Avengers: Age of Ultron


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Really enjoyed the movie. My only complaint is
Ultron's super secret plan was to lift the city up and send it speeding back to the planet. They seriously couldn't come up with something better then that? It was just so fucking dumb.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Really enjoyed the movie. My only complaint is
Ultron's super secret plan was to lift the city up and send it speeding back to the planet. They seriously couldn't come up with something better then that? It was just so fucking dumb.
Yeah he definitely should have gone into space and gotten his own meteor instead of using what he had lying around.


Got something right about marriage
Saw it last night in IMAX 3D. Definitely liked it but I can see where people are coming from with disliking Ultron as the villain. It felt a little sterile, but everything else about the movie was great.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Ultron would have been better if they could have built him up more before the movie. At least in the first one, you were familiar with how much of a ruthless bastard Loki could be from the Thor movie.

I still liked him just fine though.


Millie's Staff Member
I had heard there was no scene after all the credits so I didn't stay, but you should have waited through the initial cast credits with the marble statues, it wasn't that long. Anyway, it was a short clip of Thanos putting on the infinity gauntlet and saying "guess I'll have to do it myself" or something"
thanks man! i would + you but i must have already done that during netsmas season.


Vyemm Raider
Saw it last night, really enjoyed it 9/10. I liked the first one a bit more but I think that was due to Loki. Ultron was good, but could have been great.

I did not really dig that Ultron was (trying to be) funny, I don't get why he had a sense of humor at all. I also thought they could have developed him and his motivations and plan (lift some stuff then put it down?) a bit more.

I am also not sure why they gave Stark such a hard time for creating (Wait, didn't Hydra create it??) AI, was not Jarvis AI before Ultron? and no one had a problem with that? - lets be clear, these are minor gripes, I really enjoyed it.


Mr. Poopybutthole
The movie is out, fuck spoiler tags. Anyone who comes to the thread at this point deserves whatever they see.

I don't think Jarvis was truly an AI until after Tony pieced him back together, or maybe it wasn't until after he became Vision, but either way, I don't think he was an AI. Ultron's program wasn't created by Hydra, it was Tony and Bruce trying to use the mind gem (not knowing what it was) to power or merge with the Ultron program. Or something.


I did not really dig that Ultron was (trying to be) funny, I don't get why he had a sense of humor at all.
The reason for this is he's actually partly Tony Stark. If you notice when he is talking to Klaw he nails him for using the same lines, and mannerisms as Tony, and Ultron pauses like he doesn't understand why he would be acting like himself.

The original Ultron was based off of Hank Pym who has a super dark side, this new one is based off Stark so he's pretty sarcastic. As Ultron evolves, and we will see him again I can guarantee it, he becomes far more sinister.

I'm not excusing people for not liking the character, but it does make sense within this new story.


<Bronze Donator>
Really enjoyed the movie. My only complaint is
Ultron's super secret plan was to lift the city up and send it speeding back to the planet. They seriously couldn't come up with something better then that? It was just so fucking dumb.
yeah as I posted last week they didn't do a good enough job explaining this and the average movie goer is gonna be confused. Ultron references meteors, dinosaurs, extinction level events, etc and "Friday" (starks female voice AI after he puts Jarvis in Vision) just kinda non-nonchalantly informs him that it will kill everyone.

a meteor only 1-1.5mil in diameter traveling approx 25k mph would kill pretty much all human life on earth. smaller animals and a lot of marine life would probably weather it out. One the size of say, that city, idk 5-10 miles in diameter as shown, traveling at that speed, is what killed all the dinosaurs. well killed everything larger than say, mice.

ultron's plan involving vibranium and magic and reverse thrusters and cgi and stuff was basically creating an extinction level event meteor impact.


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
Movie was good, but it was not up to the level of the first. In fact I would go so far to say it was barely in the top 5 of MCU movies, behind Guardians, Winter Soldier, Avengers 1, and IM1 (only barely here). We might see it a second time, but the wife and I are actually more interested in seeing Mad Max than this a second time.

