Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016)

Woefully Inept

Ssraeszha Raider
I have a friend who told me this movie was as good as any Marvel Studios film made to date. I gotta call bullshit on this statement and I haven't seen it yet.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Because superman sucks.


Vyemm Raider
Saw it this afternoon. There'll be mild spoilers down under.

The movie was pretty much what I expected in some regards, mostly in the fact that they tried to cram as much as possible into a single movie to attempt to catch up to Marvel's Avengers arcs, but the end result is underwhelming... It is mostly due to pacing and editing because while the movie should feel packed with story elements and hints at future events since they're setting up this overarching cosmic threat, there is also a good HOUR of the movie that is utterly wasted into nonsensical plot threads.

The characters rumored to appear in the movie all appeared in the movies, as cameos, which is what was expected. The action sequences are decent, and they went out of their way to hammer in (not subtly) the fact that this time the battles take place in unpopulated areas to minimize civilian casualties.

In the end, I'm not angry with the result. I'm not even disappointed because I didn't have high hopes to begin with. I'm just.. shrugging because that's what I expected knowing the history behind the making of this movie, knowing how eager DC was to catch up to Marvel before the superhero movie bubble pops.. It feels like too much for one movie, and too little too late at the same time.

It's worth watching for the final act, but the first hour of the movie will probably lead some people to walk out of the theater because it's extremely badly paced and dull.

Also, Jesse Eisenberg was the worst thing to happen in this movie. He is insufferable from start to finish with the exception of one cool scene on a rooftop. Everything else was completely out of character for Lex Luthor, a cold and calculating businessman and criminal genius, who is played here as a lunatic full of nervous tics and giggling constantly. Definitely a sore point in the movie, and he's one of the faces you'll see the most in it.


Lord Nagafen Raider
The reviews remind me of Amazing Spider-Man 2. That movie felt far more focused on serving as a bridge to Sinister Six and making a Spider-Man cinematic universe (think they were also planning on a Black Cat movie) to the point where the Gwen storyline felt like a subplot that was only there to lay groundwork. They shoved way too many villains in that movie and it ended up being mostly like set-up with little pay-off.

Also, Jesse Eisenberg was the worst thing to happen in this movie. He is insufferable from start to finish with the exception of one cool scene on a rooftop. Everything else was completely out of character for Lex Luthor, a cold and calculating businessman and criminal genius, who is played here as a lunatic full of nervous tics and giggling constantly. Definitely a sore point in the movie, and he's one of the faces you'll see the most in it.
I hope people remember this the next time people question casting choices and Heath Ledger's name is trotted out. Why people thought Jesse Eisenberg could pull off Lex Luthor when he basically plays varying degrees of the same neurotic asshole in everything he's in is beyond me. But, apparently, that's what the writers wanted.


Trakanon Raider
Zack Snyder has had one truly great movie: Dawn of the Dead. Everything else has been a varying degree of awful. Watchmen came closest to being good, and had some really excellent moments like the opening credits, but I can't even sit through the entire thing anymore.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Zack Snyder has had one truly great movie: Dawn of the Dead. Everything else has been a varying degree of awful. Watchmen came closest to being good, and had some really excellent moments like the opening credits, but I can't even sit through the entire thing anymore.


Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
The guys at Collider were, to a man, amped to see this movie. Their reviews (spoiler free) are pretty lukewarm.



privileged excrementlord
This is often true, but usually the extreme outliers make sense. If it's like 95 percent it's probably good, if it's like 30 percent it's going to be a pile of shit.
^ pretty much. Amusing that this is still sitting on 8.3 on IMDB and down to 33% on RT lol. Then again, IMDB likes fucking TDKR of all movies (#61 of all time ... what in the fuck), so they can obviously miss too.