AssHat 2023 Final Four! Vote Now!


Millie's Staff Member
Yeah, and I'd go so far as to say Rocky was MORE of an underdog in Rocky 4.

He may be 1-0 against Drago and 1-1 against Clubber (meaning Clubber was more successful against him) but the stories of the two movies tell a different...story.

Rocky 3 was about Rocky basically getting lazy and weak and that being capitalized-on by a young hungry opponent in Clubber. Also he lost Mickey right before the fight and that messed him up mentally. When he came back for the rematch, he basically squashed Clubber, who gassed out after the first round or two.

Rocky 4 on the other hand was him up against an invincible Russian who had more punching force than prime Mike Tyson (who had the world record IRL at the time). Rocky had to get in like 2X as good shape just to fight the guy at close to parity.

So basically Rocky 3 was "stop being lazy and take out this young hungry guy who you shouldn't be having this much of an issue with" and Rocky 4 was "get much stronger to have a chance at hanging with this invincible guy". Also there's the element that Rocky lost to Apollo in the off-camera fight at the end of Rocky 3, then Apollo got killed by Ivan in Rocky 4 with relative ease. Which shows us what would have happened if Rocky had gone against Ivan at that time.
Rocky didnt get "lazy". shit, he was in much better shape than he ever was in Rocky I and II. what happened to him and was explained in the movie is that Rocky just didnt care anymore about being the champ. he lost focus of what was important as a fighter. when the Rocky statue was unveiled, and Rocky announced at the ceremony that he was retiring, he was moving on with his life. away from boxing. then Clubber calls him out, riles him up by trying to turn his wife into a coalburner, then Rocky loses his shit and wants to fight him. but he's still lost his edge and thats why he lost because Clubber was hungry. Apollo steps in and again explains to Rocky that he needs to get hungry too, train like a poor nog trying to scrape out a living. getting in even better shape was just part of it, Rocky needed to get angry, he needed his fucks back. well he did. he got his fucks and was able to get inside Clubber's head and tire him out so he could lower the boom on him. being hungry is how Rocky went the distance and beat Apollo even though Apollo was in much better shape. Apollo beat Rocky down like a dog and Rocky still kept chugging along.

when Rocky faced Drago, Rocky had to be in the best possible shape he could. he needed every ounce of strength and endurance to take him on. but even then it was still a suicide mission. his only hope was stay away from Drago's huge punches and tire him out. Rocky caught a lucky break and cut Drago. looking at his own blood, it shook Drago's confidence, he no longer felt invincible, he wasnt in fact a machine. so it provided Rocky an opportunity to chop him down little by little like a tree. he won the respect of the russian audience and Drago lost face. he was already beaten at that point. but all this came at a cost. he was still knocking the fuck out of Rocky, Rocky would have died for sure in that fight if he wasnt in such good physical condition. still it took its toll and Rocky was fucked after it. cue Rocky V.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
TBH Pharmakos is getting a bad rap here. He isn't a bad guy, he just overshares and then doesn't respond super well when his personal stuff gets used against him by assholes.

I don't think anyone needs to defend themselves for getting cancer and taking it easy afterwards. If anyone has an excuse to be on disability it's probably somebody like that. He made the mistake of taking shit personally and going on and on responding. Best thing to do would be to just let it go and the dickish people would probably cease if he wasn't feeding them and being so...weepy about it.

Guy needs a skilled press secretary like Kayleigh McEnany to ward off attacks for him.

I'm sure he'll be back and hopefully he's learned how to let things slide more.
His biggest sin was posting long bible passages in the Christianity thread without explaining how it was relevant to the discussion.

Il_Duce Lightning Lord Rule

Lightning Fast
<Charitable Administrator>
TBH Pharmakos is getting a bad rap here. He isn't a bad guy, he just overshares and then doesn't respond super well when his personal stuff gets used against him by assholes.

I don't think anyone needs to defend themselves for getting cancer and taking it easy afterwards. If anyone has an excuse to be on disability it's probably somebody like that. He made the mistake of taking shit personally and going on and on responding. Best thing to do would be to just let it go and the dickish people would probably cease if he wasn't feeding them and being so...weepy about it.

Guy needs a skilled press secretary like Kayleigh McEnany to ward off attacks for him.

I'm sure he'll be back and hopefully he's learned how to let things slide more.
Bruh, lemme stop you right there. Pharm has been around this place quite a while, and you're on the newer side at least in comparison.

