Black Desert


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
It certainly seems very sandbox-esque to me, there's quite a bit to do. The leveling is kind of theme-parkish, but it has quite a few features from UO, except item loss, which is arguably one of the most important. AFK-macroing to level (certain things, non combat) is in the game.

Can anyone confirm that auto-loop running to raise hp/stamina has been taken out? I can't set a complete loop and I found this on the forums:
It's not currently. Which means mostly won't care to raise Str until its in. I tested today just doing manual pack runs, with the Auto run, while doing some work and about 1-2 hours of pack runs(3 total plus some running around town) to go from 1 str to 2 str and all it gave was 2 weight limit increase, just two. Doesn't seem worth it at all unless that gain goes way up each level after. Rather just drop 13 bucks for 150 weight increase and save all that horrible time.


Trakanon Raider
So a few notes so far:
2) This game is not ready for a huge pop influx. The starter quests are seriously worse than day 1 WoW with mob density. Talking Goldshire on Warsong day 1 was better.
There are a ton of the quest mobs in other locations, but the game sends everyone to the same place.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
There are a ton of the quest mobs in other locations, but the game sends everyone to the same place.
This. The quest leads everyone to the same spots, but there are usually lots of mobs outside the areas marked.


Jumping is a detriment? Like WTF? They obviously need more channels. I would expect double or triple the amount of channels per server at launch. This is a stress test for them and they have admitted that. The mob density stuff will go away, they are doing it on purpose.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I just feel like this game is missing something, kill quest after quest, its just so dull. Are there any bosses wandering around or anything?


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Is xp turned up? I thought I was level 2 and am level 11...
It's actually much slower then KR :p

I just feel like this game is missing something, kill quest after quest, its just so dull. Are there any bosses wandering around or anything?
Be forewarned, the quest in this game are literally just there to give you contribution points and inventory slots and your black spirit quests(most important ones). Vast Majority of your exp and loot will come from just grinding mobs. You do not do quests to progress for the most part. Nothing like WoW or the majority of the MMOs since then.


I spent more time creating my character than playing. Finally logged in and auto ran to some quests, found out how to use skills and noped the fuck out.

Good luck to yall.


I'm bored. Is this going to be any good for someone to play casually? I'm not into big guild bullshit, either.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Blackwulf it is a very very pretty sandbox game. But the sandbox is padded, corralled, and limited in what you can do. Combat is fun if you like the class and how it plays but you had best really really love combat. Is it worth playing. In my mind yes, but it is of limited scope. Blade and soul has more "Game" to it, Black Desert has more lets throw this against the wall and see what happens.

It does have some neat ideas with the nodes and guild ability to hold them, but I have zero clue just how deep it is or will go.


Ancient MMO noob
Played couple hours CBT2, combat is fun, but the auto-pathing/questing kill the sandbox feel for me. Refunded my Traveler's Package.


Well, I can already say that I like it much better than Blade and Soul, speaking as a clicker.

There just is a lot more to do in this game than 'bam bam bam' endlessly all day. And thank God the running from place to place isn't near as slow as BnS.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I really prefer the older tab/hotbar combat to this action-fighter kind of shit, because it's almost entirely suited for melee instead of ranged classes. It becomes more about twitch than strategy, and if I want twitch I'll go play Counterstrike. Not to say that I won't be playing, but I think I'd have preferred it with a traditional style of combat.

That really doesn't give me much faith in Crowfall, because they're doing a shitty version of this kind of thing.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Played couple hours CBT2, combat is fun,but the auto-pathing/questing kill the sandbox feel for me. Refunded my Traveler's Package.
Bolded made me laugh.

Curious how you got a refund, unless you mean you did chargeback, since as soon as you play CBT you can't get a rebund(they even make you check a box agreeing with this when you first log in).


This game is actually surprising me quite a bit. I quite like the initial look of the crafting and production systems, along with the non-linked storages and no fast travel thing they have going on. But if you grind this shit out, at endgame...can you actually craft anything that anyone gives a shit about? Gear? Consumables? Barbie house furniture?


Ancient MMO noob
Traveler's Package ($30) doesnt grant you any CBT access, I picked up my CBT2 code from elsewhere. That's why I still can refund.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
This game is actually surprising me quite a bit. I quite like the initial look of the crafting and production systems, along with the non-linked storages and no fast travel thing they have going on. But if you grind this shit out, at endgame...can you actually craft anything that anyone gives a shit about? Gear? Consumables? Barbie house furniture?
I would expect yes for all of it? Considering to repair gear you need to have the exact same item, which you can get from drops but also craftable(outside of special drops). And when you start enchanting you will need to repair a lot. Consumables/pots/tools etc will constantly have to be replenished. Furniture not sure, but given current cash shop prices for them, I would expect it to sell quite well.

Plus given the energy system, I could see people just selling processed stuff doing quite well.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
I don't think I can actually play MMOs anymore. I was about as hyped as you can be for this, and it's really awesome in a lot of ways. Graphics put literally every other MMO to shame, runs great, combat is very meaty and satisfying, characters have pretty cool design, etc. Then I spend 90 minutes in it doing nothing but fetching bear asses and I've already uninstalled it. I just don't think I can do the level treadmill at this point.


Silver Squire
This really isn't a game you want to quest in unless you want to build up contribution or the few important quests that can expand inventory or give skill points. The quests suck. Story sucks. Grinding is much faster and more rewarding loot wise. If that is an issue for you then this probably should be a skipped title because you will be grinding with little reason other than lewtz.

I personally think they missed the mark on their target market. The PK thing and the karma penalties are so severe that no one is going to do it n(outside of a couple of kills here and there) unless they are throwing away the character. I know they wanted to focus on guild stuff and that is really cool but I think the guilds that are into that type of PvP can handle the gankers. So for me I think they erred a bit on the side of PVE safety and it will hurt them. Since the actual PVE content is fairly light as far as recent PVE based MMO's. No dungeons (which frankly I couldn't give a shit less about since the boss scrolls are done pretty well) will hurt them from a PVE standpoint.

They are trying to hit an odd spot in the market but don't have the content to really satisfy that carebear part. I'm not sure it's going to work for long but the game scratches a good itch for me regardless. I love the old school throw backs to inventory / money weight, local storage and the systems in place to help alleviate that. Combat is excellent. I love that I can just kill bosses and not have to deal with trash and lockout timers for the most part. It's really not a bad game, it just plays a little different.