

Buzzfeed Editor
oh and i finally found another king crab, but it was on a pirate mission and only had 1/4 armor and i couldn't get more than 1 piece of salvage from it. reeeee

Unless I'm being badly pressured, I go for as much salvage as I can on everything. The more mech salvage there is at the end of the mission, the greater the chance the computer gives you mech pieces after you've done your picks.
Im at the point i have enoughcash not to care about extra mechs for sale, just parts for ones i need and plus weapons. But yeahi kinda meant deleting mediums when i jave a few big targets to worry about. After a bunch of melee cockpit shots, i get more fearful of lighter mechs melee in addition to multishot stripping my evasion.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I'm honestly tempted to install this Less Head Injuries mod. I have had so many head injuries on a fresh full armour mech taking 1 MG to the face on like round 3 of the map.

That is retarded. I don't care what kind of bullshit rationalization they want to use.
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Varia Vespasa

Vyemm Raider
I was excited about my first arm melee stability dmg mod until i saw it was 6 tons. Not worth it on grasshopper even though it punches alot. Not worth losing armor arbys max jump jets. Sure could drop +stability ppc for a few mediums but then i lose a decent snippet shot great for finishing knocking stuff down.

Really want a thunderbolt, think I'm 2/3 on both models. I'm basically going to out tonnage before i ever finish. Look great not sure they ate actually that good or not.

My arm mod is a +15% damage mod thats either weightless or 2 tons, I forget which.
The Tbolts are doing solid work. Got lucky on those. One was from old pirates coming out of retirement, I forget what got me the other except that it was within 2-3 missions of the first one.


I want a King Crab model.

I need to salvage another one and make a long range boat out of it with the precious gauss.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Lol similar position to Chysamere, very first contract after completing the story nets me full salvage on an Atlas. My lance is 390 tons, almost there!


Buzzfeed Editor
Fuck you bb code

Wanted to spoiler tag it as late game tactics, but entering it inside the spoiler tags just gives me like a blank box when you expand it...

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Murder Apologist
Fuck you bb code

Wanted to spoiler tag it as late game tactics, but entering it inside the spoiler tags just gives me like a blank box when you expand it...

lol thats why i always drop with two stalkers. They have like a ton of armor total between the both of them and 15 rounds worth of ammo.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Last night I got the Catapult K2 from a mission. This thing seems kind of crappy. Anyone found a good load out for it? I was thinking of trying 2x AC/5 and 4x ML. But I just don't see it replacing any of my current lance:

  • SRM Centurion
  • LRM Kintaro
  • 3x AC/5 Jagermech
  • AC/20 Huncback or 8x ML Disco Hunchback

Anyone find a good fit for the CPLT-K2?
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Buzzfeed Editor
Could try to dual ppc boat, it can do better with a lot of builds if you have ++ weapons, ie the 2xac5 with all plus stability dmg.

Possibly an odd mix like ppc, ac5, then small weapons. I think the standard might be easier to make work well either as lrm boat or actually a decent kick mech with srm6s + whatever.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
The laser/ballistic catapult sucks, mostly because the large energy weapons (ppc/large laser) suck. Without double heatsinks being available the stats on them just aren't worth the heat generation. If you're still fighting mostly other mediums a dual AC5 catapult might be of at least some value, but if you're already doing that with a jager then who cares.

You really want the missile variant to boat with, otherwise I'd just skip it.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Yeah, this version has no missile hardpoints. Not enough Energy or Ballistic points to specialize either way. The PPC and Large Laser are not tuned well, their heat/dmg/weight ratios are shit compared to things like MLAS.

Think I will just sell it. Too bad, as it was hard as hell to get. I ended up with both legs below 20hp, RT and LT destroyed, CT with 1hp when I killed it.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
Once you advance the story far enough you get enough double heatsinks to run exactly 1 laser hose if you want, but yea otherwise you pretty much can't ever use ppcs/large lasers unfortunately.

It's honestly a pretty unfortunate period in the Battletech timeline technology-wise, at least from a pure gameplay perspective. The super, super short sight range and small maps also doesn't help the PPC/large laser any either.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I run the SLDF highlander with the gauss rifle and two PPCs, and it ties up almost the full complement of double heatsinks that it came with. On a neutral heat world it can sustain 4/5 turns of firing all weapons then either has to let both PPCs rest for a round to clear all the heat, or let one ppc rest which clears enough heat to fire both PPCs for the next two turns.

Both PPCs have +30 stab damage so this thing actually puts out more stability damage than an LRM boat, although obviously it requires LOS which the LRMs don't.


Buzzfeed Editor
And eats all yourheat sinks for a laser murderboat.

On top of the height and weight innefficiency, the ppc isn't even great as a knockdown in some ways because you do more damage for the amount of stability you drandeal potentially doing too much dmg to one point. Lrms etc spread the damage more allowing for multiple knock downs easier without coring it.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
An atlas/king crab with dual ac/2s and some SRM6 racks makes for a fine murderboat when I don't care about salvage, and my sniper plays sensor bitch to my LRMs most of the time anyway since standing in LOS is a great way to get kersploded. It's also good for wearing down/popping a leg when I want a knockdown with minimal torso damage, and to set up easier future knockdowns.

Bottom line is lasers are total ass in short engagements like the ones featured in this game. PPCs are somewhat ass as well, but there is only the one gauss rifle for heavy long range damage. Now if they ever featured longer missions, or a campaign where ammo was scarce, the value of energy weapons would go up dramatically. I've only run out of LRM ammo once, maybe twice, and I had a recent mission where I ran low on AC/2 ammo but only because I was being reckless and wanted my tank to be out blasting away instead of hiding behind cover while my sensor+lrms wore down the enemy.
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Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
There's a lot of factors that contribute to energy weapons being ass. Small map size and low view distance are two of the biggest, but I can at least see why the maps are setup the way they are. Unless they doubled the maps in size they can't extend sensor/view range or you'd start almost every deployment already in combat, which means shit takes even longer and potentially gets way, way harder with how frequently they have you square off outnumbered 2:1 or worse. Extended map sizes also just means much longer missions, and brings potential performance problems in a game that already runs like ass, so I can at least understand the range thing.

The shit I don't get is changing out missiles work at their core. LRM/SRM racks always had huge damage potential, but the odds of you landing 20 missiles out of an LRM rack were damn near 0. All missile weapons had an "amount" roll basically off 2d6 that determined how many missiles connected, and that was even after you made a successful hit roll. I think a 7 on the roll was 50% of your rack connecting, and 12 was the full rack? I forget the exact numbers, but the point is not only did you have to pass a hit roll, even then you weren't getting 80 damage out of an LRM20 in most cases. So in this, not only is the amount roll gone, each missile has individual hit rolls, which makes it incredibly likely that you're getting like 18+ missiles out of every LRM20 to connect. Combine this with how the precision strike morale thing allows you to focus like 80% of your LRMs in to center torso or whatever and of course energy weapons are going to start looking like shit.

There's also no AMS in this tech timeline, so you just have to eat it with no real recourse. Put the amount roll back in for missile systems and heavily nerf or remove precision strike and suddenly PPCs/LL/AC5s all start to look far more attractive as effective ways of dealing targeted damage at long ranges.

Edit: found a pdf of the old master tables. Look at the missile hits table at the bottom of page 2. That just doesn't exist here and is why missiles are so fucking OP
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