

Got something right about marriage
Just started watching this show. WAY better than I thought it would be. The pilot felt like a decently solid superhero movie. I'm impressed so far about 4 episodes in.


Buzzfeed Editor
Most of the way through the first season. It's no Breaking Bad, but it's tons better than I thought it would be, and I'm enjoying it as a comic-book show. My suspension of disbelief is in full force, but was curious about arrows going through Kevlar (Doesn't matter in the shows context, but seeing arrows punch through bullet proof vests got me thinking). From some quick google fu it looks like knives and arrows would punch through Kevlar--but obviously Google isn't the most reliable source--anyone know for sure? I wouldn't think they'd be able to--I mean, maybe the tip would get through and cut you a little, but I'd assume most of the arrow would be blocked. But who knows.

Anyway, good show. Choreography is amazing--the guys who handle that for this show should teach shaky cam directors how to not suck ass.

Edit: Looks like my assumption would be wrong.

Granted, that is a beastly crank cross bow--I assume it's far more powerful than the hand cross bow the Huntress was using, and Arrow's bow. It seems Recurve bows would get blocked unless they used Bodkin (Or whatever) arrows that are meant for armor piercing. Anyway, sorry for the segway, I love to see how modern vs older weapons/armor interact.


Millie's Staff Member
Arrows, the right kind with the 4 flanges i think was made for piercing medieval full plate armor. That shit is stronger than kevlar which is only useful up to 9mm bullets without a steel plate.

The Master

Bronze Squire
English longbows, based on real data from ones found in a sunken ship that were preserved nigh perfectly: 100-185 foot pounds.
Crossbow in video: Up to 152 foot pounds.

So yeah, the handcrossbow that the Huntress had would be nowhere close (unless armor piercing arrows is a thing, in which case who knows? Kevlar is a funny material). A recurve bow? Maybe. A compound bow? Maybe. The problem with the comparison can get pretty technical and theoretical. You run into the issue that most compound bows made today are made for hunting. Armor piercing is not a factor. They use the compound factor to make the bows smaller, not more powerful, so they are easy to lug around in the woods and sneak up on game with. A... military compound bow is not a thing that exists.

Crossbows vs. Compounds: An Apples to Apples Comparison - Petersens Bowhunting

Kind of gives a run down of the problem (and the different standards out there that would try to make comparisons).


Molten Core Raider
Pretty good build-up episode, but there's a lot one has to look past. Foremost, if Lance doesn't know Ollie is the Arrow, he's the stupidest cop on the planet.


<Gold Donor>
I'm assuming AMAZO was just a little easter egg at the end? If not, they've really got big plans for Arrow. Which wouldn't be a bad thing.


They do a great job of moving the stories along, filler episodes really never feel like filler.

I like how they are integrating league of shadows into this mythos.


Millie's Staff Member
im running out of ways to say how much i enjoy this show. but goddamn that was some sweet shit tonight.
and yeah copdad is a dumb retard if he cant figure out that Arrow is Ollie. hes standing 2 inches from his face and he cant see thats him? lol


Really enjoying this show and I really like the more reasonable Det Lance.

Not sure what to think about the Black Canary's electronic voice but thats minor, but holy crap did they throw alot of names around in that episode. And Slade's face was on fire, wonder if he lost an eye?

Only downside of the episode was a decrease in tight dresses.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Obviously Slade lost an eye, if you watch the first episode again the deathstroke mask on the shore is black/red as opposed to Wintergreen's Blue/yellow. Clearly he's going to evolve in the Deathstroke at some point in time. As for the aspirations of this show, it seems pretty great actually. I've read there will be a Flash cameo this season sometime and depending on the success of that episode we could get a Flash (please god be Barry Allen) show.

Looking forward to the League of Shadows stuff though, because if that chicks from the league she could beat the ever living shit out of Oliver with her hands tied behind her back. I wonder how they'll handle that.

Only downside of the episode was a decrease in tight dresses.
There was a see through shirt with a pink bra, that should sate you.


Trakanon Raider
Looking forward to the League of Shadows stuff though, because if that chicks from the league she could beat the ever living shit out of Oliver with her hands tied behind her back. I wonder how they'll handle that.
I enjoyed the episode, but how does that work? Is Arrow the Green Arrow from the superhero comics? I haven't really read much other than Superman/Batman when I was a kid (going on two decades ago now), so I am fairly ignorant when it comes to what goes where. I know the League of Shadows was in the Batman movies, does that mean Batman/Gotham exists in this world too? And not knowing much about the League of Shadows aside from the Batman movies, what makes all the people there so special? At best, from what I have seen, they create villains with abilities matching Batman. Which in itself is probably way above Olivers paygrade, but still human abilities.

