Black Sails


> Than U
I'm curious how it went from this ending to Geena Davis small tits swashbuckling around in what about 15 years time?
NM Cutthroad Island was 1660's
I guess that took place 55 years before Black Sails.


Buzzfeed Editor
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
The season was hurt by Frenchy McFrogface. Way too much time spent on her and how "powerful" she is.

Either way, I'm somewhat glad to see it end. The show really seemed to start coming off the rails toward the middle of season 3 on through. A few solid episodes here and there, but it just seemed like they weren't really sure where they really wanted to take the show.


> Than U
The season was hurt by Frenchy McFrogface. Way too much time spent on her and how "powerful" she is.

Either way, I'm somewhat glad to see it end. The show really seemed to start coming off the rails toward the middle of season 3 on through. A few solid episodes here and there, but it just seemed like they weren't really sure where they really wanted to take the show.
The show was definitely at it's peak in season 3. I am not as disappointed in the finale as I was in general the last 6 or so episodes. The politics of peace killed it really. A pirate's life was anything but. We needed more parrots, and arrhs and yesh swashbucklin deckrat, I'll have yer gizzards.


FPS noob
to continue the nautical/pirate fix, Pirates of the Carribean 5 is out May 17th (movie budget: 320m... lol) and this fall on AMC there will be a 4 episode mini series, The Terror. Based on the book by Dan Simmons (Hyperion) starring Jared the dude from Mad Men / Expanse about a ship doing the southern antarctic route and something that "terrorizes" them



Blackwing Lair Raider
I really liked the ending to what was mostly an awesome show. I thought the first season dragged, and it was obvious that they went "oh shit we have half a season left" after the Spanish invasion in the final one. But everything in between and the final two episodes were amazing.


FPS noob
man i didn't realize how much I was looking forward to black sails every week until I realized there isn't going to be a new episode in 12 hours. Or ever again. damn damn damn



Trakanon Raider
Sad this is over. For those complaining about the ending, the directors have said they wanted to end and have you basically pick up treasure island and keep going. In some way you had to have certain characters live like flint to stay true to that,


Still a Music Elitist
The ending was way too happy for me. I get that a lot of people are supposed to live because of the Treasure Island storyline, but they were setting everything up for a Shakespearean tragedy and one died.


FPS noob

Luke Arnold was originally cast as Charles Vane and switched to Long John Silver just a few weeks before shooting started, crazy
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Semi-pro Monopoly player
Of course, I am late to this party....

Almost done with season 3, I really have enjoyed this show so far. (Sorry I didn't catch it when it was current)


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Just got around to watching this final season...

Does no one else think that LJS killed Flint?? I don't think he got that gay fairytale ending. That was the story LJS told to Madi. Hell, even she questioned the logistics of him sending a man to the plantation all the way in the US to seek out Flint's gay lover, hoof it all the way back to Nassau, and all before the Spanish invasion. He got caught in a lie which painted him as a betrayer to the slave uprising from the get go, or he confess that he murdered Flint in cold blood.

The other dead giveaway to me is that we are last seen with LJS with a barrel of a gun pointed at Flint's chest and LJS in tears saying he doesn't want it to go "this way".. there is no sound after while the camera immediately cuts to the expedition party all reacting to something in the distance where LJS and Flint were having that conversation.

In my mind, LJS shot Flint. The whole plantation sequence was a dreamlike sequence as LJS told Madi the tale. Another of his many tales he has made up since he first showed up in the series.

My 2c.


FPS noob
yeah I think there's a lot of evidence to support LJS killing Flint and not a lot to support him being alive. Although the flashback scenes had the actual actor who played Thomas, so how would LJS know what he looked like? Either way a bit interesting, I think its one of those things that let you take away whatever you want from the story. Still a tad disappointed the ends for Rackham, Anne, Woods Rogers, etc weren't a bit more "definitive" especially since history tells us what happened to most of them.

gonna rewatch the entire series from start to finish soon, this is one of those shows like Rome, Spartacus, Deadwood, The Wire, etc that gets even better on every rewatch.
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Molten Core Raider
Super super late to the part but finally found time to finish off all of season 4.

Agree that the ending felt a little flat. Like they all decided to stop fighting all of a sudden and give up their conflicts both internal and external.
I like the theory of LJS killing Flint, and flint going into the plantation reminded me of the end of Gladiator.


Trump's Staff
horrible actress, insufferable accent. Giant Mary-sue character. as you yourself noted.. why is this character so well educated? why does everyone listen to them? why does everyone want to fuck her and trust her? turned two seemingly straight women bi-sexual. as well as any given number of men all want her. that you think she is heading for a crash is cute though. she had her low point in season1 "on the beach". seems like a clear author favorite.

she might be an swap for Mary Read.

Max was the worst character and I wanted her to die throughout the show, could you NOT want to fuck her? Mm.

Mary Read got introduced at the end of the finale, if no one else noticed that.

Decent show overall. Now I gotta finish Westworld.


Watched a few episodes of first season and couldn’t get into this show. It’s $10 for entire series right now on Microsoft store. Is it worth it?


El Presidente
Watched a few episodes of first season and couldn’t get into this show. It’s $10 for entire series right now on Microsoft store. Is it worth it?
I like the show a lot. You should give it a few more episodes before giving up on it, but at some point if you don't like it you don't like it.
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FPS noob
If you don't like it by 4-5 episodes then yeah it doesn't really change that much, its over the top pirates of the caribbean with some deadwood, rome, and video game thrown in

whole lotta titties in seasons 1-2 to really make the time fly by
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The series tends to repeat its themes many times throughout the series. It has some really nice elements (a surprisingly good take on the nature of man for one thing) which are worth sifting through the rest to get to if you at least enjoy the action.