Better Call Saul


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
just a matter of who?

yea this was when he hired jimmy in n out, the guy goes to jail for a living, so he shaved his head and pretended to be walt, they had to give 50k to saul and 30k to jimmy and 1lb of meth for the sting.

this is also where badger sits in the wrong park bench cuz someone also looked like walt but wasn't jimmy and walt had to drive to the sting van and distract them.
Huh? I meant the person that Saul is afraid of when they take his mask off, before he realizes it's related to Badger.


A Mod Real Quick
I've got the feeling that Chuck will have something happen to him by the end of the season and Saul will be born from whatever happens at the end of this case. It's tough to really know for sure, but I think Walt and Jesse are making some appearances in Season 2 meaning something major must happen. Not sure how Jimmy goes from this big case to Saul working in that storefront. I wouldn't be surprised if some of Mike's trouble leaks over to Jimmy and something bad happens where he needs to change his identity.


Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
I'm not sure if changing your name while simultaneously remaining in ABQ and plastering your mug all over TV, billboards, and transit benches is an effective way of dodging the sort of trouble one might land in by associating with Mike.


Millie's Staff Member
yeah, mike should be fine. you dont last 6 years as a fixer in the same place if you get into big trouble.


Millie's Staff Member
damn, i didnt want to be right about that. poor jimmy.

jimmy should not have mentioned to chuck he was expecting an office at HHM. chuck didnt want him at the firm after he passed the bar and he doesnt want him there now. thats likely what the phone call was about. he gave hamlin a heads up. obviously chuck is the head honcho over there.


FPS noob
Is that Trevor from GTA 5 on this episode?
holy shit hahaha

that was some cold ass shit, chuck. chuck may not be a criminal, but he's a bad guy!

whats fantastic is that hamlin probably would have hired jimmy if chuck hadn't told him not to. hamlin takes all the heat for chuck's stomping his brother down. fantastic writing in making everyone a bit good, a bit bad, and constantly shifting depending on your POV.


Millie's Staff Member
it pissed me off how chuck put down jimmy's passing the bar. the school may not be harvard law school, but you still need to pass the test to become a lawyer. the license to practice law is something the state has to issue to you. so the test AFAIK has to be legit.


Jesus, that one was a bit dark.

It's good though and I can't complain about them pulling punches at least. All the characters do indeed have plenty of flaws to go around.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Jimmy is fucking dumb. I would have walked out with 25k and the 20% and gone on and got more cases.

Then again, I'm used to getting the shit end of the stick, so maybe I just have low expectations.


<Prior Amod>
When chuck went all snooty on saul it really reinforced to me how this was like the MJ Fox movie "secret of my success".

Man wouldn't it be great that we find out the reason Chuck "thinks" he has this electro disease is cuz he freaked his brain out so much worrying about jimmy being a lawyer?


Vyemm Raider
Jimmy's first call upon walking out of HHM should have been directly to S&C with a conversation just like this:

"Hey Rick, it's Jimmy. Listen, I can sell this case to HHM who would love to battle it out with you over the next few years and squeeze the 20 mil from your clients at the end of it anyway, OR you can settle with me right now for 2 mil. Great, have the papers to me by monday."

and yeah, Chuck's a real fucking prick for that high horse attitude.


Trakanon Raider
Its rare that a show makes me feel genuinely bad for a character. That scene was a gut puncher and was delivered perfectly right down to the anguish across his face.


Trakanon Raider
Jimmy's first call upon walking out of HHM should have been directly to S&C with a conversation just like this:

"Hey Rick, it's Jimmy. Listen, I can sell this case to HHM who would love to battle it out with you over the next few years and squeeze the 20 mil from your clients at the end of it anyway, OR you can settle with me right now for 2 mil. Great, have the papers to me by monday."
Well.. pretty sure that's against the law, as he's been hired on as the lawyer for the elderly clients, not his own personal case. So, they might be able to just report it and have the case thrown out, losing nothing. Or, if not, he'd be in a world of shit and be proving his brother right as well. I realize your comment was mostly a joke, just pointing out that there are some protections in place that kind of tie Jimmy's hands in terms of what he can and can't do.


Ssraeszha Raider
Well.. pretty sure that's against the law, as he's been hired on as the lawyer for the elderly clients, not his own personal case. So, they might be able to just report it and have the case thrown out, losing nothing. Or, if not, he'd be in a world of shit and be proving his brother right as well. I realize your comment was mostly a joke, just pointing out that there are some protections in place that kind of tie Jimmy's hands in terms of what he can and can't do.
I don't see how there'd be any grounds for a dismissal. Like you said, it's not his personal case so the best they could do would be to have Jimmy removed. Since he's giving you a chance to settle for 10% of what you'll lose in court, that would be a very very bad move.


A Mod Real Quick
I don't get that Jimmy is necessarily doing it for the money, he seems to have a pretty good moral compass and seems to want to do right by the elderly. This is shown where he essentially gives that lady a discount and tells her to pay him later. He'll get corrupted somewhere, probably from all this shit Chuck is shoveling onto him.