Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016)

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Eisenberg as Lex was god awful as expected. Also Lex was a retarded character.

Gardot too small for WW as expected, warriors arent built like super models.

Flash looks like a power bottom.


<Bronze Donator>
Snyder was forced to make this shit ball movie in the first place. Originally, he was going to just make a Batman movie with Affleck, which may have actually been pretty good. He had the Superman part forced down his throat because of the backlash from the Man of Steel debacle. Then I guess he (or the studio) decided to go full retard and just make it a Batman/Superman/Wonder Woman/Justice League origins train wreck that it became.
Wtf are you talking about? Snyder has been teasing BvS since the comicon right after man of steel released, it was always going to be a superman sequel, not a solo batman film. affleck wasn't signed as batman til way later. Stop being a Snyder apologist, mother fucker hasn't made anyone any goddamn money since 300, which was his first and only profitable film (dotd broke even)


<Silver Donator>
I give it a 6.5/10. I thought Affleck played a good Batman. Lex character was shit. Wonder Woman is a toothpick, plus they never said the words Wonder Woman in the movie. I'm glad I saw it, but they won't get repeat business from me.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Can anyone explain to me why Superman could hear Lois' screams as she fell off of the building, but he couldn't hear his mother in a non-shielded warehouse? He could have heard her voice or heart beat.


Blackwing Lair Raider
A flaw I see is they made Superman too powerful.
The Batmobile plowed through everything, even full walls - Why? To show how strong Superman is. All he had to do was passively stand there to crush the car. All he had to do was lay his hand on Batman to blow him away.
Honestly, I thought it was badass.
However, here's the flaw: Darkseid.

I imagine Darkseid is going to do to Superman what Supes did to Bats. I imagine they are going to make him overwhelmingly powerful. And then forget when Batman encounters Darkseid, and forget the powerlevel throughout the movie as Darkseid interacts with random things.
Perhaps not a flaw, but a real hurdle.


Saw it this weekend as I was dragged along. I thought this movie was going to tank hard seeing as the reviews for it rate it really badly. I was pleasantly surprised, however. I think Ben Affleck made a pretty good Batman. Don't think I'd go and see a Wonder Woman feature film based on her performance in this. Lex Luthor was laughably bad. But apart from all the problems this movie had, I found it entertaining (with a large part due to Batman), which is not what I expected.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I finally saw this a few days ago. I thought the beginning was excellent, Bruce Wayne watching from the ground was perfect. Set up the film very well. Then it just lost it's way. Superman was terrible in it in terms of the plot and writing. I think Henry Cavill is very good as Superman but apparently whoever wrote this does not agree with me on how to do Superman.

DC really needs to get their shit together. Afleck is a really good Batman, Wonder Woman has potential... they have a good actor for Superman... The pieces are there! But I am not all all hopeful for Justice League.

Aquaman looked like he was holding his breath. Flash... eh... although the speed force was very cool at least in theory, in the movie it was more like WTF am I seeing here? Cyborg has potential.


Trakanon Raider
I didn't hate this movie as much as most, it's still one of the better DC movies ever (aside from the Nolan Batman trilogy, which are kind of their own thing imo).

That said, Eisenberg would have been a decent Joker, or some other random villain. The fact they made him 'Lex' but then had him go a totally different direction with the character was silly. His performance would have been just fine, a smart but psycho villain pulling the strings, but compared to what Luthor is generally like it was just dumb.

Affleck was great, pleasantly surprised at that. Cavill is fine, nothing great, but nothing bad about him really. I was ok with Wonder Woman, her strength is more magical/meta human then real muscles anyways. WW, the character, had the best scene imo. The actress is eye candy, so overall I didn't hate her either.

The disjointed dreams/references were a little off, and I understand why most disliked them. I, personally, enjoyed the references to some alternate timeline stories and that was one of the only ways you could do it realistically.

I also liked how they handled Doomsday. The real character would be a little hard to understand and translate into a movie. Hell, I always thought his 'power' was a little ham-fisted in the comics. No matter HOW he dies, he can't be killed that way again. Every atom in his body obliterated? NP, brb, and you can't ever blast me apart again, kthx. Teleported to the end of time and crushed by the entire universe imploding? gimme 5 mins and a sandwich and I'll be fine. *rolls eyes*

Anyway, I'm not saying it was a masterpiece, just really surprised how many people absolutely hate the movie. It's not fantastic four levels of bad.. :-/ I would think it should have scored a 60-70% range.

P.s. someone said previous Snyder's movies all tanked, I thought Watchmen broke even in the box office but did really well in DVD sales and such?


Mr. Poopybutthole
I was ok with Wonder Woman, her strength is more magical/meta human then real muscles anyways. WW, the character, had the best scene imo. The actress is eye candy, so overall I didn't hate her either.
The fuck? Wonder Woman is a statuesque amazon warrior. She's supposed to be like 6 feet tall and 165 pounds, Gal Gadot is 5'9, 110 pounds and has basically zero muscle tone. She's skinny fat.


<Bronze Donator>

Dawn of the dead broke even at the box office. 300 made money. Everything else he's ever done has tanked.

Obviously I'm talking box office. With tv and bluray and merchandising eventually most movies end up turning a profit, or he'd be living in a cardbox box behind the wb lot instead of directing films. Hell you shit like gods of egypt losing 200 million but with all the fuzzy math, tax waivers and foreign presales the studio ends up breaking even.


Golden Squire
The fuck? Wonder Woman is a statuesque amazon warrior. She's supposed to be like 6 feet tall and 165 pounds, Gal Gadot is 5'9, 110 pounds and has basically zero muscle tone. She's skinny fat.
Personally I don't think it matters as WW is magic powered anyway she doesn't have to look like Chyna.


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
Not gunna watch the 1 hour review, but I assume it's an hour of him jerking off. The only thing I'm curious about is whether he edged for an hour or was it multiple orgasms. Also, if multiple, did he cut away till he was ready to go again or do we see him getting juiceboxes and shit.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Batman was the best part, WW was second best. She was great. Though, to be honest... Everything else about the movie was absolutely terrible, so that's not saying much


Ssraeszha Raider
The fuck? Wonder Woman is a statuesque amazon warrior. She's supposed to be like 6 feet tall and 165 pounds, Gal Gadot is 5'9, 110 pounds and has basically zero muscle tone. She's skinny fat.
Most comic depictions of Superman have him at twice Henry Cavill's size, but if you're limiting the actors to just Mr Universe winners you're not going to end up with a very good movie.

Unless you have the Rock play ever superhero, which would actually be pretty awesome.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Not gunna watch the 1 hour review, but I assume it's an hour of him jerking off. The only thing I'm curious about is whether he edged for an hour or was it multiple orgasms. Also, if multiple, did he cut away till he was ready to go again or do we see him getting juiceboxes and shit.
Man, you're on fire lately. Keep it up.


Trakanon Raider
I agree with most here. Movie as a total was meh at best with plot holes everywhere, but was really surprised that Ben works great as Batman. I was part of the "No? Really? What have they been smoking?" crowd when I heard the casting choice, but would now be very happy with him in a stand alone Batman movie.