Bioware's "Anthem"


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
I hear ya. For me personally, I would rather have place holders and rare spawns for guaranteed one shot items than random rolls. For me it feels more satisfying than hoping the dice roll the right way.

I hear ya though bud.
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<Gold Donor>
Games so lifeless, so generic even the faggots at neogaf are panning it almost universally. Lol. Add another studio to the trash heap.
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<Gold Donor>
Yeah, I hear you too, man. there is no perfect system. The perfect system would be to have delivery of well crafted bug free content at a decent clip.
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FoH nuclear response team
Okay this whole, "RNG is CONTENT!" fad needs to fucking die. WoW did it and with whatever expansion was right before BFA and it sucked IMMENSE donkey balls getting a drop you wanted and boom, it's the shittiest roll it could ever be.

RNG is NEVER content.

When you are using the qualifier of "At least it's better than it was!" and the new system is RNG based stat distribution or RNG gated or any of the other RNG shit based systems you can be 100% certain that the system before was absolute shit and the new system was just created to placate people without doing much of any work on the actual issue of, "MAKE CONTENT..."


Streamers will ALWAYS grant triple A (shit it doesn't even need to be triple A) games with undeserved praise. If they do, there is a chance that dev will fly them out and give them free content.

Never take anything they say as truth because they are basically ALWAYS on the clock even when they aren't a #sponsored Stream.

Like I said, their system is not perfect but comparing it to what it was at launch it is vastly better.

I would have liked to have seen it changed some, such as.
- All guns can be upgraded to Legendary (This would have gave more options and aesthetics.
- Allow user to swap out/roll/whatever traits and characteristics.
- Allow crafting for specific traits, use this item to guarantee grave robber or whatever.
- Make traits and characteristics more fluid with different playstyles rather than 1 god roll.


FoH nuclear response team
depends on how shitty the launch is. if they can't fix all these connection and loading issues it could easily go down to 60s i think, there will always be paid shills who won't go below 6.

i played a bit more today and i still just can't get over how discombobulated i feel all the time, i'm not sure where shit is right away and I have to slowly rotate around trying to figure stuff out non stop. Thats fine in a SP game like mass effect but it just feels wrong in this kind of game.

Also for a 2019 PC game WHAT THE FUCK IS UP WITH SO MANY GODDAMN LOADING SCREENS. Jesus Christ. Doesn't help either like 80% of them you have to alt-f4 out of after 5 mins because "fuck you", at least you get right back in if you restart i guess.

its also weird how much this feels like mass effect multiplayer, but as far as I can tell there really aren't any cover mechanics? I couldn't figure out any way to really hide behind a barrier like division anyways, other than manually doing it. Enemy AI is pretty lame anyways, if you LoS anything it doesn't really follow you.

I agree about feeling discombobulated, I think this was due to no easy way to spot enemies unless the crosshair was right on them making their health bar appear.

The loading screens will be their downfall, people aren't noticing it so much now that it's fresh and new, but wait til they've been playing a week. What was the last game to have such crazy long loading screens so frequently? Had to be atleast 10 years or so. We have improved that technology and bringing it back is going to really hurt them.


Tranny Chaser
So one thing I found kinda cool : if you complete achievements with a given type of weapon / gear then you get the crafting recipe for it.

So in the previous example of the Burning Orb focus seal I had as a white level 15. Got the achievement for using it and then was able to craft a blue level 19 version.

Was a nice way of getting around the RNG not working in your favor.
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Potato del Grande
I think Jim Sterlings review of the Demo summed up my feelings.

"Its not shit. I enjoyed it, but can't see myself playing long term at this time.."
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Trump's Staff
Wait you want him to provide proof of his accusations? On this forum? May be the first ever.

Edit: Not Ut specifically, just anyone in general.

Proof is not something Utnayan is familiar with, if you ever read his rickshaw sperg ;)
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a c i d.f l y

<Silver Donator>
There's a distinction in how loot is handled in games where rng feels good and rng does not feel good. Diablo does rng feeling nice. You get a fuck load of loot, you spend half your time sifting through things hoping for something decent. Encounters are randomized, and general gameplay is fun, character is always gaining power even while you're not replacing loot, and you could be collecting pieces to shift specs.

