Misc Refugee Thread


Totally irrelevant, you called someone out, in response I called you out and offered the bet, you then went quiet.

Hence bringing it up today, you then accepted the bet all the way up to the moment I was literally setting up the camera only to back track on a technicality.

It's game over. Everyone can see who the insufferable cunt is

I am not insufferable.

The irony is I'm not even at my peak and I was still willing to post a photo from today in poor bedroom lighting
I went back and checked it. It was a poster named Lanx I was talking to, not you. So why even get involved? And why think this is evidence of anything?

I mean, taking that wager literally is kind of weird and cringey, but it's between me and him. If he's still here and wants to take up the challenge, I can do it. I still stay true to my claim, people like this got the absolute shit bullied out of them in high school, and now get "revenge" once they're safe behind a keyboard because they're not in shape, not muscular, and too gutless to say anything to someone's face.

He can step up and show the evidence of his muscular physique. But you getting involved is just strange.
  • 1Moron
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Tranny Chaser
Lol, I personally feel like Bodhy gets picked on a lil too much. He's different thats for sure. I feel like hes in a corner fighting his way out right now against a mob of people.

Stick around a bit longer and you'll see who else that applies to around here
  • 1Worf
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Tranny Chaser
I went back and checked it. It was a poster named Lanx I was talking to, not you. So why even get involved? And why think this is evidence of anything?

I mean, taking that wager literally is kind of weird and cringey, but it's between me and him. If he's still here and wants to take up the challenge, I can do it. I still stay true to my claim, people like this got the absolute shit bullied out of them in high school, and now get "revenge" once they're safe behind a keyboard because they're not in shape, not muscular, and too gutless to say anything to someone's face.

He can step up and show the evidence of his muscular physique. But you getting involved is just strange.



Tranny Chaser
Bro, you had me thinking it was you I called out. If it wasn't you, I don't really owe you anything and you can't really call me out.


You can call people out but can't get called out in response.

You can accept a bet in response to getting called out only to backtrack at the moment of delivery

Insufferable enough for you.
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LOl I told you. This is literally the EXACT same thing he did with a misc call out bet. Hes a fucking troll. Just ignore him or ban him.He literally does this exact same schtick every time he makes a bet.
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I went back and checked it. It was a poster named Lanx I was talking to, not you. So why even get involved? And why think this is evidence of anything?

I mean, taking that wager literally is kind of weird and cringey, but it's between me and him. If he's still here and wants to take up the challenge, I can do it. I still stay true to my claim, people like this got the absolute shit bullied out of them in high school, and now get "revenge" once they're safe behind a keyboard because they're not in shape, not muscular, and too gutless to say anything to someone's face.

He can step up and show the evidence of his muscular physique. But you getting involved is just strange.

It's pretty amazing to me how dramatic some of you manage to get over the misc, and now this forum
FYI: Everything Bodhy posts is pure projection.

His recent pictures on show that he is a short, fat, balding incel piece of shit.

He's admitted to being autistic or ass burgers and you can see the aspie in his face. Dude is a frauding lard ass.

You know how Bodhy obsessed over reps back on the misc? Now he does that here.
Lol, I personally feel like Bodhy gets picked on a lil too much. He's different thats for sure. I feel like hes in a corner fighting his way out right now against a mob of people.

I don't get it tho, he shit smeared a wall and is into trannys. Does this make him a target for us to pick on?

Bodhy's problem is that he can't help but constantly come back for more. I mean, just look at how he has acted itt. Dude mobs half of pages with his nonsense, and it's always the same mess.
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When they do decide to moderate, it's inconsistent as all hell.

Various people in the misc r&p were banned for extremely tame things that made no sense, all while the rest of the misc is a complete mad house.

Misc might be hard to moderate, but some of that comes down to the lack of megathreads or sub forums that could easily condense a lot of it so it wouldn't look like an old school forum and discord had a dumpster baby.

The problem with mods on the misc is that they liked acting based on personal feelings rather than within the actual rules/guidelines of the forum. They'd let some stuff go with so little as nothing/slaps on the wrists that deserved perm bans if a user was their personal forum pal, meanwhile they'd throw bans out over little things that didn't matter to others.
You know what really doesn’t make sense from him. If he thinks this place is a wild far right extreme echo chamber full of hate and Nazis and blah blah blah… why the fuck is he so goddamn desperate to get back in?

