Battlefield 4 (Frostbite 3)


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Yeah, depending when the release date is for Titanfall I might just skip the initial release of this.


Vyemm Raider
The fact that people are wetting their pants over Titanfall should be a pretty big hint that they've ran this shit into the ground. The money got too big, it got too dangerous to change it up. 5 years, 4 BF and 6 COD games in a row all in the same era.

Battlefield: Gettysburg would be more fresh and exciting at this point. Check out the sweet weapon lineup in BF:G bros: Like 9 kinds of muskets and like every revolver fromThe Good, the Bad, and the Ugly, fuck yeah! Tap V rapidly to pack that gunpowder. Get enough headshots and you unlock a mahogany finish and a sandalwood grip. Plus exciting vehicles like brown horses and grey horses, and if you buy the DLC you can customize the saddle. While mounted you can push 3 to drop "land mines." Fucking OP cannons and shit. Get your squad together because it takes four people to move and reload that fucker. If you get wounded, the field medic class will saw off your leg and give you a good sturdy stick to lean on. There's no aerial combat, but we'll ram a stick of dynamite down your throat and fire you out a cannon if you want. You can kind of steer, and its way funnier than making another jihad jeep video.

Hell, hardly anyone has done WW1 either. And it fits because jets and vehicles already move that slow for balance reasons anyway. Planes with canvas wings that rip right the fuck off if you bank too hard. (happened to me in some sim that I can't recall the name of.. laughed my ass off) Crazy imbalances like muzzle loaded musket guy vs belt fed water cooled machinegun guy. Giant, unwieldy rifles made to punch holes through tanks. And the tanks, wow. Tanks as big as your house that look like something Homer Simpson slapped together. Big clouds of mustard gas everywhere. Miles of trenches for all you camping faggots. And if its a close quarter map, you can hang a fucking lantern on the end of your rifle to blind everyone with.

Maybe if people have finally had their fill of Modern Military Shooter 85 we'll see these as DLC.


The main problem that stems from battlefield is just how boring the game is after sinking in 100 hours :\ No mod support, shitty depth in gameplay, no sense of progression whatsoever (dont make me laugh with terrible unlocks)... I dunno, kinda getting tired of injecting money in these FPS games..


FoH nuclear response team
The no mod support is just fucking atrocious.

I also have no idea how they think jets are "balanced" at this point, it really shows how little they care about their game and why I will not be purchasing the next installment. GG on ruining what was once a fantastic franchise.


Games like Destiny Titanfall The Division really made COD and BF 4 look like dinosaurs. Part of me was sitting there going "Why are you even making this game. It has no point other then a slight graphic upgrade."


Vyemm Raider
Basically, they made BF4 because all of the console Battlefield games were scaled down shit and now they can finally deliver the same experience on consoles that they had on PC before they gimped the shit out of the series. If you played BF2 or BF3 on PC, you've already played BF4. But for consoles, it will be significantly different because they'll get the full size maps, 64 players etc that they've never had before.

So yeah, console-only players are excited for BF4. PC gamers just look at it and go "Meh, whatever - back to counterstrike, year fucking 14." Er I mean the tiny fraction of pc gamers that actually play FPS made in this millennium go "wtf I played this game already"

.. and seriously, HOW IN THE FUCK, is counter-strike 1.6 still the highest played PC FPS. It's like they are all trapped in time.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Had tons of fun listening to you blast the mechanics of BF3 while raiding on Vulak. =)

I've easily been banned from 50 or so servers on the ps3 network for our squad winning by huge margins. Not doing anything crazy or shady, just V point res tactics. At this point we just do conquest scatter drills while drinking heavily. (This is our MMO escape)

We'll play BF4 until Battlefront launches. Beer consumption will probably increase until then.


Vyemm Raider
Games like Destiny Titanfall The Division really made COD and BF 4 look like dinosaurs. Part of me was sitting there going "Why are you even making this game. It has no point other then a slight graphic upgrade."
Serious nerdrection for Destiny, Division, Titanfall. Sucks none of those will be out until 2014.


That guy
Serious nerdrection for Destiny, Division, Titanfall. Sucks none of those will be out until 2014.
Which is precisely why I'll be getting BF4 for PC to tide me over until then. Considering I can easily drop a few hundred hours in the months waiting for Destiny or Titanfall, it won't be a bad purchase. Game might even surprise me and keep me playing after the 2014 titles come out. Especially if they bring back two-seater jets (WHERE THE FUCK ARE MY F-15E'S AND F-18F'S?) and commander mode is as useful as it was in BF2. I don't plan on getting an XB1 until a few months into 2014 at minimum, so I'm really looking forward to Destiny. Looks like a pretty sweet mashup of Halo and Borderlands. While my undying hatred of the Halo franchise knows no bounds, that's almost entirely due to the Xbro-ness of the game and the fact that it made mainstream all the god awful mechanics all modern FPS games have (regenerating health, mini-map, two weapons only, etc). I love the technology and universe of Halo, so to have it being done on another console with heavy changes makes me happy in the pants.


