Battlefield 4 (Frostbite 3)


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Pro tip: you autocomplete reloading if you're jump-sprinting over an object when you hit it.

Also they've changed it recently so elevators now randomly open/close. As early as yesterday they only changed when some one used them, making them easy as fuck to camp. Doors go shut, wait 4 seconds, gun goes brrraaap brraaap brraaap, win.
They didn't change the elevators. It just depends which elevators you are near. Some automatically shut like one at B. The ones at C and D do not automatically shut.

The more I play the more I am loving BF4, other than the random fps issues. Maybe it is because all the addons aren't unlocked, but vehicles actually feel balanced, unlike for the entirety of BF3. Run and gun is also improved once you are use to the new feel. After playing with very few people having defib, I think the game would be better without it entirely.

Really though, I think a lot of it has to do with the map. This map is better than every single map in BF3. There are so many levels to be on that are really easy to get to thanks to the mid tower and the various elevators. It forces ground vehicles to actually take caution when moving around. Tanks that run into flags are no longer gods, they are wasted in a few seconds by engineers and recons they aren't even able to shoot at due to elevation. I hope this is a preview of what all the BF4 maps are like. Maps should not grow horizontally, they should grow vertically. Stretching everything out with no where for infantry to gain an advantage makes for boring gameplay.


I'll second that...driving into I think it's B with a a terrible idea (the capture point with the glass ceiling that people can walk across).

Love the barriers on the bridge that can be raised and lowered. Has led to some awesome infantry battles under it


If you're having performance problems install windows 8



And if you're gonna cry about how it sucks you are an idiot, it's a better performing OS than 7 period, just uninstall the dumb media apps and install one of the many start button programs.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I do agree that the vertical nature of the map does make it play differently. I can't imagine every single map will be like that. Some will be in some wide open spaces I would think. I think that's why that had to improve the kill cam else some could hide way up and camp snipe for awhile. I've always been a fan of rush maps, you can get pretty creative with this engine now.

Still haven't decided if it's a day one purchase. It also seems some servers seem to have more stutter than others.


Vyemm Raider
Find me a deal on windows 8.1, because I sure as fuck can't. At least a gamer/home user doesn't need pro this time around.

(upgrade option is dubious because warez)

And yes this map is definitely much more infantry-friendly in conquest than pretty much any bf3 map outside of karkand. None of this operation firestorm "Run to 10 miles in an open field dodging sniper fire" horseshit.


FoH nuclear response team
I liked a lot of the changes they have made, but I still don't like it nor do I think it's worth what they are asking for it.


Vyemm Raider
I guess I missed all the good preorder deals while waffling because of how shitty it was running. Meh.


You can try GFDOCT20 on Gamefly for 20% off. It used to work for BF4 I'm not sure if it still does. There's also nuuvem or use a mexican proxy on origin to add to your cart then disable it and check out


Vyemm Raider
I'm loving counter-knife. Remember that awesome load of lag-comp netcode bullshit in bf3 where you are shooting someone full in the face yet somehow they knife you in the back and none of your shots register? Now in the same scenario you knife them back and kill them.

All in all the hit detection seems majorly improved, or at the least the lag-comp has been dialed down or flat out removed. Many times someone shooting me while I shoot them ends with both of us dying, instead of me dropping dead and them walking away with 100% health because they have a shit ping. Hell, it's better than BLOPS2, and there's 1000x more shit going on in this game.


Golden Squire
Is BF4 the first mainstream videogame with actual urban warfare? Like the amount of depth that the skyscrapers bring is awesome. Being a helicopter pilot I've started changing my role from being a straight kill ground troops role to sweeping infantry off of the rooftops so that my team's armor can advance on the control points. I really like that


Blackwing Lair Raider
Is BF4 the first mainstream videogame with actual urban warfare? Like the amount of depth that the skyscrapers bring is awesome. Being a helicopter pilot I've started changing my role from being a straight kill ground troops role to sweeping infantry off of the rooftops so that my team's armor can advance on the control points. I really like that
BF3 had urban maps but not the vertical combat this has. It's too bad more of the buildings don't come down though, it breaks immersion how one building comes down like nothing but the others can take all sorts of tank rounds with nothing happening. At the very least I'm thinking maybe they should make it harder to bring that skyscraper down, half the time it comes down within 5 minutes into the map and after the first 100 times, the novelty of it wears off.


that map would be so much better if tower was always up.

I don't mind if it goes down 10-15 mins into the map but as Vandyn said, it's always down within the first few minutes.


Bronze Squire
Haha, ya I am that guy that if within the first like 5 mins my team cannot capture or hold C I just take that shit down.


Vyemm Raider
Game I had earlier with Janx was pretty epic. I go 12-0 at the start in the tank, wiping out all their armor (janx gunning was a huge help) and then I get overzealous and push into the enemy safe zone - no problem I'll back up in time - only the rest of the team followed me and I can't back up. God dammit.

I can really rape with tanks despite the super slow reload. The increased handling and the amount of cover (ducking between buildings) makes tanks much more fun than most BF3 maps where you are constantly exposed. Plus, you don't randomly spin around in place as often.

Anyway, my tanks were already maxed out so I gave LAVs a serious try. Meaning instead of abandoning ship at the first sign of a tank I tried to stay alive and be effective. Well I quickly unlocked guided missiles and after that the fun was on. Here you get two fairly quick shots with missiles and then a long reload time. So you want to quickly missile - main gun - missile - GTFO. All while trying to be as mobile as possible to keep from taking a hit from a RPG or a tanks main gun. Using speed and cover I managed to embarrass the other teams tanks. Credit for a dozen destroys in the match. Anyway, in one game I maxed out LAV and went 33-9 while blowing up a dozen vehicles and having a grand time. The deaths were all at the end when I was mostly on foot. Also, I took out an attack heli moving perpendicular to me with an unguided shell while at max throttle. And that just tickles my jimmy every time and for a while makes me forget all the shit that is so frustrating about Battlefield. (I try to do it every match. Jets too)

Sadly, like Warhammer Online, it probably gets less fun as more people unlock shit and you have a near-constant barrage of laser guided fuckery coming your way.

Also annoying, battlelog stats still suck. No breakdown by gametype, hardly any information at all. Here's my game with janx:Battlelog / Log in


Are unlocks from Open Beta carrying over to release? Also, just had a Commander in our Conquest map on the other team. As we didn't have access to one it completely unbalanced the map.


Isnt a commander the guys that does shit off there Ipads??

What makes them so important it sways a map that far into there favor?


Log Wizard
They didn't change the elevators. It just depends which elevators you are near. Some automatically shut like one at B. The ones at C and D do not automatically shut.
I'm not sure if this is the same for the small-scale version with just an A, B, and C. I spent a lot of time on the room at C (the mall) and for the longest time the elevator only shut if some one on the ground summoned it, but now it randomly seems to open and close. I haven't played the full-scale as much.