Black Desert


Golden Squire
Ever since I found that setting for Quests showing up I have to avoid scratching that itch to knock out the ones I missed. Went back to Velia to start up my potato farming and probably had over half a dozen NPCs with quests to do.


Trump's Staff
Ever since I found that setting for Quests showing up I have to avoid scratching that itch to knock out the ones I missed. Went back to Velia to start up my potato farming and probably had over half a dozen NPCs with quests to do.
Easy to ignore all the repeatable Tradeskill/fishing quests! I do everything else, though.

These new outfits they added today are hilarious. Basically lingerie armor sets. Good ol' Korea.


Trump's Staff
People are saying Rangers got nerfed hard with their explosive evasion shot and the "shotgun" skill, which I'm guessing is Razor Wind?


Molten Core Raider
Lol @ the hate on Wooly.

Wooly, awomanon voice chat talking up the glories of Saudi Arabia definitely would have had me cracking up and I probably would have gone to Troll Town just to see what other absurd ignorant shit I could get her to say. It's entirely possible PRX would have kindly asked me to leave, too. It's better to embrace the ride to Troll Town rather than just be offended!

("So... being allowed to drive is just too much responsibility for the women of the first world?")


Vyemm Raider
Chat Filtering has been added.
Players will be able to access the new personal chat filter via the ESC menu. This menu will allow you to register words you want filtered from chat.
Filtered words can be up to 50 character long.
The chat filter is literal, not case sensitive and does not support wildcards.
Any chat entry containing the filtered word will not be displayed in your chat window.
RIP gold spam, thank god.


We could just give Wooly an autistic denotation next to his username to avoid any further for thought.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Look, I just love conversing especially with people more knowledgeable or that have different viewpoints than myself. Small talk gets boring as fuck because you know what people are going to say before they actually say it, and sometimes I just like to have deeper conversations. I'm probably mildly autistic, being realistic, so I lack that switch that tells me when things are better left unsaid. It's just that I prefer talking to people over listening to music, or watching movies, while grinding... and there's a LOT of grinding in this game. So that translates to a lot of talking, and I just can't do the whole, "how's your day? great, you?" routine over and over. People IRL usually love me, and I'm easy to get along with because I'm especially open minded. It takes something extremely offensive, and flat out wrong, to get me going.

I get why that pisses some people off both here, and in-game, because some people play to escape the real-world. I get it. I apologize, this is just my personality and it's better suited towards my relationships in real life than here.


Molten Core Raider
Catfish aren't the only thing people are levelling on.

I'm on Orwan and it's crowded as fuck. Stop trolling Wooly.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Like I said, there was an also an incident with this exact same person. I was camping Kzarka for three hours, and offered to not only invite my guildmates but to go pick them up from Trent (three minutes away) because apparently they did not know how to look at a map. I went and picked them, and her up, and come back to my spawn and find it camped by another member of PRX who just fucking came in took it from me the second I left.

Instead of inviting him into our group and grinding together as a five-man, that member and HER, tell me to fuck off because it's his spawn now, and that he's "been there for three hours" which was a flat out fucking lie. I was gone no longer than three minutes, and now they're not only refusing to group (and share) like most guilds, he's taking the spawn from me, and then lying to me about it. I was told to shut the fuck up. I then said let's switch instances instead of fucking with another guild that had the rest of the dungeon camped, and was told to shut the fuck up again, by her. An entire clusterfuck ensued and she blamed the entire thing on me in /guild.

Every person that was present or in the channel, besides her and Shepherd, told me "Wooly, this shit isn't fucking right." An officer told me, "dude, post this shit on the forum pronto because this is fucking bullshit man. I saw what happened, and you have to defend yourself." I posted and was basically told, "It's PRX rules that he can take your spawn because you left." That officer that told me to do post never came to bat or defend me. The problem was that I posted a very mild version of events leaving out names because I didn't want to really cause any drama or see her kicked, because I'm generally a very nice person.

I mean I should have /gquit right then and there though. The whole anti-semitism thing was just icing on the cake and made me realize just how much I fucking hated her. Made me seriously regret my decision not to air the whole damn Kzarka incident, names and all, out to the guild. None of you see the problem with any of this shit? How would any of you have responded had you been in my shoes?

Anyway, where are the new Mediah leveling spots?


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Can you please tell us the story one more time? I don't think we fully appreciate what happened yet.
Apparently not because you're acting like I was being unreasonable. A guildmate stole my spawn, selfishly refused to group, lied to my face about it, and then told me to shut the fuck up and that it's his spawn now, all because I left for three minutes to help other members of the guild.

How would you have acted in that situation Flux? Maybe I should have offered to suck his cock?


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Wooly hears:
"Don't spam guild chat with drama, talk to an officer or use the forums to settle it."

And understands it as:
"dude, post this shit on the forum pronto because this is fucking bullshit man. I saw what happened, and you have to defend yourself."


Can you please tell us the story one more time? I don't think we fully appreciate what happened yet.
Apparently not because you're acting like I was being unreasonable. A guildmate stole my spawn, selfishly refused to group, lied to my face about it, and then told me to shut the fuck up and that it's his spawn now, all because I left for three minutes to help other members of the guild.

How would you have acted in that situation Flux? Maybe I should have offered to suck his cock?
Sweet baby actually repeated it.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Wooly hears:
"Don't spam guild chat with drama, talk to an officer or use the forums to settle it."

And understands it as:
"dude, post this shit on the forum pronto because this is fucking bullshit man. I saw what happened, and you have to defend yourself."
Tuco, I was going to bring it directly to you or Kedwyn. Jerrak told me to post it on the forums and that he'd back me up. I was very reluctant to go down that route, but I swear that's what happened. As an officer, I thought he'd take care of it and settle everything if I brought it to light. I guess I underestimated his influence, or willingness to help, because AFAIK he never said a word to any of you. Had Jerrak not asked me to post it, I never would have and this entire thing plays out completely differently. Jerrak never supported me like he said he would, I guess because of Shepherd's influence within the guild.

There's one quality I have, and that's integrity. That's exactly what happened, no bullshit or embellishment. Jerrak's really a pretty nice guy btw, but I never had the chance to talk with him again because he doesn't play all that much anymore. You can ask him personally about his version if you gave a shit, I guess. This is why I behaving the way I did.

And he told me to post on the forums as soon as possible because Relient was talking mad shit about me in guild chat. I was in XRP so I couldn't see exactly what she was saying, but I think he told me to do it ASAP because he thought I might get /gkicked by something she was saying? I don't know his reasoning, but I was new to the guild and I had an officer telling me to do something...

I mean what the fuck man, do you really blame me for being salty?