Poison on pull 10. Now I have to decide between leveling her or Platinum for my next low cost sniper level up. Kroos is the only one I have right now at max.


Molten Core Raider
Blue Poison's AoE helps! I use her and Ex as my snipers.

Did 6 HH pulls on the new banner and got 5* Swire. I don't know if I should keep going. I have 20 pulls I could do but I think I might save them. Did 30 pulls on the last banner and 6 on this one with no luck. I know I will be pissed if I waste everything lol


Buzzfeed Editor
<Gold Donor>
I got Blue Poison on pull 10. Now I have to decide between leveling her or Platinum for my next low cost sniper level up. Kroos is the only one I have right now at max.
BP is the better option, in my opinion. Not to say that Platinum is bad (she's very good), but her uses tend to be a lot more specific. Whereas BP is a lot more "generally" useful. Her and Exu make a fantastic ST sniper combo.

Did 6 HH pulls on the new banner and got 5* Swire. I don't know if I should keep going. I have 20 pulls I could do but I think I might save them. Did 30 pulls on the last banner and 6 on this one with no luck. I know I will be pissed if I waste everything lol

Yeah, I had 4x 10 pulls saved up and got dicked hard. I guess that's what I get for pulling Eyja on my first HH ticket. I pulled Chen banner 3x and 1x on the Eyja banner, hoping for Ifrit. Ended up with full potential Cuora though, so I guess it wasn't all bad. Didn't pull a single 6*. Grabbed a couple units I didn't have, including Manticore.
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Silver Knight of the Realm
I think the only thing I really want at this point is another top sniper, but not really necessary.


Potato del Grande
Got Ch'en and to E1, what's OP about her? Seems like a lot of damage but not really helping me master Annihilation 2 or beat 4-9 which I'm stuck on.


Buzzfeed Editor
<Gold Donor>
Got Ch'en and to E1, what's OP about her? Seems like a lot of damage but not really helping me master Annihilation 2 or beat 4-9 which I'm stuck on.

Just Ch'en things. Her E2 is totally busted. She actually got reworked. Her old kit is the same kit that Savage now has.

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Molten Core Raider
All the talk on the previous page about healers has me wondering, my main two healers thus far have been Perfumer and Silence, but apparently I pulled a Warfarin at some point. Would I be better off tagging Warfarin in over Perfumer?


Molten Core Raider
Pulled Ch'en so now I guess outside of an exusai banner I can coast.
Gonna e2 efya then chen then probably skadi


Buzzfeed Editor
<Gold Donor>
All the talk on the previous page about healers has me wondering, my main two healers thus far have been Perfumer and Silence, but apparently I pulled a Warfarin at some point. Would I be better off tagging Warfarin in over Perfumer?

Warfarin is probably going to be the better option in 90% of cases, especially since Silence has a pseudo AoE heal ability. However, Perfumer is likely a little cheaper to bring out (based on your potentials) and can be useful on some stages because of her trait and talent.

I'm also not really a big fan of Silence. I know some people love her and her drone allows you to pull off some interesting stuff, but I really hate that skilling her up doesn't seem to really benefit her drone much (at all?).


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Lancet is the early deploy mvp. Got CE5 down once I stopped trying to use defenders.

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Molten Core Raider
I finally got CE5 down as well, but I think i just bullied my way past it rather than using any real finesse or strategy. I stopped trying to get healers out early and built around Saria and Ch'en. Once I was stable enough to drop Ifrit onto that bottom lane and everything was on fire, it was smooth sailing.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I think that's just how that one had to be. Defense couldn't kill fast enough and vanguards/ guards couldn't either. So I opened with zima, ejya and silence blocking lanes and kroos for more dps then lancet for extra heals. Once I got past the opening group and could drop more guards up front it was easy.


id work on getting s Ashe e2 as he’s great. Ptilopsis is an amazing healer and hoshi is great too. Meteorite is a really good ranged dps. Texas good too. Really just e1 the characters I mentioned and it can carry you pretty far
Yeah I was already focusing up Ptilo, Texas, and Meteor. Just got Hosh and Silver in a batch of 5 pulls this morning!!


Silver Knight of the Realm
SilverAsh's E2 is super strong, but imo he's kind of overrated before E2, he can be useful to help finish off air units on certain stages though. I used Melantha over him because of his high cost until I E2'd him.
Texas E1 skill is great, stun plus DP gain. Early DP gain is extremely important, I spam her E1 as soon as I can just to build up my DP early on.
Ptil is my favorite healer, but you already have her at E1.

I don't have a lot of the top units you do, so can't really comment on most of them.


Potato del Grande
Ranged Guards like SilverAsh are good because you can put then behind your Defender and still do damage, while increasing the number of units you can block by 2. They also hit fliers.

His E1 makes him into a Defender basically, +1 blocked, +def and regen. E2 just kills half the screen in front of him for nearly 30 seconds, but E2 is really time consuming to farm for.

I'd focus on Texas too, Vanguards are really important for some stages. Meteorite is the best AoE sniper, another one to focus on.


Molten Core Raider
I'd say work on E1 everyone you use, then go from there. E2 is very expensive and only a few characters really benefit from it as of right now (Unless the new chapter has changed things). The general rule of thumb is double up on each class (two tanks, vanguard, etc.) FEater, Mayer, and Cliffheart are situational and are not necessary to level up unless that's what you want to work with. Cliffheart's and Shaw's ability is very strong at lvl 4 even when they themselves are lvl 1. I've cleared the 2nd annihilation using a lvl1 shaw and cliffheart and SK-5 using lvl 1 shaw.