He is a classic case of the narcissist/borderline personality. Always has been, always will be. There's no fixing it. He was doing the 'oversharing' thing as you mildly put it here at FoH long before he got cancer. Let's do a little rundown of some of the posting tropes that Pharm has used over the years:

"I think X, this place thinks Y, and Y thinkers are bad so I'm not surprised people don't like me here."
"I have X, so this shields me from criticism from all things, and also provides me with authority about X specifically and Y and Z because they're pretty close to X. Anyone who dares to criticize me at all is a threat to my mental health, and anyone who dares criticize me on X is pure evil!"
"Do what I want or I quit this place." (anyone ever have a crazy girl do this kind of thing to them? Ringing any alarm bells?)
"I have shared aspects of my life that leave me vulnerable, WHY DON'T YOU??? What are you hiding??? IS IT BADTHINK?!? I KNEW IT!!!"
"Only cowards wouldn't reveal their names and X, Y, and Z about themselves over the internet. What, you're not strong like I am??"
"I'm not revealing things about myself to add pseudo-authority to my arguments and shield myself from criticism, you're crazy and evil for suggesting that!"
"How can you call me stupid?? Let's find an authority to verify that I am not stupid like you say, that way I can point to this instead of defending my arguments on their merits!"

How far do you want me to go?

Eventually when called out on all of this, he goes to the authorities here (me and amod) claiming unfair treatment, badthink, illegal activity, whatever he thinks will sway us. THEN when he is inevitably ruled against, he claims persecution, spergs out, posts PM's, reports a bunch more posts as examples of him being right, etc. When all of that doesn't work and causes punishment to him for the above, he then takes his ball and goes home, preferably in as public a way as possible to make sure his insecurities are justified and he was a martyr before the unstoppable hordes of badthinkers here at FoH.

It's not the first time for him, and this pattern has played out many MANY times before from posters that share similar psychological traits as him, such as Manessa, Tanoomba, Brando, Tolan, and several others that I'm trying to forget.
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Sanrith Descartes

Von Clippowicz
<Gaming Ghost>
Pharmakos was a fucktarded piece of shit weeping vagina long before he got cancer.


Stock Pals Participant
<Gold Donor>
@Jasker can you please translate this for me
Mr. Sox said:

I don'tcare to be honest. I measure my life with coffee spoons. Drama seems to follow me everywhere I go. Its funny how you snaKes can live together in a tank and get along until it's time to eat

It all makes sense now....
cole sprouse GIF
  • 1Blown
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Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gaming Ghost>
Double check this windowlicker's work

I don't want any last minute shenanigans from all the Foler fans here, we know he has many
  • 1Harrow
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Potato del Grande
Bruh, lemme stop you right there. Pharm has been around this place quite a while, and you're on the newer side at least in comparison.

He is a classic case of the narcissist/borderline personality. Always has been, always will be. There's no fixing it. He was doing the 'oversharing' thing as you mildly put it here at FoH long before he got cancer. Let's do a little rundown of some of the posting tropes that Pharm has used over the years:

"I think X, this place thinks Y, and Y thinkers are bad so I'm not surprised people don't like me here."
"I have X, so this shields me from criticism from all things, and also provides me with authority about X specifically and Y and Z because they're pretty close to X. Anyone who dares to criticize me at all is a threat to my mental health, and anyone who dares criticize me on X is pure evil!"
"Do what I want or I quit this place." (anyone ever have a crazy girl do this kind of thing to them? Ringing any alarm bells?)
"I have shared aspects of my life that leave me vulnerable, WHY DON'T YOU??? What are you hiding??? IS IT BADTHINK?!? I KNEW IT!!!"
"Only cowards wouldn't reveal their names and X, Y, and Z about themselves over the internet. What, you're not strong like I am??"
"I'm not revealing things about myself to add pseudo-authority to my arguments and shield myself from criticism, you're crazy and evil for suggesting that!"
"How can you call me stupid?? Let's find an authority to verify that I am not stupid like you say, that way I can point to this instead of defending my arguments on their merits!"

How far do you want me to go?

Eventually when called out on all of this, he goes to the authorities here (me and amod) claiming unfair treatment, badthink, illegal activity, whatever he thinks will sway us. THEN when he is inevitably ruled against, he claims persecution, spergs out, posts PM's, reports a bunch more posts as examples of him being right, etc. When all of that doesn't work and causes punishment to him for the above, he then takes his ball and goes home, preferably in as public a way as possible to make sure his insecurities are justified and he was a martyr before the unstoppable hordes of badthinkers here at FoH.

It's not the first time for him, and this pattern has played out many MANY times before from posters that share similar psychological traits as him, such as Manessa, Tanoomba, Brando, Tolan, and several others that I'm trying to forget.
Going to the mods is pussy shit. He's ragequit before?

Seemed rough when I read Araysar dismantle him, but makes more sense now.
  • 1Harrow
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Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gaming Ghost>
Going to the mods is pussy shit. He's ragequit before?

Seemed rough when I read Araysar dismantle him, but makes more sense now.

I didn't do anything. I just asked him to get a job.
  • 1Harrow
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AssHat Taint
<Medals Crew>
Araysar 41 vs. Foler 16 - Araysar advances (fuck foler, get your shit together)
Kirun 15 vs. wormie 43 - wormie advances (wormie got more votes than Araysar, important information)

Go vote people

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