Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016)


Murder Apologist
I suppose it's good that they made that reveal in the trailer.

I bet their test screenings went sideways when that creature ended up on screen and the ad buyers freaked out about comic nerds walking out of midnight showings, hopping onto their blogs and opinion-leading the opening weekend straight into the toilet.


what Suineg set it to
I dunno, as someone who doesn't really follow comics except vicariously through people on this forum, I didn't HATE the trailer, but it still had a lot of mediocre bits.

If Marvel Studios had never existed, I would probably be really excited to see Superman doing something other than bouncing bullets again. Compared to Marvel though this looks like a poor imitation of a good comic book movie. We really are spoiled because of Marvel.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
Eh, didn't even know the new trailer was out... heard some coworkers talking about it, they all seemed hyped for it. Keep in mind I work in construction so these were all real men, not a gaggle of girly nerds.

Even if the movie is terrible I suspect its probably going to be a hit.
Pretty much. The only people saying this looks like shit are internet dwellers. Normal people will come to see this movie in droves, and they're super excited about it. I work with more than a dozen middle aged women, and even they were talking about how they're looking forward to this.


Ssraeszha Raider
Yeah none of these trailers have seen amazing or particularly bad. Not sure what all the nerd rage is about.


Molten Core Raider
Pretty much. The only people saying this looks like shit are internet dwellers. Normal people will come to see this movie in droves, and they're super excited about it. I work with more than a dozen middle aged women, and even they were talking about how they're looking forward to this.
I don't think it looks like shit, but I haven't heard anyone talk about this that *isn't* as you say an "internet dweller". Most everyone is talking about Star Wars, and Star Wars. I hear a few good things about the next X-Men too, and Deadpool.

But then I see the argument that anyone who says this looks like shit isn't "normal", which was fundamentally the same argument all the nerds used for the last several DC bombs. Well basically the entire fucking decade, DC movies are notoriously shit which is why people are...doubtful. Either way when/if this bombs like every other DC film that didn't have Heath Ledger or Liam Neilson in it, don't blame the "normals".


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Is WB record that horrible ? Outside of IM1, GoTG, Avengers, and Winter soldier their movies havent been that amazing. Thor, Thor 2, Hulk, Cap 1, and Ultron werent the greatest + the shitty IM sequels.

WB has brought V for vendetta, Batman Begins, Watchmen, TDK, and Constantine the last 10 years. Losers wasnt as bad as people made it out to be

Updated fan trailer again, if this is what they released im sure people wouldnt be bitching


Molten Core Raider
I agree without you Homestar on marvel getting lots of praise but very few are very good movie. Most are average movie with a very pretty coat of polish.

I'm ready to take a average Batman V superman if I can get an amazing new batman trilogy incorporating more of the latest mythos of batman. I wish I could see Grayson eventually taking the cape with Damian at is side. I wish this could eventually lead to a great TDK return and I deeply wish we can finally see a Batman Beyond eventually.

God I would also like a Flashpoint paradox movie... I really do. The last cartoon movie would be an amazing blueprint.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Both Punishers were terrible but awesome. I think the biggest problem with both of them was the terrible villains. John Travolta was terrible and Jigsaw is like a z-list villain.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Yup. Both movies were really bad, sometimes so bad they were good but overall, really bad.

The guy that did the fixed trailer need to be hired by some studio.


Trakanon Raider
What the hell? That was a shitload of spoilers in that trailer.
Lex Luther played by Jesse Eisenberg (really?!! They couldn't cast someone better than him to play that role?) retrieves Zod's body and somehow creates what looks like to be Doomsday. Being the manipulative person, he probably tricked Superman and Batman fight against each other. Only thing they left out Superman being killed by Doomsday. If that is really Doomsday Superman sure better die in this movie. Warner Brothers could of had them fighting Bizzaro or another villain and leaving Doomsday for a later movie. Hell even Darkseid is a good choice. I just don't think Doomsday should be a second choice of a villain if that's him.


Avatar of War Slayer
What the hell? That was a shitload of spoilers in that trailer.
Lex Luther played by Jesse Eisenberg (really?!! They couldn't cast someone better than him to play that role?) retrieves Zod's body and somehow creates what looks like to be Doomsday. Being the manipulative person, he probably tricked Superman and Batman fight against each other. Only thing they left out Superman being killed by Doomsday. If that is really Doomsday Superman sure better die in this movie. Warner Brothers could of had them fighting Bizzaro or another villain and leaving Doomsday for a later movie. Hell even Darkseid is a good choice. I just don't think Doomsday should be a second choice of a villain if that's him.
After now reading wiki, I am a superman scholar
My guess is that Luthor for the first half has them pitted against each other trying to kill Superman because he hates him! duh- when that does not work he "makes" doomsday from Zod and "and ancient corpse of a kryptonian bla bla bla" that he gets behind the scenes from Darkseid- this is similar to the comics doomsday resurrection I posted after he was zapped into a skelly etc. So that leads up to JLA with Darkseid as the bad guy etc.


I pretty much try to only watch teaser trailers now. I hate watching a movie and waiting for all the scenes I already saw in the trailer. A movie is best enjoyed when you don't know what what to expect and can actually be taken for a ride. I haven't watched any of the Star Wars trailers since the teaser, and I've been making a concerted effort to avoid discussion of the plot specifically because I don't want to be watching the movie trying to connect the dots of everything I've seen/heard. Trailers suck.


Trump's Staff
I pretty much try to only watch teaser trailers now. I hate watching a movie and waiting for all the scenes I already saw in the trailer. A movie is best enjoyed when you don't know what what to expect and can actually be taken for a ride. I haven't watched any of the Star Wars trailers since the teaser, and I've been making a concerted effort to avoid discussion of the plot specifically because I don't want to be watching the movie trying to connect the dots of everything I've seen/heard. Trailers suck.
100% agree, and I should really try to do this too. The last time I saw a big action movie without seeing any trailers was the freakin Matrix.... And it was awesome


Avatar of War Slayer
yeah. trailers are not for fans. they are for people who DON'T know what to expect. They are proven to to get more viewers, the more they spoil. People do not want to be surprised, people only spend money when they know what to expect.

if you are intending to see a movie already, yeah, you are not doing yourself a favor watching the trailers.