

Hmm, I wonder if that was the first time they mentioned Cadmus on this show. Maybe they did for the Queen episode,

Anyway that's Lex Luthor's company where he cloned Superboy, and more importantly the Speedy clone.

Also LOL at the
Calculator being Felicity's dad, this show gets more retarded every episode... And that dumb shit with the Lotus is /eyeroll


Millie's Staff Member
great episode, the arrow/roy chase scene was awesome. i'm not a butthurt comic book nerd so i have no problem with felicity having an evil hacker dad.


Vyemm Raider
Well supposedly Flash will be in Supergirl so they say the entire universe is connected, so the Lex hint is ok.


<Gold Donor>
Is no one going to mention that Laurel asked Felicity if she could backtrace the signal?

I know she still sucks the most on the show, but Laurel is really getting back to her uber hotness level recently, and I like it. Of course, there are so many hotties on the show already it is easy to miss. Huntress should have had all of her other series' cancelled by now and be ready for a guest appearance again, shouldn't she?


Millie's Staff Member
Is no one going to mention that Laurel asked Felicity if she could backtrace the signal?

I know she still sucks the most on the show, but Laurel is really getting back to her uber hotness level recently, and I like it. Of course, there are so many hotties on the show already it is easy to miss. Huntress should have had all of her other series' cancelled by now and be ready for a guest appearance again, shouldn't she?
She's due for a guest appearance on my lap


<Gold Donor>
I actually expected him to sacrifice himself to somehow cure Thea's bloodlust, the ultimate display of love. I thought I saw that coming miles away. I guess I was wrong.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I mean we all knew it was coming, but I still think Felicity's dad just happening to be a supervillain is pretty dumb. Not as fucking dumb as Merlyn is for not killing Nyssa, or at least locking her in an actual fucking dungeon. And why the fuck did she need that dumbass little dagger to kill the guard? She obviously could have escaped and killed the guy with her bare hands, then taken his sword to kill the rest. I'm glad as hell Roy didn't cure Thea's bloodlust. It was bad enough that they ran an entire PTSD + recovery plot in a single episode last week, if they'd done Thea's relapse and then cure in a single episode too I'd probably be done with the show for the season. At least Shado isn't actually still alive. My eyes almost rolled out of my head until she was like 'nope im actually a hallucination'. Speaking of over-used tropes, has there ever been a hallucination on TV that wasn't aware it was a hallucination?

Last two episodes of Arrow have been total shit.


Millie's Staff Member
starting to look like i called it about merlyn being the one that oliver and felicity want to kill. still need to figure out who is in the grave. maybe it will be Thea.


Mr. Poopybutthole
heh, as soon as he said death was too good for him I immediately guessed that Merlyn was going to tell Dahrk about Ollie's son. Because just telling Dahrk that Oliver is Green Arrow would make too much sense, but telling him about Ollie's son is just about right for a comic book show.

and yeah I'm pretty sure Dahrk is the big baddie of the season and that's who Felicity is talking about killing, and at this point I'll be blown away if it isn't Ollie's son and/or his baby mama that are dead. They started hyping Darhk in the previous season, they haven't introduced or even hinted at a big bad that Dahrk answers to, and there are only 10 episodes left which isn't exactly a lot of time for them to suddenly bring in someone above Dahrk. At best they could have Reiter end up being the actual bad guy, but I suspect Ollie kills him on Lian Yu.


Millie's Staff Member
Eh it could be his son in the box, but im still betting on Thea.
felicity doesnt really have the emotional attachment to oliver's son as she would her mom or diggle or quentin or thea. plus neither are wearing rings in that limo scene at the graveyard, so the future probably caught up with felicity and ollie and caused them to break up over the reveal that he was keeping william a secret from her. what would bring them back together is a death of somebody they mutually care about as much. also, i dunno how children's graves go, but that plot looked adult sized.