Better Call Saul


Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
Mike basically set it all up in his prior talk to that guy he was working for in that episode. He mentions criminals who are good people, and non criminals who are bad people. Chuck is bad people.
Yeah that line from Mike was one of the best in the show so far, in terms of how it encompassed more than just the context in which he was speaking. Hell that might even qualify as the wisdom on the little scrap of paper inside of the whole BB/BCS fortune cookie.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
I don't think Chuck is a bad person. He's a troubled person who has a fixed mindset about Jimmy.

I think Jimmy could be a good person, but these setbacks are going to drive him to be the best damn bad person he can be.


Trakanon Raider

I love how they made it seem like Chuck killed Jimmy in the 2 A.M. call scene. Grabbing the pencil in the dark, sneaking outside.. oh wait, he did kill Jimmy and created Saul.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
What's up about branding characters around good or bad anyway, it's like putting stickers on them and going mental everytime they don't stick to the agenda. It's not Star Wars, there are solid nuances.


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
What's up about branding characters around good or bad anyway, it's like putting stickers on them and going mental everytime they don't stick to the agenda. It's not Star Wars, there are solid nuances.
^^ This is a good point. I think Chuck is just an old man and he is genuinely offended by what he feels is Jimmy's lack of respect for the law, which is the most important thing in his life. He is being shitty about it, but I wouldn't say he's a bad person.


<Prior Amod>
Naw chuck is a socialite snob, his status defines how great he is.

He's such a great guy, he is reforming his brother and gives him a nice menial job, which is also how scary Chuck is in HHM. think back to when we had the scene of Jimmy giving mail to everyone, everyone said hi back.

No one does this in corporate america, no matter how charming they are, no the mailman is menial in all their eyes, BUT Chucks brother handing them mail everyday deserves personal attention.

Chuck can prance around with a wine glass and cigar and prance Jimmy around like a show dog "look at what i did? this is my good deed, my pro-bono work, i set my disgusting brother on the straight and narrow"

As a mailboy, Chuck had ultimate control over Jimmy's destiny, as a lawyer, chuck was just waiting for Jimmy to fall off the wagon.

Chuck is a piece of shit, he defined his whole character in one heart breaking, oh shit scene.


Trakanon Raider
I'm not saying Chuck is evil incarnate but man you guys are some Mother Teresas up in here. Chuck does the loving brother act in front of Jimmy only to shit on him behind his back. It doesn't matter what Chucks egotistical reasons are that's some fucked up kinda shit coming from your own brother all the while tossing him scraps like hes doing him some great favor like lanx points out above.


Trakanon Raider
I don't think Chuck is a bad person. He's a troubled person who has a fixed mindset about Jimmy.
He's not a piece of shit because he thinks Jimmy is an untrustworthy dirtbag. He's a piece of shit because he gets someone else to do his dirty work while pretending to be his friend.


Buzzfeed Editor
Chuck was right though.

Jimmy will ALWAYS take shortcuts. Yes, he will always mean well, and is at his core a decent human being, but Chuck is 100% right, Slipping Jimmy with a law degree and the backing of a huge firm like HHM is a bomb waiting to go off.
I disagree, I don't think anything in that speech was motivated from a desire to protect anyone, except for Chuck's ego. If Jimmy was able to pass the Bar exam with just an online course, then there is the sliver of a possibility that he is actuallysmarterthan Chuck, who had to bust his ass in a good school to prepare for it. If that's true, then it might just be that the only reason he wasn't already a better lawyer than Chuck was due to his capricious attitude--which was probably just youth, mixed with lack of drive and high intelligence.

Once Jimmy got scared straight, all the evidence we have is that he played it straight. He worked the mail room, and passed the bar--that showed enormous capability. I mean, lets face facts--from what we know, the time frame between Slipping Jimmy and Lawyer Jimmy was probably several years, and from what we've seen with Jimmy's work ethic, in that ENTIRE time he didn't have a single fuck up. So I seriously doubt this is about some chronic problem that kept coming back which Chuck was scared of. The reality is probably that Chuck just could not fathom that his little brother, which he had always viewed as a screw up, might actually be really skilled, maybe even with the potential to surpass Chuck himself now that he was dedicated. And so Chuck needs another reason to set himself apart, and that reason is going to be that "Jimmy only achieved this because he cheats! Nyah!".

It's just like anything else when someone is super dedicated and pours a ton of effort into something, only to see someone else with a lot more raw ability come in and get it with far less effort. It drives peoplewild, it happens all the time--and nearlyeveryonereacts like Chuck does. They try to reason out why he isn't as good, and then they use that to justify how shitty they are towards that person. It's a classic "beginners luck" reasoning--like someone who has dedicated so much less time can't possibly already be showing signs of surpassing you, there has to be some unfair advantage or some reason why they don't deserve it.