Although BF3 had a rough launch, I think the game has been polished and is fun to play. At level 100 unfortunately I know every map like the back of my hand. I would gladly welcome third party support but, being EA is behind this franchise, I just don't see if happening. There is too much money to be made in map packs.

My only recommendation for people is to try hardcore serves. Some of them are dumpy as fuck but others have high quality players. The trick is finding some with playable ping. Looking forward to bf4 for the injection of new servers and players.


FoH nuclear response team
and $100 on sunglasses so you can avoid getting retina burn from all that sunflare.

I really wish someone would step up and go back to our FPS roots and make something like Q3: Arena, UT or Red Faction. GD those games were fun as fuck.


Vyemm Raider
That's why people are interested in Titanfall. Sure, it has the same COD-spawned aim down sight shooting mechanics, and likely also the Halo Standard Regenerating Health from every FPS for the last decade, but it also has double jumping and wall running shenanigans. It even has bot fodder running around to make Timmy feel like he's contributing something.

Running Dog_sl

and $100 on sunglasses so you can avoid getting retina burn from all that sunflare.

I really wish someone would step up and go back to our FPS roots and make something like Q3: Arena, UT or Red Faction. GD those games were fun as fuck.
Quakeworld, please
It's kind of funny / sad to see 64 player FPS servers seen as a target today when we were running them back in 1997.

Maybe there's a niche for some really fast-paced multiplayer FPS now with unrealistic weapons.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Although BF3 had a rough launch, I think the game has been polished and is fun to play. At level 100 unfortunately I know every map like the back of my hand. I would gladly welcome third party support but, being EA is behind this franchise, I just don't see if happening. There is too much money to be made in map packs.

My only recommendation for people is to try hardcore serves. Some of them are dumpy as fuck but others have high quality players. The trick is finding some with playable ping. Looking forward to bf4 for the injection of new servers and players.
Being competitive I've never really gotten into hardcore servers, though for day to day players I'd definitely check it out if you find that it suits your playstyle better. Nazgule, where the hell are you these days. Better see you come BF4. I'm looking forward to all the friends who are probably going to come out of the woodwork once again just to see if the game is worth a damn.

A few things that are causing significant worry:

- Squad perks; who the flying fuck thought it was a good idea to LEVEL UP squad perks throughout a match based on squad performance, and then lose them all if the squad is wiped? Sure, I understand this is meant to promote teamwork, but you can't cultivate something that isn't there, nor ever will be, in the context of your random pub player.

- Power weapons; seriously? OHK .50 long rifles and semi-auto GL's that are ENVIRONMENT SPAWNED for the team that has already capped a key point on the map? See the trend here, DICE? Giving advantages to folks / teams that are already doing well? Might as well give them more of an advantage! I hope that it's not a static spawn, because I can already see half the team crowded around said location if this is the case, which is perhaps some backwards logic on their if the team has the advantage, they could surely lose it more often than not if half the team proceeds to disregard the objective in order to potentially acquire said weapons, giving the other team an opportunity to make their move.

I guess we'll see how beta pans out! I've given up being optimistic about anything these days until I've had some hands-on time for myself.


That guy
I just wish there was a halfway hardcore, or at the very least an easily selectable mode that removes the minimap and 3D spotting. Normal without those two things would make the game infinitely better.


Vyemm Raider
Giving advantages to the team that is winning is one of the biggest failures across all genres of multiplayer games. Oh look, one team has all the jets and helicopters and tanks, and there's still 900 tickets to go in the match!


Golden Knight of the Realm
Giving advantages to the team that is winning is one of the biggest failures across all genres of multiplayer games. Oh look, one team has all the jets and helicopters and tanks, and there's still 900 tickets to go in the match!
Indeed; the initial reasons for creating said mechanics defy all logic, and I spent all of 5 seconds trying to understand this rationale before realizing that getting to the point that I could do so would probably require a hammer to the frontal lobe.

This is also one of the reasons that friends and I will frequently place ourselves in situations such as the one you're describing (aka Metro spawncamp) and fight our way out and turn the tables on the team doing the raping. Makes for good times!