The Good:
All great, with solid banter between the major characters. Spader was solid as Ultron, despite what haters say. The chemistry from the core cast was still there from the first film.

Could not be bothered to give two shits about him in the first film, but here he was very well fleshed out and relatable. He was probably the best written character in the movie on all fronts.

Second to none. Hulkbuster fight was one of the best sequences in any MCU movie.

Movie did not drag at all, with one exception (see below). It flew right by, which is the sign of a great movie.

All top notch, even in the problematic scenes. This is why MCU movies (and First Class) movies succeed where other Super Hero movies fail. Great acting does so much for suspension of disbelief and selling it. If RDJ is truly done, this series will survive, but they can't lose him, Evans, Ruffalo, and Hemsworth if they expect to continue. At least three of those guys need to return.

The Bad:
Not really Whedon's fault, but after Days of Future Past, no one was going to make a better version of that character between the action and personality. If DOFP did not exist, he would have been ok, but I could not help but compare the two. I am actually glad they killed him, because I think it will help the franchise in the long run to avoid the comparisons.

Bloated Cast-
I get that these movies are sort of the nexus for the MCU franchise, but so many of the characters felt like they were there just to be there. Samuel L and Peter Skarsgard in particular felt woefully underutilized in a movie that just crammed so many new characters into the mix. I feel like a major reason that Ultron got a little drowned out in the movie was due not having enough screen time with all the other faces they were packing in. There needed to be more dialog exchanges with him and Vision to flesh him out more. Again, this is an area where Xmen-DOFP did a far superior job and they actually had more characters to deal with.

Rehashing the first Movie-
Seriously, this plot was basically a lot like the first movie. Team does not trust each other. Villain exploits this for reasons to buy time to make world ending device. Hulk goes out of control to derail plans. Stark nearly dies to stop device. I think the movie needed to be more original in its story structure. How to do this could be the basis for an entire thread, but lets just start by ditching the entire team rift plot device because the MCU movies went to the well way too many times with that trope.

The Ugly:
Someone else pointed it out, but fuck Whedon for bowing down to the SJW Blue hairs and tacking this shit in. It created numerous problems. First, every minute spent talking about Widow's non functioning uterus was one minute lost of Banner/Stark banter or Thor/Vision interaction. It also exposed ScarJo as the weakest member of the cast, again. It did not help at all that I knew why Whedon crammed it in and it pissed me off while watching it. Less romance, more bromance please. The only reason to have a Widow romance on screen at all is to see ScarJo naked, which was never going to happen. If you cut all of this shit out of the movie, it instantly jumps a spot on my list.

Overall, I think a potentially great all time movie was reduced to a really good movie. My gut feeling is that there is some studio drama behind this. Anyone got dirt on that or why Wheedon is departing?



Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
PS- They could not do the go into space thing because then the weaker characters who cannot survive in space become even more useless. At least the city thing gave them something to do. Also, if you let Vision, Ironman, and Thor engage you in open space with no civilians to protect, that fight is going to be over in about 20 seconds.


He's not really departing, he's just not directing anymore because it takes up all his time, and he want's to work on other projects.

He will still be guiding the Marvel Movies, and if his history in writing is any evidence, he will punch up scripts that need it.

The Winter Soldier crew will take over starting with Cap 3 ,and lead into the 2 part Infinity war.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
yeah as I posted last week they didn't do a good enough job explaining this and the average movie goer is gonna be confused. Ultron references meteors, dinosaurs, extinction level events, etc and "Friday" (starks female voice AI after he puts Jarvis in Vision) just kinda non-nonchalantly informs him that it will kill everyone.

a meteor only 1-1.5mil in diameter traveling approx 25k mph would kill pretty much all human life on earth. smaller animals and a lot of marine life would probably weather it out. One the size of say, that city, idk 5-10 miles in diameter as shown, traveling at that speed, is what killed all the dinosaurs. well killed everything larger than say, mice.

ultron's plan involving vibranium and magic and reverse thrusters and cgi and stuff was basically creating an extinction level event meteor impact.
I understood it fine and why he needed the vibranium to do it. Just didn't care for it.


