Better Call Saul


Ssraeszha Raider
It can go a few more seasons before the inevitable something-bad-with-Kim thing happens. The show doesn't have to be BB ready any time soon


It can go a few more seasons before the inevitable something-bad-with-Kim thing happens. The show doesn't have to be BB ready any time soon
You know, I don't mind that they've slowed things down to tell the stories of Kim and Mike. And I don't mind that Jimmy is basically now at the same point he ended season 1--we got to see him try to be someone he's not for Kim.

But the musical montages every episode that eat up a few minutes are really feeling like less-than-significant filler: Episode 5, Kim and the Post-it Notes (My Way), Episode 6, Jimmy and the Apartment Ball Thingies (Sleep Walk), Episode 7, Jimmy and the Inflatable (instrumental???).


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
I don't mind any aspect of this season so far. It's one of the best written/acted shows currently on.


FPS noob
shows not bad but the payoffs are pretty minimal and its sorta annoying everything gets reset constantly. I am enjoying Lucifer way more which is not something I expected to say at the beginning of this TV season.

end of the day I think prequels to iconic characters just don't really work, this is the absolute best it could possibly be and still... I'd rank it as good, not great.


Pathetic Reaction Bot
I don't get the complaints here, this shows writing, acting and everything are fantastic.
Agreed. I get stoked for Monday's because of this show. Sure, the Jimmy and Kim parts can feel slow and Mike has more of an immediate gratification because we already know his personality for the most part, so we get to see him being a badass up to BB, I still thoroughly enjoy the acting and writing as a whole.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Yeah, I only have the one complaint; and that's the whole prequel thing. The stakes aren't as high when you know all the characters are alive in the next series. This is mostly applicable to Mike. It's pretty minor though.


Ssraeszha Raider
Even though Mike's the enforcer character, it doesn't seem like they've used a lot of "Holy shit is Mike going to die??" fake tension. The only time that's come up is at the very beginning with Saul and Tuco, but even then nobody really thought they'd kill off the main character in the 2nd or 3rd episode.
Its a fantastic show and the actors in this are phenomenal and make this world come to life with such greatness its a travesty to humanity to even have one complaint about it. Really enjoyed this episode, was a feel good time watching it. Loved the part from when he is in car and sees that car wash air thing dancing around and then the following sequences were fantastic. Shit had me smiling ear to ear the whole time, love this show.


Ssraeszha Raider
Yep, I know it can be argued that way. But when you do it three episodes in a row, it's no longer a creative device. It's a crutch.
The fact that it's different things every time in order to convey different messages, it is in no way a "crutch". I don't even think you know what that means.


<Prior Amod>
watching this i'm 80/20 caring about the stories between Mike/Saul.

Lawyer shit just makes me goto sleep.


The fact that it's different things every time in order to convey different messages, it is in no way a "crutch". I don't even think you know what that means.
Try not to take it personally when you encounter a valid criticism of a show you enjoy.

The show is still good, but it's not perfect. Even Sopranos had weak parts/episodes.


Ssraeszha Raider
A criticism isn't valid if it's based on you not knowing what a word means.

There are valid criticisms about the pacing of the Kim stuff, for example. But when you say things like "my only complaint is that those scenes made no sense!" then other people tell you it did make sense and it just went over your head you respond with "Well then it's stupid for another reason I just made up", you're going to look dumb


A criticism isn't valid if it's based on you not knowing what a word means.

There are valid criticisms about the pacing of the Kim stuff, for example. But when you say things like "my only complaint is that those scenes made no sense!" then other people tell you it did make sense and it just went over your head you respond with "Well then it's stupid for another reason I just made up", you're going to look dumb
I explained that the show has used a music montage in each of the last three episodes. You can re-watch the episodes if you need to.


<Bronze Donator>
Never have an issue with Gilligan's musical montages. The one with Jesse & Walter cooking in the tent to The Peddlers' song in BB is probably my favorite scene from the whole show. This season has been great so far. Hipsters expecting too much, have some patience.


Avatar of War Slayer
The scene with Kim and the Post-It notes was to get across how hard she worked for this client. I felt it was much better than her going "Do you know how hard I worked for this client?! I made 100's of calls!", stamps her foot and storms off.

This show is amazing. Mad Men was a show I never thought I would watch, but I was hooked. The acting was top notch, as was the writing/character interactions. I miss the show. This show does an amazing job filling that void.


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
I haven't even noticed the musical montages really, which means they must be done better than the hammy ones on Sons of Anarchy which drove me nuts. Everything on this show is done better than SoA though, so that just makes sense.