Bioshock Infinite


So does anyone else feel sad and empty when the story ends. I haven't wanted to play any games since Infinite. It's like doing really good coke and then having to snort advil.
Most definitely. Happens to me most often when it's a nice chunky RPG which I'm pretty sure leads to my tendency of taking a, often multi-month, break during the homestretch to delay having to finish it. If the characters are well written and likable, it's even worse, meaning I'm dealing with it hardcore right now as I just finished Infinite last night myself, because come on, Elizabeth.

Not much to add that hasn't already been said here, but it'll be years before we see a companion character as well written and just plain as likable, if not outright lovable, as Elizabeth. Or at least that's just what I hope, because I can't put up with this kind of stuff too often. Really got attached to her over the course of the game with all the little moments, especially that wonderful little scene in the basement in Shantytown. Then the ending came and you had to watch each version of her blip out of existence after drowning her father. Cried like a bitch, and it still makes me choke up a bit thinking about it now. Made the entire last 10% anxious as hell for me anticipating the end because I knew it just wouldn't be a happy ending, though it ultimately is, sparing her an inevitably tortured existence. This fucking game man. Curious about the post-credit scene though and if it'll be expanded upon or if it is what it is.

That aside, like Zaphid said, try and enjoy it while it lasts. Games like this are what we live for, that stay with us long after the credits have rolled.

Go go Gadget first (real) post, after many years of lurking.


Great fucken game. As someone said earlier I wish it was more then just a 'shooter'. I wouldn't have minded stronger RPG elements. But who am I kidding the game was fucken great and maybe RPG elements would have taken away from its awesomeness. The ending really opens up where they can take DLC or the Bioshock franchise. I dare someone to breath the word MMO. hahahah. Oh the rage that would fill the internet.


Molten Core Raider
This is the type of game where it's kind of hard to say it's something other than a piece of interactive art. If you were just going to judge it on gameplay alone (and there's plenty of games with pure gameplay and no storyline) and the art direction was browny brown downtown Jakarta, it wouldn't be revolutionary, it's would be a good (not incredible) shooter. If you step back and look at it as a mere game, then it's a 10-12 hour shooter, where 50% of the time you're not even shooting anything.
Hell, there isn't even an end boss!

But it's just so much more than that...

The fact that the world is so amazingly and beautifully crafted, the story and acting is deep and engaging, and the way it's designed to suck you in emotionally, is what makes it amazing. By the end you really do feel the same way as Booker when he asks her to forget the vendetta and just to go to Paris. I think that the parts of the game where you aren't shooting things, the parts of the game where you're exploring and interacting, are just the better experience. When you have to go into shooter mode, it breaks that up.

When you jump into a big courtyard with strategically placed tears and architecture you just think, "Oh it's the place where I have to shoot things. Well if I finish this I can get back to the fun parts of exploring and advancing the story."

So I guess what they have to do to improve from this game, which is already crazy amazing awesome, is to somehow merge the two halves more naturally... I have no idea how they can do this but I guess that's why I'm not a game designer.

The Edge

Lord Nagafen Raider
Anyone else find Bioshock 2 out of place now? Bioshock 1 and Infinite seem to stick to a narrative/philosophy while 2 was really just a shooter.
Anyone else find Bioshock 2 out of place now? Bioshock 1 and Infinite seem to stick to a narrative/philosophy while 2 was really just a shooter.
Storywise it definitely feels out of place. But I personally think Bioshock 2 has the best gameplay out of the three. It's fixed a lot of the issues Bioshock 1's gameplay had.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Anyone else find Bioshock 2 out of place now? Bioshock 1 and Infinite seem to stick to a narrative/philosophy while 2 was really just a shooter.
Bioshock 2 was made at another studio without Ken Levine's input, so it makes sense that it feels different from the other two.


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Bronze Donator>
Great fucken game. As someone said earlier I wish it was more then just a 'shooter'. I wouldn't have minded stronger RPG elements. But who am I kidding the game was fucken great and maybe RPG elements would have taken away from its awesomeness. The ending really opens up where they can take DLC or the Bioshock franchise. I dare someone to breath the word MMO. hahahah. Oh the rage that would fill the internet.
that is a good criticism. it would've been nicer. the setting is too good to pass on.


Perpetually Pessimistic
<Bronze Donator>
Okay ending spoiler talk...

Holy shit, that ending was the most depressing endings ever...if the DLC is an ending that is more than a cock in the eye and gives me a virtual reach around on that depressing as fuck ending I will throw money at it.

I kinda called that it was his daughter before any hints were had, that came as no shock. The ending though, that fucking killed it. No happiness for him at all, she doesn't exist anymore and FUCK...


Okay ending spoiler talk...

Holy shit, that ending was the most depressing endings ever...if the DLC is an ending that is more than a cock in the eye and gives me a virtual reach around on that depressing as fuck ending I will throw money at it.