One would think if his claims were true he would want nothing to do with the place and would have left on his own. However here we are?? Somehow he managed to alienate himself on misc and immediately here as well.

The funny thing is how he is universally disliked everywhere he goes online, yet he refuses to take the hint and make some positive changes.


You know how Bodhy obsessed over reps back on the misc? Now he does that here.

Bodhy's problem is that he can't help but constantly come back for more. I mean, just look at how he has acted itt. Dude mobs half of pages with his nonsense, and it's always the same mess.
I'm just calling out safe space needing queers. Safe spaces aren't a good thing.

Why does anyone need a safe space?

EDIT: I see your up to your usual gaslighting tricks again. I figured out that trick before you even made this alt and pretended to hate people just to simp for reps.
  • 1Moron
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Golden Knight of the Realm
The problem with mods on the misc is that they liked acting based on personal feelings rather than within the actual rules/guidelines of the forum. They'd let some stuff go with so little as nothing/slaps on the wrists that deserved perm bans if a user was their personal forum pal, meanwhile they'd throw bans out over little things that didn't matter to others.
Its been alot of years since mods were like that at misc tbh


Tranny Chaser
I didn't move any goalposts. I'm just saying you can't exactly take up someone's elses call out and then call me out for that, right? If it was you I called out, fine. I just don't remember since this was literally years ago.

Thanks for this really convincing evidence you aren't autistic, though. But this bet is about physique, is it not?

Notice how he simultaneously tries to withdraw from the bet AND maintain the challenge.

I'm just calling out safe space needing queers. Safe spaces aren't a good thing.

Why does anyone need a safe space?

EDIT: I see your up to your usual gaslighting tricks again. I figured out that trick before you even made this alt and pretended to hate people just to simp for reps.

How do you always respond within like half an hour or less, even on another forum? You live, eat, and sleep on internet forums.


Sharpie Markers Aren't Pens
<Gold Donor>
I'm still waiting for any evidence of this. Because, right now, it certainly looks like you cancelled me for simply being inside your safe space. The more you evade producing actual evidence of any of this, the more you vindicate my side of things here.

We have conditions here to avoid bet welching, so forum ban on anyone who fails to deliver their end of the bargain and charity of my choice. I'll ten x the donation if I can't come up with the goods.

Agreed B Bodhy ?


Changing the terms of the bet, after taking two years to accept, is yet more evidence you're insufferable lol

Repeatedly asks for evidence then mocks the provider of said evidence. Yet more evidence....

just ban the faggot already. hes already giving me a headache and im sure im not the only one. When he bet on his stupid PhD he changed the rules last second to make sure nobody could win so hes not only an insufferable faggot hes a cheater. If i had it my way he would be banned from the internet for life. fuck this fucking cheating faggot

FYI: Everything Bodhy posts is pure projection.

His recent pictures on show that he is a short, fat, balding incel piece of shit.

He's admitted to being autistic or ass burgers and you can see the aspie in his face. Dude is a frauding lard ass.

Looking for proof of you being insufferable? Read about what your peers say. Insufferable is by others view of you not what you define for yourself.

it’s a social world out there fren. The data says you are probably insufferable to a large portion of the population- I have seen far more negative comments and negative reviews than positive. Your utter lack of self awareness makes for some moderate levels of entertainment when i swoop in the refugee thread here once every 1-2 years.
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Poet Warrior
Dictstroke is the only friend I have left even though we disagree on everything. Scooterbrah sold me out long time ago.
Mgftp and fnatic talk a lot. Mg thinks misc is never coming back . Srs. Him and ZBlacktt . We’re in a ps5 group chat the 4 of us but mgftp I think has me on ignore. He deleted me from his friend list a long time ago.


Looking for proof of you being insufferable? Read about what your peers say. Insufferable is by others view of you not what you define for yourself.

it’s a social world out there fren. The data says you are probably insufferable to a large portion of the population- I have seen far more negative comments and negative reviews than positive
This is the very definition of a biased sample size. Someone's opinion, mind you, someone is well known for being a safe space needing, biased, hateful extremist (who unanimously hate all leftists and liberals just because), counts for next to nothing when it comes to evidencing an assertion.

Opinions are cheap. Evidence isn't. It looks to me like you're just hating for no real good reason, which, like someone said before, just makes you look like a toolbag in a basement.

Why not just have actual discussions about stuff instead of being a hateful POS on the internet? Hatred isn't a positive emotion.
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