Bioware's "Anthem"


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
It really is time people stopped considering "the big companies" as solid.

Those times have come and gone.

I expect pre-release sales to crash in the coming year, and especially the EA/blizzard/bethesda ones.

After star citizen crashes the market will hopefully reform for the better.
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F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Yeah hate to say it, we are in dire need of an industry crash like the early 80's.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
I haven't done ANY research on this, but has there been any hit to the market ALREADY due to preorder nonsense? This isn't the first time people have talked about preorder sales tanking soon


Blackwing Lair Raider
Going back a couple of pages, and I have to agree. I'm tired of RNGesus. I agree with Ut, I preffered EQ's system. Rare spawn that wasn't always there, so when the Frenzied Ghoul finally popped you knew that was your shot at an FBSS, and even then, it didn't always drop. Playing high level Nioh, I got burnt out because legit you keep getting the same shit over and over again just hoping for decent rolls. Or... running out and running shit just to get the mat needed to try to reroll shit. I guess this would also be a good time for me to say fuck sets. I really hate that too. Instead of scrambling for 5 pieces of one armor, why not just spread the set bonuses out on the armor. The 1/5 bonus on the feet, 2 on the arms, 5 on the chest... Something. I don't know, i'm going to start rambling at this point so I'll stop.
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F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Going back a couple of pages, and I have to agree. I'm tired of RNGesus. I agree with Ut, I preffered EQ's system. Rare spawn that wasn't always there, so when the Frenzied Ghoul finally popped you knew that was your shot at an FBSS, and even then, it didn't always drop. Playing high level Nioh, I got burnt out because legit you keep getting the same shit over and over again just hoping for decent rolls. Or... running out and running shit just to get the mat needed to try to reroll shit. I guess this would also be a good time for me to say fuck sets. I really hate that too. Instead of scrambling for 5 pieces of one armor, why not just spread the set bonuses out on the armor. The 1/5 bonus on the feet, 2 on the arms, 5 on the chest... Something. I don't know, i'm going to start rambling at this point so I'll stop.

Another crux of the issue is the elephant in the room - why create static hand crafted loot content when you can just RNG the stuff and people keep fighting for the same loot with different numbers all day continuing to play.

I really miss the days of "Oh there is a rare spawn here.... static loot drop"
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Blackwing Lair Raider
Yeah, I don't mind loot tables being shared, but seriously if I have to spend 10000 hours farming the spider queen in spider nest castle to build up enough spider leg husks to shit out 1000 copies of the same armor trying to get maximised rolls? Yeah that shit is fucked, let me go back to farming the Ancient Cyclopes for 20 straight hours. I'd rather kill something 10000 times over to make that one rare spawn pop, than be forced to navigate menus after farming for hours for said privelage to navigate menus. Or even if it's all drops, it still takes an eternity to get decent rolls, and that's because of the 25 or so possible stats a piece of equipment can roll, only like 3 of them are worth a shit. So most of the time you have 2% more currency and 5% dash endurance. Ugh.
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Macho Ma'am
I think we're already starting to see some of these companies crash, just look at Blizzard and their CFO shit. Just take a look at any of EA's releases over the past number of years.

I think what we're gonna start to see is more indies coming up with more kickass titles. I've been saying this for a little over a year now, with XCOM2 : WOTC being the only thing that a major publisher released that I've actually played.

I mean, can you count on one hand the number of AAA titles that you've played and still enjoy playing over the past say three years?


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Id be okay with completely randomized loot if crafting was player defined. Kingdoms of amalur had the right idea in that regard


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
It really is time people stopped considering "the big companies" as solid.

Those times have come and gone.

I expect pre-release sales to crash in the coming year, and especially the EA/blizzard/bethesda ones.

After star citizen crashes the market will hopefully reform for the better.

Its all indy now. If you hang in the discords you will find more knowledgeable people. Its just the IGN forums and older forums like these where you find a lot of big studio blowjob-givers. Its a relatively new thing as people get more desperate for a good game, they look to the big studios that previously made great games 10-15 years ago.


<Gold Donor>
This might tank in the long term, but I see plenty of people shilling this hard. Over on Twitch you had some streamers fawning over this game hard, look over at somethingawful, tons of "man I want to be playing this right NOW!!!"

If they can keep those people and add content in a good clip, this still has a chance. I know Im not buying it though. I didnt even play the demo but ive seen enough during alpha. At least on PC this shit is trash with the controls and im not getting it on console.
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
it's not really shilling. yeah, sure some people are giving it overly favorable reviews but the bottom line is that outside of the terrible loading bugs and the connection issues (which are massive) the game is fun. i mean i'm not talking best game ever. i'm just saying that despite the issues (after spending the majority of friday focused on anthem, i only had an hour of actual playtime) i still enjoyed the time i spent playing.

i don't think anyone ever accused angry joe of shilling. he talks about being extremely frustrated with the inability to play, the "you get no exp or loot this round" bug, and random disconnects. and yet when he's ACTUALLY playing, he says he's having a good time.


<Bronze Donator>
Too me this game is like if I play it cool if I don't play it no biggie. It was fun while I played but nothing really blew me away. I don't get the complete hate for it though and the circle jerk of this is the best game ever.
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Maximum Derek
<Bronze Donator>
Too me this game is like if I play it cool if I don't play it no biggie. It was fun while I played but nothing really blew me away. I don't get the complete hate for it though and the circle jerk of this is the best game ever.

This is pretty much where I am at. I will play at launch if for no other reason than taking a bit of break from playing Destiny 2. I probably would not really bother if I did not have a group of pals that can make playing nearly anything fun.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
yeah, i think that's a decent assertion. it was fun while i played it but there wasn't much that pulled me in to keep playing. i missed out on exp for a couple missions and then once in freeplay none of the items i got actually saved. it didn't piss me off but i didn't really feel like playing much after that.
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<Gold Donor>
Sooooo. FOH consensus? Am I buying this?

I would probably wait for more broader reviews, or if youre really in the mood, subscribe to origin premium or whatever and play it for a month for $15, then decide.

As for me? Im probably gonna skip for a while, I still got my Destiny 2 grind going.
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FPS noob
don't forget open beta is supposed to be this upcoming weekend feb 1 - 3, everyone can get in then and try it out


FoH nuclear response team
I'll be giving it another shot this weekend. I want to experience with a group and see how it is.


Despite the issues, I played quite a bit this weekend. It was fun; not groundbreaking, best game ever or anything but it was fun. Flying around like Iron Man was cool and there are ways to extend it by using the environment that I thought were neat. Some of the things might get repetitive after the 20th time, but what game doesn't have that honestly? I feel like I will get my money's worth levelling up and just figuring out how to play each javelin. That's probably not for everyone but I love the experience of learning a new games controls and configurations.

This "demo" was very off though; I think the decision to wall off parts of the world and use the full client from 6+ weeks ago really ended up screwing them. Should have had a curated demo experience instead of trying to show 5 levels mid game with everything locked. Probably caused a lot of issues with the client that they just didn't consider at scale.

I'm not going to shit all over them for trying something new and having issues. They clearly did not expect the level of interest and their back end systems suffered under the load. The service routing and client positioning layer definitely couldn't handle it so it's questionable if they can get their shit together for launch if a few weeks. Guess we'll see.
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