If they are putting Flash into the mix, he has superhuman abilities doesn't he? Batman (facing Bane) and Arrow (facing the woman in black) would all be fights between extraordinary, but still human abilities that can be trained. Would think that Flash could handle all of them combined if a fight happened by surprise standoff (going by the comic where Flash and Superman raced around the world). 4 swift smacks on the head before they had time to blink, much less pull out weapons or arrows, hit, or reach for any bat belt.

Oh, and I agree with the dad cop. They need to let him discover who the Arrow is in the show soon before it just becomes Clark Kent/Superman ridiculous.


<Gold Donor>
Seriously, I don't know anything about Amazo but what Lyrical has been posting in the Man of Steel thread. Is it a corporation as well as a villainous super-robot? Or is it something League of Shadows related? Or was it just a cool name to put on the back of the boat? Someone give me the deets!


Silver Baronet of the Realm
In the comics, amazo was a robot designed by some guy and luthor stole while it was in shipment before being activated. So it may have been a nod to that?


Blackwing Lair Raider
Ok, a little run down. There might be minor spoilers as this is all comic book origin stuffs

Yes 'Arrow' is Green Arrow, Oliver Queen is Green Arrow in DC and their stories are ALMOST identical. In the comics things were slightly different, Oliver's parents died via a tiger on a hunting trip orphaning Oliver. He was still a billionaire in the comics and still became the Green Arrow after being stranded on an island and fighting to survive. The circumstances of the island are completely different and there was no Deathstroke to teach him how to be awesome. Speedy (his sister's nickname in the show) was actually a teenage boy, Roy Harper, who was obsessed with the Green Arrow (obviously we know Roy is Thea's boyfriend in the show). Speedy was Green Arrows side kick for some time and then morphed in to the Red Arrow (Notice how he carries around one of Oliver's arrows that's painted red). Laurel Lance in the comic book was the Black Canary, another one of Oliver's "side kicks". I use that term loosely here, as she was mostly a hero herself but worked with Oliver closely. Obviously they took another route in the show promoting this random assassin girl to Black Canary and Laurel to just a normal love interest (which is really weird since you clearly was kicking peoples asses in the early episodes. This makes me wonder if she'll eventually take up that mantle).

Now on to the League/Amazo. Amazo is basically an android made by a scientist that worked for S.T.A.R. Labs. Amazo is a heavy hitter in the DC universe, not a chump like Merlyn or Brutale that Oliver can take on his own. He's a regular Villain of the JLA (Justice League of America) and often times required Superman, Wonder Woman, Batman, Flash, Etc. to step in and take care of him. It's really big that they'd mention him in the show because if he's going to be fighting Amazo sometime in the future, they almost absolutely need to add in a cameo from a "Super hero" one that has extra ordinary powers that are greater than just shooting a bow. Unless they really change him and turn him in to a giant pussy, which leads to the next answer ...

The rest of the DC universe must exist in the show. Starling city (Star City) was Green Arrows regular stomping grounds in the comics, so it would make sense if Metropolis, Gotham, Etc. all did as well. With the now Black Canary being exposed as a target of interest for Ras Al Ghul (aka one of Batmans arch enemies) that sets up a whole new situation where we could see a cameo and almost affirms the existence of, well, basically everyone in the universe existing within this one. Ra's Al Ghul is another target that Black Canary or Green Arrow probably are out classed by. He's old (couple hundred years), really smart, really strong/durable, and can't die due to the Lazarus Pit. Also the girl is a "good guy" but she would for sure show up Oliver in any fight, which I can't really see the creators of the show doing.

Now the Amazo sentiment might be wrong, it may just be a nod to the comic books, since they do that QUITE often in this show. For instance the first "Deathstroke" that they killed in the camp on the island was Wintergreen a villain in the universe that had basically nothing to do with Deathstroke, they just gave him the name because he was there. The guy getting off the helicopter that was killed instantly, he was Brutale in the comic books, wore a full body suit had big metal appendages like doc oc and shot daggers. He was nearly killed INSTANTLY. Thea having the nickname Speedy. The list goes on for quite a while.

I grew up reading comics, mostly Marvel and my knowledge of DC is pretty limited so I'll try to answer any questions if you guys have more.


<Gold Donor>
Thanks Sutekh, appreciate it. I'm thinking the Amazo thing has to be just a nod, but if they actually have a "10-year plan" so to speak wherein they'll integrate much of the rest of the DC Universe, well...that would be awesome. The Flash will definitely be a pivotal point in any such plan though. If he is or isn't super-powered, we'll know which way they intend to take the show.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Flash seems like a good entrance to super powers in the Arrow universe. He original became the flash working in the police labs when a bunch of random ass chemicals spilled on him. So it's not like there was some supernatural even occurring that lead to it. Also this is why I've been talking a lot about the flash.'Arrow' executive producer talks 'possibilities' of the Flash - latimes.comarticles like these have been popping up.

Point of interest
Article_sl said:
Episode 20 is going to be a backdoor pilot. Hopefully it'll become a series. Episodes 8 and 9 are the first with Barry Allen.
Barry Allen being the modern day flash.