Battlefield 4 (Frostbite 3)


Pretty much of the mind of fuck you faggots on the 2 pages of masturbatory omg wezzzz loves eeet. Was going to pass then everyone went fanboi on it. Generally listen to these forums but big let down.

Not even because of the crashing, I'm used to that and imagine most will eventually get fixed. I'll even say there are some really cool features. But I agree w/ someone saying they've further COD'd the game. The vehicles fucking fly/drive pathetic. The aircraft especially feel like I'm flying some shitty action game vehicle segment that is in the game for one level. Knowing wtf you were doing in BF3 for helo/jets was still there.
If you want real, play Arma 3.


Arma 3 is more lifelike, BUT what a pain in the ass to play that game.

That game is really for the super nerd imho


Buzzfeed Editor
Yeah, I said using skill, not super anal simulator. Granted I love Dayz etc, but still pissed over how buddy Arma 2 was. (And I liked Op FLash point the original when I was a kid with all the time in the world.)

Attack boats and MLRS seem godly overpowered compared to air right now that seems to get hit hard from all sides at all times. (Good AA tanks, recon starting w/ laser, each other's AA missiles, and generally such small maps to fly around in. Like a shark in a fish bowl.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Good, air vehicles were way too overpowered in BF3. One good pilot was basically invincible and would win a map by himself.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I'm sure it is still possible but with all the anti-air tools available I think it is more team incompetence than anything.


Here's my impressions of playing right now: Oh you're doing bad? continue to take it in the ass. Oh you're doing good? Allow me to crash the server to fix that.

I'd give my left nut for them to fix these server crashes.


I don't know if they've done something between yesterday and today but the netcode felt as responsive as it did in beta for me on a couple servers. Everyone died in the handful of bullets it should take the kill them instead of half a magazine, with the exception of one guy who lo and behold had 150+ ping. Then I got a red screen of death.


Urinal Cake Consumption King
<Gold Donor>
To anyone itching to buy this for PC, just wait until that Black Friday sale if it's true :p

I never quit a match purposely, but I checked out my 'quit' stats for BF4 and it's just under 40% lol... so yea that's a lot of crashes. It feels like I actually crash 80% of the time, maybe the stats are being lost like my level is :p


That guy
Well restarted mission 6 of single player and got through it and finished the last mission too. At least the last mission is fairly short so you can do it three times for all the guns quickly.


Just downloaded a 600mb update and the game seems a lot smoother for me. I didn't crash once so far, and I used to crash every second map.


Just downloaded a 600mb update and the game seems a lot smoother for me. I didn't crash once so far, and I used to crash every second map.
Awesome news. As I've had the worst crashing over the past 2 days I'll be verifying this tonight after 10pm est. Here's hoping!


A nice asshole.
Awesome news. As I've had the worst crashing over the past 2 days I'll be verifying this tonight after 10pm est. Here's hoping!
Nope I downloaded that two days ago, did nothing for me. Sound loop crash almost every match still.


Bronze Squire
Nope I downloaded that two days ago, did nothing for me. Sound loop crash almost every match still.
Silly question perhaps, but have you tried the repair install option? I did that as well as switching to windows mode and staying away from huge servers and I rarely crash anymore. To be honest I couldn't tell you if that was it or because they have been patching the game but it is certainly noticeable that I crash less.


Bought this game a few days ago and have been playing mostly TDM. I would consider myself pretty beastly on CoD but for some reason I end matches with a negative ratio. Have been playing mostly Recon class and it seems enemies that are so far away i can barely target them with 8x zoom are easily taking me down with a 2x zoom assault rifle... Any pointers would be much appreciated.

Any computer monitor geeks around? Trying to decide what monitor would be best. Currently have a VG248PQE using Lightboost set at 120hz and a Q2710 evo 2 overclocked at 90hz, so just wondering in bf4 if the extra hz rate would really make much of a difference vs the higher resolution of the Q2710?

Origin name is Slowstangs20 if any groups looking for players.

Mythas 5thboardnow

Silver Knight of the Realm
They have basically made this game with AR's being op. they can hit you while moving meanwhile landing 2 body shots using a sniper rifle is near impossible because of supression ( which some how doesn't have much effect on said ar user ).

These weapons are entirely too accurate while moving / too accurate at long range.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
They have basically made this game with AR's being op. they can hit you while moving meanwhile landing 2 body shots using a sniper rifle is near impossible because of supression ( which some how doesn't have much effect on said ar user ).

These weapons are entirely too accurate while moving / too accurate at long range.
Nah. Believe me there are dozens of times Ive unloaded on a sniper only to have him headshot me while he should of been suppressed.