I kinda called that it was his daughter before any hints were had, that came as no shock. The ending though, that fucking killed it. No happiness for him at all, she doesn't exist anymore and FUCK...
I buy into the theory that the Elizabeth we had through the game still exists. The Booker that is drowned (us), still went through the entire chain of events leading up to, and throughout the game. Drowning us after the fact doesn't change that they happened. They had to happen even, for our Elizabeth to essentially become a god and cut the Comstock timelines off at their very root.

Doesn't make the ending any less depressing though. Still an infinite number of other Elizabeth's that cease to exist and Booker still gets no happiness. Just drowned. But hey, at least no Comstocks means Anna can't be sold anymore.


Perpetually Pessimistic
<Bronze Donator>
I buy into the theory that the Elizabeth we had through the game still exists. The Booker that is drowned (us), still went through the entire chain of events leading up to, and throughout the game. Drowning us after the fact doesn't change that they happened. They had to happen even, for our Elizabeth to essentially become a god and cut the Comstock timelines off at their very root.

Doesn't make the ending any less depressing though. Still an infinite number of other Elizabeth's that cease to exist and Booker still gets no happiness. Just drowned. But hey, at least no Comstocks means Anna can't be sold anymore.
The impression that i got (doesn't really make sense) was that the ending noises as each girl poofed happened for the final Anna too though as the camera panned up. I HOPE doesn't mean she is gone, as what you said would make more sense, maybe a DLC will be her chance to save booker, who knows.

Just sucks to have the whole game be about a change of heart and, basically, redemption and then have the ending feel like "Oh, you have emotions? Well let me juust *steaming pile*...better?"

The statement she made about the baptism was interesting though, was he the only one who didn't go through with the baptism and thus the only one NOT comstock after that point?


Trakanon Raider
The impression that i got (doesn't really make sense) was that the ending noises as each girl poofed happened for the final Anna too though as the camera panned up. I HOPE doesn't mean she is gone, as what you said would make more sense, maybe a DLC will be her chance to save booker, who knows.

Just sucks to have the whole game be about a change of heart and, basically, redemption and then have the ending feel like "Oh, you have emotions? Well let me juust *steaming pile*...better?"

The statement she made about the baptism was interesting though, was he the only one who didn't go through with the baptism and thus the only one NOT comstock after that point?
Well, there are infinite amount of Bookers, so definitely not. You are the only who got all the way through the rescue mission though.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
I buy into the theory that the Elizabeth we had through the game still exists. The Booker that is drowned (us), still went through the entire chain of events leading up to, and throughout the game. Drowning us after the fact doesn't change that they happened. They had to happen even, for our Elizabeth to essentially become a god and cut the Comstock timelines off at their very root.

Doesn't make the ending any less depressing though. Still an infinite number of other Elizabeth's that cease to exist and Booker still gets no happiness. Just drowned. But hey, at least no Comstocks means Anna can't be sold anymore.
I guess itcouldgo either way, given that the Luteces are split as to whether time is a river or an ocean, but my understanding is that by drowning Booker at that point in time they effectively killed all Elizabeths ineveryuniverse because there is never a Comstock and there is never a version of baby Anna that traverses from one universe to another.

The post-credit scene basically just allows for a universe where Booker doesn't go to the baptismandhas a daughter, at least that's what I'm assuming.


Perpetually Pessimistic
<Bronze Donator>
I guess itcouldgo either way, given that the Luteces are split as to whether time is a river or an ocean, but my understanding is that by drowning Booker at that point in time they effectively killed all Elizabeths ineveryuniverse because there is never a Comstock and there is never a version of baby Anna that traverses from one universe to another.

The post-credit scene basically just allows for a universe where Booker doesn't go to the baptismandhas a daughter, at least that's what I'm assuming.
Damnit now I have to re-watch the credits, I rage clicked and missed that!


Golden Knight of the Realm
Is there anything to indicate that him being present at the baptism is a constant? I think that the booker you see in the end credits was never even at the baptism to make the choice.


Perpetually Pessimistic
<Bronze Donator>
Is there anything to indicate that him being present at the baptism is a constant? I think that the booker you see in the end credits was never even at the baptism to make the choice.
Just finished watching the end credits, did you mean that booker? And ya, from what I recall, the constant is the baptism the variable is his decision at the baptism. It seems like from what they were saying is that he was one of the few who turned back at the baptism.

Also at the post-cred end, I am pretty sure he is the drowning booker or at least retains the memories of the drowning booker, could be completely unfounded but who knows.


Logically, there should be no Elizabeth for reasons mentioned above. Note however that we never actually see the final Elizabeth blink out of existence. IIRC, you see every Elizabeth blink out with a "ping", but the screen fades to black before the final "ping" is heard.

I hope they won't, but they can possibly keep her around on the reasoning that she "ascended" or whatever. Sort of like the Luteces.