Blackwing Lair Raider
this series will arc through breaking bad then end a while later when the class action is settled and jimmy gets millions in payouts and has a happy ending.

i like jimmy better than saul.

and mike is a fucking boss.


A Mod Real Quick
Well we already know Jesse and Walt are appearing next season, so one can imagine things are going to shit rather quickly coming up.


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
I don't think Chuck is a bad person. He's a troubled person who has a fixed mindset about Jimmy.

I think Jimmy could be a good person, but these setbacks are going to drive him to be the best damn bad person he can be.
Chuck is a bad person because he was false to, of all people, his brother before had his mental issues.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I disagree, I don't think anything in that speech was motivated from a desire to protect anyone, except for Chuck's ego. If Jimmy was able to pass the Bar exam with just an online course, then there is the sliver of a possibility that he is actuallysmarterthan Chuck, who had to bust his ass in a good school to prepare for it. If that's true, then it might just be that the only reason he wasn't already a better lawyer than Chuck was due to his capricious attitude--which was probably just youth, mixed with lack of drive and high intelligence.

Once Jimmy got scared straight, all the evidence we have is that he played it straight. He worked the mail room, and passed the bar--that showed enormous capability. I mean, lets face facts--from what we know, the time frame between Slipping Jimmy and Lawyer Jimmy was probably several years, and from what we've seen with Jimmy's work ethic, in that ENTIRE time he didn't have a single fuck up. So I seriously doubt this is about some chronic problem that kept coming back which Chuck was scared of. The reality is probably that Chuck just could not fathom that his little brother, which he had always viewed as a screw up, might actually be really skilled, maybe even with the potential to surpass Chuck himself now that he was dedicated. And so Chuck needs another reason to set himself apart, and that reason is going to be that "Jimmy only achieved this because he cheats! Nyah!".

It's just like anything else when someone is super dedicated and pours a ton of effort into something, only to see someone else with a lot more raw ability come in and get it with far less effort. It drives peoplewild, it happens all the time--and nearlyeveryonereacts like Chuck does. They try to reason out why he isn't as good, and then they use that to justify how shitty they are towards that person. It's a classic "beginners luck" reasoning--like someone who has dedicated so much less time can't possibly already be showing signs of surpassing you, there has to be some unfair advantage or some reason why they don't deserve it.
Pretty much, Chuck is always going to see Jimmy as the lesser brother because of past experiences. We saw that scene where Chuck had to bail out Jimmy due to something he did but what if that was just one of numerous times he had to do that? It's a little different when it comes to family members, if you got one that's a constant fuck up and you are the one that's always saving their ass, at some point it gets old especially if that relative has lied over and over about changing. Jimmy has probably passed the point of no return where it comes to Chuck. What makes Chuck an ass is he's not man enough to admit this to Jimmy, he's just fake with him, pretending he's proud of him and propping him up.


<Prior Amod>
Pretty much, Chuck is always going to see Jimmy as the lesser brother because of past experiences. We saw that scene where Chuck had to bail out Jimmy due to something he did but what if that was just one of numerous times he had to do that? It's a little different when it comes to family members, if you got one that's a constant fuck up and you are the one that's always saving their ass, at some point it gets old especially if that relative has lied over and over about changing. Jimmy has probably passed the point of no return where it comes to Chuck. What makes Chuck an ass is he's not man enough to admit this to Jimmy, he's just fake with him, pretending he's proud of him and propping him up.
Couldn't be that much of a constant fuck up, just rarely caught, the last time he talked to family members/Chuck was 5 years previous as Chuck was saying, since their mom had to call Chuck to get him out. (and said that Jimmy was crying on the phone)


Potato del Grande
Since the show is called "better call Saul", I think that we are going to see "Saul" in the next episode.
Since he is a character who is alive at the start of Breaking Bad (sorry insane spoiler people but I think you already knew this watching a spinoff PREQUEL), no cliffhanger around Jimmy or Mike is going to work.
They are giving Mike some prominence. Why? We didn't see the giant black guy security guard so it isn't "fit in all Saul characters", so he must tie into the plot.

Therefore the next episode is going to have either:
The monkey with a machine gun be a badass, extort a bunch of cash out of someone using Mike as an ally somehow.
He hits rock bottom and is roped into some sort of money scheme by that gang guy (who has seen both Jimmy and Mike's competence), this time accepting because of last episode.

At the end of the episode he will have the cash to start his tacky business with any final cliffhanger/kick in the teeth being his female lawyer friend abandoning him or his brother dying.


Millie's Staff Member
they do keep showing/mentioning chuck and propane lanterns. with no jimmy there to help chuck out, there may be some foreshadowing going on in regards to chuck's cooking fuels.