Current wow is a shining beacon of how rng just ass fucks you every day. Day 1 max level player could get a 395 proc on a weapon with a socket. Day 400 guy could be stuck with a 360 main hand and 320 offhand. There's no way to heavy farm specific pieces, or even farm random pieces (pieces that are good, outside weekly cool downs).

Loot shouldn't even define a game, but it's one of the pillars that holds it up. Anthem is towards the middle, and I'm not sure if it's going to play out well long term.
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
i don't know man... d3 loot is just... it throws so much crap at you that you start not really even picking it up. i mean, outside of leveling up to max level, you pick up yellows just to turn them into mats. but after a while you don't even need mats so it's just a completely wasted resource.

there's definitely something to be said for randomized loot, and there's something to be said for static drops. it's just a question of whether or not the loot that drops feels significant or not. d3 DOES do great when it comes to legendaries and sets because they can fundamentally change your playstyle. destiny has the same thing but you can only have 2 exotics so it's not as dramatic. but outside of those super rare drops, there's REALLY not much difference in how you play other than the dreaded +better stat.

anthem COULD have an interesting loot system due to how elements interact, but we won't know much till the game has been out a few weeks at least.


Blackwing Lair Raider
One of the things that stands out to me is the branching dialogue options again. In ME Andromeda, it didn't seem like it mattered if you picked "Paragon" or "Renegade" options, it always pretty much resulted in the same thing being said with not a lot of difference in the words they use to deliver the message or the overall meaning of the message. It feels the same so far with the limited dialogue that is in game, pick either side, a little different flavor text, but essentially there wasn't a reason to have a choice in the first place. Or in other words, we don't care that you want some kind of meaningful choice to allow you to play your copy/paste same as everyone else character even a shade different than someone else, and no matter how you want the story to play out, it's going to play out how we want it to. I get that this gets done in some games to preserve the overall "heroic" nature of the story, but then just take out the branching trees all together, and better spend that time and development somewhere else it clearly could have been better used.

So far the game feels like it has potential, but I'm too gun shy anymore, too many other better games I still haven't played yet, to spend time or money on something that probably won't be "done" or "good" till it's finished development a year or more after release. Should be flagged as Early Access, and the price halved until they have a finished product, at least based on what I've played. They may have a more stable version of the game (I really hope for their sakes they do), so launch will determine if Premier gets more than one month out of me. For now, I'm making sure I get my money's worth playing some of their other titles, gonna play Ghost of a Tale with my daughter, grew up reading Brian Jacques and watching Secret of Nimh, so it caught my eye.
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Lord Nagafen Raider
Anthem VIP Demo Weekend Summary

We’ve also been preparing for many weeks for our full launch. That version of the game already has a long list of things that are already fixed that won’t make the public demo weekend. That list includes

Weapons with 0% infusions
Weapons with bonus that applies to different Javelins
Plot integrity / party gather issues
Changes to Javelin unlock behavior
Fixes for losing XP at end of some expeditions
Performance Improvements
Additional stability fixes
A Social Hub: The Launch Bay
And a few thousand more (literally)…

The launch version will be so much better! /s
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
One of my friends works at Bioware and is shilling so hard for this on facebook right now trying to downplay all the issues people experienced on the VIP thing. The stink of "pls buy or EA will disband us" is hot and heavy.

At least the flight/swimming M+Keyboard controls were better than last test period. Although that's a pretty low bar to jump.
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F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
One of my friends works at Bioware and is shilling so hard for this on facebook right now trying to downplay all the issues people experienced on the VIP thing. The stink of "pls buy or EA will disband us" is hot and heavy.

At least the flight/swimming M+Keyboard controls were better than last test period. Although that's a pretty low bar to jump.

Yeah they will be fucked if/when this bombs.

(Or not because it all could be a publicity stunt to get people to buy their games for fear of losing them as a developer. Of which they haven't come out with jack shit worth anything to play really since Inquisition. Problem is, Bioware Austin is, in all essence, SOE Austin. So there is half your talent pool right there...