Avengers: Age of Ultron


Potato del Grande
This individual does not speak for all of the UK obviously.
I really do. Nobody fucking reads comics here, I've never seen one IRL other than behind plastic wrap in Forbidden Planet (chain of comic/manga/action figure stores of which there are 15 in the entire country and comics is a small section). I guess the bigger bookshops may sell "graphic novel" versions with lots of comics combined like you get manga in?

Awareness of the characters is from TV/Movies/Cartoons and I don't think there is much knowledge about specific storylines. I could probably find more WoW books in mainstream bookshops.


They had allot of those comics on the bargain bin in the US in the 90s. Could get a full run for like 3 bucks.

Nemesis was some weird shit, but I liked it.Kevin did another one for DC called Metalzoic which is one of the first graphic novels I owned.

Yeah, he is an exceptional artist. I loved his Marshal Law mini series and of course his League of Extraordinary Gentlemen stuff is amazing but, yeah, his work on Nemesis ranks highest with me.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
I really do. Nobody fucking reads comics here, I've never seen one IRL other than behind plastic wrap in Forbidden Planet (chain of comic/manga/action figure stores of which there are 15 in the entire country and comics is a small section). I guess the bigger bookshops may sell "graphic novel" versions with lots of comics combined like you get manga in?

Awareness of the characters is from TV/Movies/Cartoons and I don't think there is much knowledge about specific storylines. I could probably find more WoW books in mainstream bookshops.
Refutes criticism of using opinion as fact by immediately using another opinion as fact.


Golden Squire
I really do. Nobody fucking reads comics here, I've never seen one IRL other than behind plastic wrap in Forbidden Planet (chain of comic/manga/action figure stores of which there are 15 in the entire country and comics is a small section). I guess the bigger bookshops may sell "graphic novel" versions with lots of comics combined like you get manga in?

Awareness of the characters is from TV/Movies/Cartoons and I don't think there is much knowledge about specific storylines. I could probably find more WoW books in mainstream bookshops.
I don't know how old you are or where in the UK you live but there have been comics here forever and people have read them here forever. I was reading the Marvel Transformers line in 84 and it was by no means the first comics I'd read. I learnt to read by reading comics like the Beano/Dandy etc etc (they're I suppose like Archie in the US). Although they were like rocking horse shit during the 80's you could still find DC and Marvel comics.


Honorary Shit-PhD
<Gold Donor>
Which part of the concept are you struggling to come to terms with?

This is all you could come up with for the milestone that is your 63rd post?
63rd post is a milestone now? Are you the one who came up with elementary school graduation ceremonies?


Log Wizard
Rewatched the Avengers. Hawkeye was actually pretty awesome in it. Still rather him die than Cap or Thor.

Also, please stop posting about dumb shit you fucking doucherockets.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
holy shit at Cap throwing bikes and Thor baseball. Also as much as I enjoyed the scene from Days of future past, im much more interested in this quicksilver and hopefully he isnt way overpowed, at least he has an accent now!

Also this TV spot kicks the shit out of the official trailers wtf??


Potato del Grande
I don't know, posting the exact number of the biggest comic book chain store in the country could be a fact. I'm not saying that nerds don't exist.


Can you spot it? It ain't what you think it is.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Should Captain be able to ally-oop a bike like that? It doesn't seem commensurate with his other feats...

I feel like Marvel should have a board of super-nerds who get the final say on any feats a character in the Marvel universe does to ensure it's consistent with their power level.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
He should be able to with momentum. If not its not really that absurd at least for the comics. I mean he was doing some ridiculous crap in Winter Soldier


Mr. Poopybutthole
I find that feat believable for Cap. I mean yeah it's ridiculous, but it's a comic book movie. It's not like he's picking up a stationary cycle and throwing it with that much force, he's riding it forward and uses that momentum to throw it.

I'm glad they're keeping some of his Winter Soldier badassery intact, because he barely seemed any tougher than Hawkeye or Black Widow in Avengers.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
I mean we have no idea on the weight but I mean isnt their pretty light bikes around 250-350 lb


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
TBH I don't care much and think it's just a cool scene, but unless Cap was several tons he wouldn't have the mass necessary to use his own inertia to propel a bike with that mass with that momentum. If he was very strong the best he would do would be to smash the bike into his own head very quickly.

Also if they were being consistent with what happened when Mjolnir hit Cap's shield in the last movie, the shield wouldn't be accelerated away from the strike. The vibranium allow would've plot-armored away all the momentum from the impact.

BRB: Going to the Flash thread to have an aneurysm about speed force.