Molten Core Raider
I got what I expected. High budget. Didn't really like it though. The quicksilver/scarlet witch stuff as non mutants really bugs me. The whole opening with hydra felt forced and just thrown in to rationalize their use of the "augments". The villain was boring and Vision felt underpowered considering he has the Mind Gem and what I saw in Guardian of the Galaxy.

All that said it wasn't bad or anything. I just felt overwhelmed by special effects and pointless fights, and underwhelmed on story. I'll probably watch it again in 6 months and love it /shrug


Mr. Poopybutthole
Vision felt underpowered considering he has the Mind Gem and what I saw in Guardian of the Galaxy.
Yeah who would have thought that when used recklessly by a crazed zealot and without any real regard for the consequences, the Power Gem would be capable of more showy displays of Power than the Mind Gem.


Silver Knight of the Realm
It was decent but I liked all of last years Comic book movies over this one. All of last years comic book movies had me liking and relating to someone in the movie or at least really getting to know/understand them. On the other hand, everything felt very superficial and forced in this movie. It's a good action movie but really doesn't have any meat in it.

Two good examples:

Last year in Guardians when Groot says "We are groot" and is willing to sacrifice his life for the team, I teared up.
Last year even though I knew Gwen Stacy was going to die, I really loved the chemistry Peter and Gwen had so even though I knew her death was coming I still teared up.

I could have cared less when Quicksilver died. That's how much I was invested in him or any of the characters in Avengers: Age of Ultron.


Life's a Dream
I'm finally reading back on all the posts I've missed since I stopped reading this thread. I only had to go back 22 pages...


Silver Baronet of the Realm
I got what I expected. High budget. Didn't really like it though. The quicksilver/scarlet witch stuff as non mutants really bugs me. The whole opening with hydra felt forced and just thrown in to rationalize their use of the "augments". The villain was boring and Vision felt underpowered considering he has the Mind Gem and what I saw in Guardian of the Galaxy.

All that said it wasn't bad or anything. I just felt overwhelmed by special effects and pointless fights, and underwhelmed on story. I'll probably watch it again in 6 months and love it /shrug
pretty much how I felt, the fight scenes were nothing new and way to much cannon fodder. Also fighting a ton of Iron mans/robots was already done before


Log Wizard
Several things since we're letting the spoilage fly:

The "break apart the team and then re-assemble them" thing was kind of dumb. They did that in A1 as people have said. They needed a villain that just wrecked them all. Like completely destroyed them and forces their retreat. That would've been better.

Quicksilver's power levels in this were better. He was God Mode in DotFP. Though that scene was awesome, I still think QS had some great stuff in this like him grabbing Mjolnir. I thought he was going to live after being riddled with bullets because he looked at his wounds and Hawkeye dragged him to the lifeboat. 50/50 on that one.

Vision probably could go God-mode and explode everyone's brains, but he doesn't because he's the good guy who values all life. That's I think why they didn't show him destroying Ultron and the camera just showed the flash so they could incapacitate him or recode him or some shit.

I loved Ultron's mannerisms. The straight-menacing thing will come to play with Thanos. This was evil Tony Stark. Muthfuckas LOVE them some Tony Stark. Why not double up!

Hawkeye ruled. Whedon totally built him up to die like every sucker thought he would and then, boof! QS dead. I laughed really hard at the "no one would know" line. I don't think this is what it's from, but in The Maid episode of Seinfeld Elaine says the same thing about a telephone company employee.

I didn't think the Black Widow shit was SJW related. I think they filled in her backstory with some crushing secret like Hawkeye's secret family and shit. Hawkeye got 10x the exposition that she did and her backstory is probably 100x more interesting. Another reason is they had to show everyone's "fear" induced by SW. The only one they didn't explain really was Thor. Big waddup to Heimdall though.

Couldn't help look at Avengers Squad 2.0 and think, shit...they're all sidekicks. Also none of them are the super intellectuals. No Stark or Banner to science things. I'm sure Vision can do a lot, but they need a critical thinker type. Maybe that's Spider Man's thing.