Battlefield 4 (Frostbite 3)


Vyemm Raider
Were they smart enough to include an optional no-no word filter this time so that the pedantic dorks that rent servers aren't compelled to put in an auto-kick for using adult words in a Military Murder Simulator for Mature Audiences Only that screams obscenities at you non stop? Because that fucking thing seems to be part of whatever popular admin package they use and its default settings ban you for everything from "American Inventor dick" to "poopyhead" to simply saying something "sucks." Treating Battlefield like its Lego Online is fucking retarded.


keyboard/mouse support possibly coming to PS4 for Battlefield 4.

Relevant part of the article:
AusGamers:Now I?m not sure if anyone really talks about this, but native mouse and keyboard support was available for the PS3 if developers implemented it. I?m not sure about the PS4, but is that something you guys think about? Is it just baked into the product anyway?

Aleksander:We have mouse and keyboard support for the PC obviously, but I can?t speak now specifically for next gen consoles. But if it makes sense in the Battlefield universe, for a Battlefield game, we?ll consider it.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Been playing a lot of BF3 again recently. Bought premium and all the xpacks and I missed when it was on sale for $20.

I'm really sad that launch weapons are still the best for every single class. Couldn't they have come up with some cool shit that isn't LOLPEWEW like the M416 or AEK-971?

Also played a game last night with two rank 100 dudes going 50-0 in jets the entire game, and a third in a chopper at 76-0.

When I had stopped playing last, javelins were still not giving tone or launch warnings...apparently now air vehicles are invincible again.


Vyemm Raider
When I had stopped playing last, javelins were still not giving tone or launch warnings...apparently now air vehicles are invincible again.
I hate yet to see air vehicles be shot down by anything but air vehicles. I guess the occasional AA gun kill on a helicopter but never jets. I sank almost 300 hours into BF3 over the course of it being out and don't think I have ever seen or shot down a jet with anything but a jet. And helicopter kills were very rare with javelins or SAMs


Lord Nagafen Raider
I hate yet to see air vehicles be shot down by anything but air vehicles. I guess the occasional AA gun kill on a helicopter but never jets. I sank almost 300 hours into BF3 over the course of it being out and don't think I have ever seen or shot down a jet with anything but a jet. And helicopter kills were very rare with javelins or SAMs
I agree jets should be hard to kill from land. However, when your team has fuckall for pilots and they have AWESOME should at least be able to orchestrate a multi-SAM engineer strike...or you know, the jets could run out of infinite flares.


Vyemm Raider
I agree jets should be hard to kill from land. However, when your team has fuckall for pilots and they have AWESOME should at least be able to orchestrate a multi-SAM engineer strike...or you know, the jets could run out of infinite flares.
I agree they should be hard... but not impossible like they are now. Infinite flares is bs


Lord Nagafen Raider
I agree they should be hard... but not impossible like they are now. Infinite flares is bs
At least have a set number, even if it's ridiculous like 30 or 40...just...not infinite. I'm all about a fuckin ace gamer pilot just WRECKING shit...but yea.


That guy
At least have a set number, even if it's ridiculous like 30 or 40...just...not infinite. I'm all about a fuckin ace gamer pilot just WRECKING shit...but yea.
Our jets (F-15E's) only run I think 36 flares normally? Chaff it's 120/240 depending on the modules used.


Potato del Grande
I hate yet to see air vehicles be shot down by anything but air vehicles. I guess the occasional AA gun kill on a helicopter but never jets. I sank almost 300 hours into BF3 over the course of it being out and don't think I have ever seen or shot down a jet with anything but a jet. And helicopter kills were very rare with javelins or SAMs
I've been playing the shit outta BF3 the last few months especially because somehow I got my wife hooked on the game. Not sure how the hell that happened never would have imagined, but I'm not complaining. Anyways between the two of us, last week alone I probably shot down 30-40 jets with javelins. Over half were alone without her assistance. Biggest thing I found is to either bait them to try to get them to prefire flares, or launch right after a plane or chopper gets them to flare, or get a lock on early while they are coming at you, and shoot and reload asap while they flare, and you can sometimes get another lock on while they fly away and get a 2nd one off. Granted it takes 2 to kill a jet, but about half that I connect with, kill them, so they must be already damaged. If someone's really fucking us up me and the wife will 2 team javelin them and almost always get them down. A few kills to an elite pilot will ruin their morale rather fast usually ending in them rage quitting.

Again though, the solo kills are generally not be the "super-elite" pilots, because I could see how they would be almost impossible to bring down with a javelin solo. Even in a jet which I like to think I am pretty good at, I can get wrecked over and over if you get a decent pilot on the other side. If you get 2 on the other side they can just shut down any air ability on your side. Then I usually just switch servers if it's that bad. So far this seems to only be 1 out of 10 servers I have this problem where one side's air is totally dominated. You'd be amazed, some of these jet guys aren't really as good as you think they are, they are just uncontested if no one on your team is running air combat against them so they can attack ground all day. Hop in a jet/heli and dogfight it out with them, you'll keep them too busy to do any major damage to the ground and you'll make your team much happier.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Been playing a lot of BF3 again recently. Bought premium and all the xpacks and I missed when it was on sale for $20.

I'm really sad that launch weapons are still the best for every single class. Couldn't they have come up with some cool shit that isn't LOLPEWEW like the M416 or AEK-971?

Also played a game last night with two rank 100 dudes going 50-0 in jets the entire game, and a third in a chopper at 76-0.

When I had stopped playing last, javelins were still not giving tone or launch warnings...apparently now air vehicles are invincible again.
Hey now, the ACW is tits. I also love the L86 as Support and MG36. Half the people I see running around are the types that never alter their weapons for a specific circumstance that they're about to run into. While the M16 / AEK / 416 are great all around weapons, there are many circumstances (Such as a standoff on rush) where you would behoove yourself to go with something else. I'm particular to the AK74 as of late, just got done mastering that a few days ago. It's huge perky tits when it comes to being suppressed; you can literally full auto an entire clip at a bipod support spraying at you and get consistent headshots, it's stupid.

Also, since it seems some of you are still playing. Add me; I'm typically either in the Legacy or RivaL e-sports mumbles fucking around with ravic, xfactor and all them, and you're more than welcome to join if we're on the former mumble server.

Also, Kreugen, you should probably get on so we can discuss BF3 and how awesome Township Rebellion and FoH were. Yep.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Hey now, the ACW is tits. I also love the L86 as Support and MG36. Half the people I see running around are the types that never alter their weapons for a specific circumstance that they're about to run into. While the M16 / AEK / 416 are great all around weapons, there are many circumstances (Such as a standoff on rush) where you would behoove yourself to go with something else. I'm particular to the AK74 as of late, just got done mastering that a few days ago. It's huge perky tits when it comes to being suppressed; you can literally full auto an entire clip at a bipod support spraying at you and get consistent headshots, it's stupid.

Also, since it seems some of you are still playing. Add me; I'm typically either in the Legacy or RivaL e-sports mumbles fucking around with ravic, xfactor and all them, and you're more than welcome to join if we're on the former mumble server.

Also, Kreugen, you should probably get on so we can discuss BF3 and how awesome Township Rebellion and FoH were. Yep.
I'll give you that. The ACW-R is awesome, and the L85-86/whateverbritishrifles are also pretty tits. I used the M98B for a long time too and come to find out the L96 is almost exactly the same AND it holds more rounds.

Every time I play I keep forgetting to plug in my XBOX controller and go to a flying practice server to check it out. I was getting pretty good with helicopters but always sucked major dick in jets.
I recently started playing to occupy time until BF4 release. If anyone else is playing and wants to game together, please add me.

My soldier name is Soviet_Rockstar, look me up on Origin. I'll be playing a bit everynight, re-learning the ropes and expansions. First time
playing many of the xpacs, though. I have a Ventrilo available and would prefer playing with people who communicate and work together.

I play exclusively conquest on 48-64 man servers, sometimes infantry-only enabled.


FPS noob
btw if you pre-order from amazon the digital version (origin key probably) and use coupon gooncave, you save 15% or $9. still get the china xpac.


FPS noob
jesus h christ

i dunno why i get so excited though, i'm just the guy that spawns and insta gibbed. fuck that sniper who shot someone on a jetski too


Trump's Staff
It literally looks like a $60 expansion pack for BF3...but I still want it. Erg. Must resist!


Vyemm Raider
On next-gen consoles, its a pretty big step up. On PC, it's the same game but with more claymores. Yay?

And holy shit DICE loves them some sun glare.